Nortal (webmedia) börsile (WEB1T ???) - Investeerimine - Foorum - LHV finantsportaal

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Nortal (webmedia) börsile (WEB1T ???)

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    Tutvustus ettevõte kodulehelt:

    Webmedia, founded in 2000, has been the fastest growing software development company in the Baltic States ever since.

    Today, Webmedia is one of the largest software development companies in the Baltics, currently employing close to 300 people in software development with front offices and development in Estonia, Lithuania and Denmark, and an additional development centers in Romania and Serbia. We started our international activities in 2004 and we expect to grow them rapidly over the coming years.

    We specialize in high-end software development, employing hand-picked specialists and training them on a constant basis to sustain our quality and competence levels.

    We have built up our business to support the near-shoring model as we have five development centers in Estonia, Lithuania, Romania and Serbia.

    Our strategy is to build up a network of companies in Europe that support the near-shoring development process and utilize our flexibility in resource usage and our ability to adjust quickly to market movements. We are utilizing different business models for different countries including subsidiaries, joint ventures and strategic partnerships with leading local companies.

    We believe in long-term partnerships and are thus always prepared to invest our time and effort into making them work and last. We know that only the best people can add real business value and we are working hard to build and sustain a team of top specialists powered by a highly professional corporate culture and strong management.

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  • Kas kogu raha läheb Webmedia kasvuks, või võtavad osa sellest praegused omanikud välja?
  • Et siis mis.
    Tundub hea kompanii olevat esmapilgul
  • Uudis siis pigem, et nad börsile EI läinud.
  • Mitte päris. Kunagi lubasid, et kui 500 mio käivet, siis lähevad. Praegu niipalju veel pole.
  • äp: Enterprise Investors`i (EI) riskikapitali eest vastutav partner Rafal Bator kinnitas, et kavatseb Webmedia viie aasta jooksul börsile viia. Batori sõnul on nende eesmärk Webmediasse tehtud investeeringut kasvatada kolme- kuni neljakordseks. See tähendab, et IPOst loodavad nad saada ca 300-450 miljonit krooni.
  • mis piir on 500m kr ehk siis 30m eur käive? mõne suurfondi min investment ?
  • asjast huvitatutel oli võimalik küsimusi esitada. Tavapärase p*arahe vahel oli ka mõni asjalik küsimus.
  • Kotka: katsume kiirelt kasvada börsile mineku jaoks

    Eesti suurima tarkvaraarendaja ASi Webmedia juht Taavi Kotka ütles pärast ostulepingu allkirjastamist ASi Microlink Eesti infohalduse osakonna omandamiseks, et ettevõtte suund on kiirel kasvul. Eesmärgiks on olla börsikõlbulik kolme-nelja aasta pärast.

    „Katsume kõikides oma põhivaldkondades võimalikult kiirelt kasvada, et annaks börsi mõõdu välja,“ sõnas Kotka. Tema sõnul on Webmedia grupi järgmiste aastate eesmärk kasvatada oma käivet sedavõrd, et erinevate riikide lõikes, kus ettevõte tegutseb, teenitaks kasumina 5-7 miljonit eurot. „See on miinimumlatt, millest üle hüpata, et üldse börsile minna,“ lisas Kotka.
  • Kas Webmedia konkureerib mingis osas turul ka Delfiga?
  • Eelmise nädala Ekspressis põhjalik kirjutis Nortalist.
  • Kirjutise point oli minu arvates: ehita firmat, võta riske, tekita töökohti, maksa makse, sisene tagasilöökidest heitumata välisturgudele jne ja siis kui on ettevõtte eluteel raskem hetk, tuleb härra Toivo Tänavsuu ja kirjutab kõigest sellest parastava pateetilise tooniga sensatsiooniloo. Ma ei tea Nortali siseelust eriti midagi (ausalt öeldes see gossipi pool ei huvita ka eriti - tean ainult, et edumeelne ja kiirelt arenenud kõrge lisandväärtusega ettevõte). Aga sellised dramaatilised ajakirjanduslikud võtted nagu "Kotka nägi inimest. Alamäe jälgib inimressurssi" jne, millest see lugu kubises, on lihtsalt bollocks*.

    *Hint: Igas normaalses ettevõttes on tehakse samaaegselt mõlemat.
  • Ah tead äriettevõtete sisest musta pesu ajakirjanduses pestes jääb mustus külge nii pesijatele (ajakirjanikud) kui ka pestavatele.
  • Oli minulgi aastaid Ekspress koju tellitud. Mingi hetk hakkas tunduma, et sisu on kesiseks jäänud... ja iga nädal jäi silma, et keegi Toivo Tänavsuu on üllitanud täiesti küündimatu IT-valdkonna artikli. Tol ajal viljeles ta positiivsusest nõretavate "järgmise Skype" edulugude kirjutamist. Isiklikult mul selle selliga kokkupuuted puuduvad, aga naljakal kombel said just tema artiklid kaalukeeleks, miks otsekorralduse tühistasin. Ma ei soovi, et minu raha eest rumalusi toodetaks.
  • Kuidas turgu hõivata:

    1. Mõtle välja üks MamboJambo®
    2. Kuuluta see standardiks mida ainult sina tohid kasutada
    3. Palu see omadel jopedel igasse riigihankesse kirjuatada
    4. Loe raha.
  • Lenzer

    3. omasid jopesid pole üldse vaja, piisab sellest kui esimene riigihange võita ja et mambojambo oleks piisavalt keerukas, et konkurendid ei suudaks jätkuhangetel konkureerida
  • Normaalne oleks hoopis nõuda, et firma pakuks standarseid lahendusi, mida on võimalik pärast kellelgi teisel üle võtta, mitte ei kasutaks enda leiutatud frameworke ja teeke.

    Sattusin rääkima ühe statistikaametis töötava inimesega, ütles, et nad olid väga õnnetud ise ka kõik selle hanke üle aga midagi muud polnud teha, Nortali jura oli end neile sinna sisse söönud, või söödetud siis süsteemidesse.
  • skel, sõltumata standardsetest lahendustest, on IT-arenduste puhul oluliselt lihtsam töötada selle partneriga, kes tunneb su äriloogikat. Eriti avalikus sektoris, kus infosüsteemid on väga keerulised ja omavad väga erinevaid seoseid teiste andmebaaside, registrite ja kõige muuga veel.
    Äriloogika tundmine aitab IT-firmal teha palju täpsema pakkumise kui konkurendid (töömahu hinnang on täpsem) ja teiseks välistab riski, et mingeid etappe on vaja hakata üle või ümber tegema, sest testimisel selgus, et midagi on puudu/üle/katki.
    Lisaks sellele on see ka hankijale odavam, kuna protsess sujub kiiremini ja sujuvamalt, süsteemid saavad tõenäoliselt õigeks ajaks valmis ja mingite ootamatute anomaaliate tõenäosus on väiksem.
  • Ilmselgelt see kellega varem on koostööd tehtud paremini kursis äriloogikaga aga see ei tähenda et alati igal juhul peaks neid eelistama ning laskma neil teha enda leitatud tehnoloogiaga lock-ini.

  • Tehnoloogiline lock-in on saatanast, sellega ma olen nõus. Ja samuti kehvalt koostatud hanked, kus jäetakse tähelepanuta litsentsitingimused ja tulevased püsikulud.
  • Kas sellele Draaxi kommentaarile miinuse pannud võiksid ka selgitada, mis selles kommentaaris valesti või halvasti on öeldud?
    Loogiline ja lihtne. Kui hankija jaoks on tähtaegne ja töötav süsteem prioriteet nr 1, siis kirjutatakse ka hanketingimused vastavaks (hinnal väiksem osakaal). Vahel kasutatakse selleks ka koostööpartnerite know-howd (muide, siin ei ole Nortal mingi erand - analoogset sisendit annavad hankijatele paljud partnerid).
    Legacy lock-in on tõepoolest paha - selle vältimine on aga hankija pädevuses - pole mingi probleem kirjutada hankesse sisse tingimused, mis nõuavad "laialt kasutatava platvormi" kasutamist. Kui seda tehtud ei ole, tuleb nõuda selgitust. Vahel võib olla mõjuvaid põhjuseid (n: olemasoleva suure süsteemi täiendamine suhteliselt väikeses mahus).
    Lahtiütelus: viimase aasta jooksul olen olnud episoodiliselt erapooletu konsultant (tuttav korraldab hankeid, ise ei ole enam seotud riigihangetega mingil moel) mõningate hangete tingimuste osas.
  • Nortal olnud hiljuti aktiivne tehinguturgudel.

    Nortal kaasas võlakirjaemissiooniga 12 miljonit eurot
    Rahvusvaheline tarkvara- ning ärikonsultatsioonide ettevõte Nortal kaasas institutsionaalsetelt investoritelt Soomes ja Balti riikides võlakirjade emiteerimisega 12 miljonit eurot, mida ettevõte kasutab muuhulgas USA ettevõtte Dev9 ostu finantseerimiseks ja Saksamaal tegevuse laiendamiseks.

    «On hea meel, et kahel järjestikusel aastal läbi viidud võlakirjaemissioon on tõestanud, et investorite huvi ettevõtte vastu on kõrge ning meie tulemused on tekitanud neis usalduse ja kindlustunde. Lähiajal Tallinna börsil võlakirjade noteerimise kavatsust meil ei ole,» ütles Nortali juhatuse liige Andre Krull BNS-ile.

    Võlakirjad on 5-protsendise intressimääraga ning lunastustähtpäevaga 25. mai 2022. Võlakirjaemissiooni korraldas Evli Bank, märkimist viis läbi Redgate Capital.

    Kolmapäeval teatas Nortal USA pilveteenustele spetsialiseerunud tarkvara- ja konsultatsiooniettevõtte Dev9 ostust, kuid selle tehingu maksumus ei kuulu avaldamisele. Seda tehingut finantseeriti võlakirjaemissiooniga, kus osalesid olulisel määral muuhulgas ka Swedbanki ja SEB pensionifondid.

    Ja teade Dev 9 ostust. Nortal acquires Dev9, a US cloud engineering company
    As one of the top North American AWS Advanced and Google Cloud Premier partners, Dev9 delivers innovation through software development rooted in continuous integration and delivery (CI/CD), automation and cloud.
    “This merger enriches our offerings, in the U.S. and globally, by enhancing existing data-driven technology capabilities and adding significant depth to cloud modernization,” adds Shvaikovsky.
    “For the past 8 years, Dev9 has assembled an exceptional team of world-class software development and cloud transformation innovators who collaborate long-term with clients to tackle their most complex technology initiatives,” says Matt Munson, co-founder and CEO of Dev9. “Together with Nortal’s global delivery presence and business domain and industry expertise, Dev9 teams will now serve customers round-the-clock with high caliber, end-to-end best practice solutions.”
    Nortal and Dev9 will merge their current U.S. management and teams, becoming the foundation for Nortal’s North American expansion. Dev9 CEO, Matt Munson, will continue to lead the Dev9 team as part of Nortal Group.

  • NORTAL: €50 million bond issue to bolster Nortal’s expansion and accelerate growth
    Nortal has concluded a €50 million bond issue to bolster the company’s expansion efforts and refinance an existing bond. Bonds were issued with five-year maturity and 4.75% coupon rate.

    According to Priit Alamäe, founder and CEO of Nortal, this is the largest bond issue to date for Nortal that was mainly subscribed by renowned institutional investors. “Success of this bond issue, active interest by investors and a coupon rate of 4.75% is a testament of Nortal’s good reputation with the investor community and a strong sign of confidence and trust,” says Alamäe.

    “I’m especially glad to see the bond issue so warmly welcomed in one of our most important home markets — the Nordics,” states Alamäe, adding that 75% of demand came primarily from institutional investors from Finland, Sweden and Norway, and 25% from investors and pension funds from Latvia, Estonia and Continental Europe.
    In past years, Nortal has been growing fast in employee numbers and revenue as well as expanding geographically. In 2018, the company acquired Dev9, a Seattle-based software engineering consultancy specializing in cloud modernization, and has invested in building a strong presence in Germany.

    “We are looking forward to furthering our offerings and accelerating growth in Germany, the Nordics and the U.S.,” adds Alamäe.

    The bond proceeds of €50 million will be used to refinance an existing bond and for general corporate purposes, allowing Nortal to continue accelerating growth through tactical acquisitions in existing markets. The issue, with five-year maturity and a 4.75% coupon rate, will pay interest semi-annually.

    For the bond issue, Pareto Securities acted as global coordinator and bookrunner, Redgate Capital as local manager, and the trustee agent is Nordic Trustee Oy.

    ÄP: Kuidas kuue päevaga 50 miljonit kokku korjata
    Nortali juht Priit Alamäe rääkis tänases Äripäeva raadio hommikuprogrammis lahti teekonna, kuidas ta kuue päevaga külastas seitset riiki selleks, et müüa investoritele usku ettevõttesse.

    "Hommikul istud lennukile, teed päev otsa kohtumisi. Õhtul võtad järgmise lennuki, sõidad järgmisesse riiki, hotell. Hommikul kohtumised, õhtul lennuk ja nii edasi," kirjeldas Alamäe võlakirja emissiooni tausta.

    Alamäe rääkis, et see töö sillutab teed börsile minekuks - kui see mõte peaks tulema, on teatud usaldussuhted loodud. "Usalduse ehitamine jae- ja institutsionaalsete investorite seas on ikka väga-väga pikk protsess. Ja nii me oleme seda kaks ja pool aastat teinud. See tähendab seda, et me iga kvartal jagame oma majandustulemusi, kommenteerime neid, me anname prognoose, täidame prognoose."

    Q: Miks just võlakiri ja miks intress natuke üle nelja protsendi?
    A: Me otsustasime minna võlakirjaturule kaks ja pool aastat tagasi ning seal oli kaks kaalutlust.
    Esiteks me oleme nii-öelda asset-light ettevõte. Meil on vähe kinnisvara, masinaid - või meil ei olegi põhimõtteliselt kinnisvara-masinaid ja klassikalises mõttes pangatagatisi.
    Seetõttu oleme pankadele väga keeruline finantseerimisobjekt, kuna klassikaline pangatagatis peab olema kinnisvara või mingi tajutav vara. Eks me oleme Eesti panganduse jaoks natukene liiga suured.
    Teine kaalutlus oli see, et kui sa kunagi tahad minna ettevõttena avalikuks, siis usalduse ehitamine jae- ja institutsionaalsete investorite seas on väga-väga pikk protsess. Me oleme seda kaks ja pool aastat teinud. See tähendab, et jagame iga kvartal oma majandustulemusi, kommenteerime neid, anname prognoose, täidame prognoose. Ehitame pikapeale üles usaldust laiemas investorite kogukonnas. Kindlasti see tuleb meile mingil hetkel kasuks.
    Q: Kuidas saaks praegu väikeinvestor Nortalisse investeerida?
    A: Tuleb pöörduda meie emissiooni korraldajate poole, kes Põhjamaades oli Pareto ja Eestis Redgate Capital.
  • Rahageeniuse portaalis Suur intervjuu Priit Alamäega: mõnes mõttes on väike ime, et meie e-riigil läheb endiselt täitsa hästi

    Börsile mineku kontekstis midagi ei mainita, samuti ei ole eriti midagi konkreetset majandustulemuste osas. Peale selle, et ettevõte on jätkuvalt kiire kasvu režiimis ja Alamäe näeb kasvu veel pikemalt.
    Q: Mis teie ambitsioon on USA turul? Kas te tahate seal pigem rahulikult kasvada või võib ka teid leida 10 aasta pärast sealsete suurettevõtete seast – ilmselt küll mitte 500, aga äkki 5000?
    A: Tead, 10 aastat on nii pikk perspektiiv, et mul ausalt ei ole aimu, mis siis toimub. Aga meil ettevõttena on DNA-sse sisse ehitatud, et eilne eesmärk on tänane norm. Kogu aeg tuleb edasi liikuda, kunagi ei saa olla rahul sellega, mis juba on. Rahulik kasv… ma arvan, et see ei ole meil kunagi teemaks.

    Q: Nii et ikka kahekordistumine?
    A: (Naerab) Mis kahekordistumine. Tahaks ikka rohkem!
    Küsimus on natuke mõtlemises. Kas tahad eelmise aastaga võrreldes 10% kasvada – või mõtled, mis on igal hetkel ettevõtte potentsiaal ja kuidas on seda võimalik realiseerida. Meie mõtlemine on sinna teise suunda.
    See tuleneb ka sellest, et oleme väga erinevatel turgudel väga erinevas arengustaadiumis. Eestis oleme selgelt kõige suurema turuosaga. Ma arvan, et Eestis teatakse, et kui on vaja teha midagi päris suurt ja keerulist, siis Nortal on selgelt parim valik.
    Soomes oleme kiirelt kasvav tubli keskmik. Samas Soome turg on Eestiga võrreldes vähemalt 10 korda suurem. Seal võiksime rahulikult olla tänasest ka viis korda suurem. USA-st rääkimata. USA-s ja Saksamaal oleme suuruse mõttes startup. Omaanis oleme ka kui mitte turuliider, siis üks turuliidritest kindlasti, kuid seal on ka turg teise dünaamikaga.
    Eri riikides on ettevõtted väga erinevas elukaare etapis, aga grupi tasemel ma ei näe, et meil võiks kasvule piir ette tulla.

  • vahendab: Nortal müüb Rootsis osa ärist, sest sünergia jäi tulemata
    Tarkvara- ja ärikonsultatsioonide ettevõte Nortal müüb turunduse automatiseerimise ärisuuna Rootsis kohalikule juhtkonnale, sest Nortali põhiäriga ei õnnestunud tekitada loodetud sünergiat.

    Ärisuuna omandavad ettevõtte juht Rootsis Jonas Ander ning turunduse automatiseerimise valdkonna juht Mathias Jonsson. Nortal sisenes Rootsi turule 2016. aastal turunduse automatiseerimise ettevõtte Element ostu teel.

    Hind ja teised tehingut puudutavad detailid ei kuulu Nortali teatel avaldamisele. Tehingu peavad veel heaks kiitma ettevõtte võlakirjainvestorid.

    Huvitav, et selliseid asju võlakirjainvestorid heaks kiitma peavad. Eeldaks, et välist heakskiitu tuleb otsida kohalikust konkurentsi järelevalvega tegelevast ametiasutusest.
  • PR: Nortal increased revenue in 2019 to €86 million
    Multinational strategic change and technology company Nortal increased total consolidated revenue in 2019 by 29% to €86 million. The company’s operating profit (EBITDA) reached €11.4 million in 2019, resulting in EBITDA margin of 13%.

    According to Nortal’s Founder and CEO, Priit Alamäe, 2019 was a good year for the company, demonstrating strong financial results across all home markets as well as concluding a €50 million bond issue to bolster expansion efforts in the upcoming years in Germany and the Nordics.

    The most significant contributors to growth in 2019 were Germany, the U.S and Finland. “Our portfolio is well-balanced both in terms of geographies as well as sectors. We continue to invest in long-term strategic relationships with our customers for whom our people can create a tangible positive impact. These are the success factors that have created sustainable growth,” adds Alamäe.

    Following the acquisition of Seattle-based software engineering company Dev9 at the end of 2018, Nortal secured expected synergies, diversified the portfolio and drove new business opportunities in the U.S via integrating businesses in 2019. “Our customers, many of whom are in the Fortune 500 list, are now served by an integrated global delivery organization on both sides of the Atlantic.”

    Among other growth drivers, Alamäe names extensive leveraging of data, a user-centric approach, strong substance knowledge and software delivery automation as factors that played a significant role in 2019 growth and will continue to do so in 2020 as well.

    2020 Outlook

    “The economic outlook for 2020 includes substantial uncertainties due to the Covid-19 pandemic and the economic crisis. However, our business has proven to be resilient, and we are well positioned long-term due to our competence and customer mix,” states Alamäe.

    The pandemic has also proven to be a major catalyst for change in 2020, according to Alamäe, accelerating the need for digital transformation across both public and private sectors and increasing the importance of business agility to be able to act fast in times of uncertainty.

    “The investment in digital transformation has proven to be an invaluable insurance policy for the organizations that have taken it seriously over the years. We can now see that e-commerce, digitalization of supply-chains and production, e-services in government and the availability of digital medical data are critical to the functioning of any government or organization, rather than nice-to-have features,” adds Alamäe.

    Building stronger strategic relationships

    In 2019, the company invested in building a stronger strategic workshop culture enhanced with design thinking.

    “It has become an integral part of how we work with our customers and build strategic relationships. Bringing together domain expertise, a strong understanding of the technology development curve and a user-centric approach, allows us to both define the problems and explore the solutions in a fresh, meaningful way,” adds Alamäe.

    Tapping into global capabilities for local impact

    Over the past years, the company has organizationally transformed its ways of working into a distributed delivery setup – allowing for agility and enhancing collaboration as well as knowledge-sharing across the teams from Tallinn to Seattle, from Helsinki to Dubai.

    The Nortal distributed delivery model is the foundation for compiling cross-border high-skilled teams on short notice to address customers’ specific business needs efficiently.

    “At the end of Q1 2020, our distributed delivery model was further successfully tested by the global quarantine and proved to be extremely resilient and efficient, allowing us to keep meeting deadlines and exceeding quality expectations while working remotely from home offices,” says Alamäe.

    Focus on employee engagement and professional development

    The company continues to focus on employee engagement, well-being and professional development, as well as contributing to the development of strong professional communities in all of Nortal’s home markets.

    “The best customer experience requires highly skilled people who are inspired and on top of their game. Our people are intrinsic when it comes to creating value for our customers, so each year, we invest an equivalent of roughly 20% of our profit into people development. This includes internal trainings, professional development and community building,” states Alamäe.
  • Sama äri tegevate ettevõtete turul Skandinaavias jätkub kõva paugutamine. HiQ pakkumine.
  • Nortal to acquire Schütze, a recognized strategic consulting and IT solutions company in Germany
    Nortal has entered into a definitive agreement to acquire Schütze AG, a leading strategic consulting and software engineering company in Germany. The merge strengthens Nortal’s expansion strategy in Europe, creating a transatlantic digital transformation powerhouse of 1000 experts.
    “Schütze and Nortal join through similar DNA and values – both in how we conduct business as well as our organizational culture. We share a common belief in creating a meaningful impact for our customers by combining strategic consulting, data-driven technologies and software engineering to simplify and optimize complex processes,” says founder and CEO of Nortal Priit Alamäe.

    “Over the past few years, Nortal has built a growing local business in Germany, working with customers in healthcare, public and private sectors. I’m glad we have found an established partner with a strong local presence and a high-quality offering to accelerate growth,” adds Nortal Germany Country Manager Taavi Einaste.

    Nortal has been operating in Germany since 2018. Most recently, the company launched an award-winning pilot to manage digital prescriptions, paired with medical video consultations in the federal state of Hessen, together with Optica and other partners.

    According to CEO of Schütze AG Ole Behrens-Carlsson, with the past 20 years, Schütze has established itself as a recognized, federal-level service provider in Germany. “We have assembled an exceptional team of world-class experts who collaborate with long-term customers to help them digitize their organizations, businesses and services,” adds Behrens-Carlsson.

    Schütze is known as the trusted partner for the federal administration in Germany in the introduction of electronic invoices. Additionally, Schütze is the market leader in Germany in providing and implementing trust centers to pseudonymize sensitive data in the eHealth sector.

    “Tapping into Nortal’s expertise as one of the main architects of eGovernment in Estonia, the company’s global delivery presence, and expertise from Europe and the U.S., we can combine world-class public sector know-how, enhance our healthcare offering and expand our services to industry and manufacturing sectors in Germany,” adds Behrens-Carlsson.

    According to Alamäe, Schütze and Nortal will continue to invest in the long-term strategic relationships with customers in Germany, expand a joint-offering portfolio and drive new business opportunities.

    Nortal and Schütze will merge their current management and teams in Germany, becoming the foundation for Nortal’s expansion. Schütze AG CEO, Ole Behrens-Carlsson, will lead the joint business in Germany as part of the Nortal brand and become a member of the Group Leadership Team.

    “Ole has the track record and breadth of experience we believe to be critical to take our business forward in Germany and lead the organization,” adds Alamäe.

    With a merged team in Germany and an expanding global distributed delivery team in the U.S. and Europe, Nortal can offer customers in Germany the unique combination of best-in-class expertise across disciplines and domains.

    About Schütze

    For more than 20 years, Schütze experts have been supporting significant projects for Germany’s digital pioneers. Schütze employs 170 professional consultants, developers and IT operators, who create digital solutions in the areas of administration, associations, medium-sized businesses and healthcare.
  • Skelia, an award-winning leader in building cross-border IT organizations to merge with Nortal, a global digital transformation leader.
    Multinational strategic change and technology company Nortal announced to integrate Skelia, an international leader in building cross-border IT and engineering organizations and affiliate companies in Eastern-Europe. Skelia brings cross-border organization-building expertise to Nortal’s unparalleled ability to deliver value by complex digital transformation projects.

    As the next steps, Nortal and Skelia will focus on creating customer synergies and value, as well as building additional opportunities for Skelia’s great talent in Poland and Ukraine, to become part of a fast-growing, impact-driven global company.

    "Skelia has established itself as an international leader in building dedicated multi-site technology teams in areas where customers want to stay in control and experience premium team stability and service quality. Their strong presence in Ukraine and Poland provides Nortal an excellent platform for growth. Together, we are able to further expand the business across different geographies and time zones while strengthening our offering and serve customers across the full value spectrum, seamlessly," Priit Alamäe, Founder of Nortal.

    "It’s an exciting moment for Skelia. In Nortal we found a perfect match and strategic partner, with shared ambitions, shared people values and a strong customer focus. By joining forces, Nortal and Skelia leverage each other’s complementary and individual strengths and provide new career opportunities for our global combined employee pool of more than 1700 people. Nortal brings us a rich experience in building complex solutions and products. This is highly complementary to Skelia’s longstanding business of building over 200 stable cross-border IT and engineering organizations for leading companies across Europe, UK, the Nordics and USA," Patrik Vandewalle, CEO & Co-Founder of Skelia.

    Skelia was founded in 2008 and it currently employs more than 350 people, mostly in Ukraine and Poland. Skelia serves customers in 10 countries and operates through a global network of offices in the Benelux, Poland, Ukraine, and the United States.

    Nortal. Founded in 2000, Nortal employs over 1400 people and has 20 offices in Europe, the United States, and the Middle East. Nortal’s Seamless Teams bring together world-class strategic consulting, software engineering, product and customer experience, project management and design practices to create meaningful impact for customers and seamlessly deliver the future.

    The acquisition was advised by Dragon Capital on the buyer’s side and Oaklins Sweden on the seller’s side.
  • Nortali käibe kasv eelmisel aastal +45% ja EBITDA +31%. Absoluutarvud vastavalt 189,8mEUR käive ning 36mEUR tegevuskasumit.
  • PR: Nortal acquires Questers, an international distributed software development company from TPXimpact
    We announced today the acquisition of Questers, an award-winning distributed software company. As a subsidiary of UK-based TPXimpact Holdings PLC (AIM: TPX), Questers will now merge with our daughter company pwrteams to strengthen its footprint in North America and the UK, and bolster its existing business of creating cross-border IT and engineering teams for customers globally.

    Nortal will merge Questers with its subsidiary pwrteams. Strategic acquisition strengthens pwrteams’ footprint, access to talent and ability to build cross-border IT and engineering teams for the customers.

    Questers, founded in 2007 is one of the leading international software development companies that design, build and manage dedicated teams over a diverse set of technologies in various industries. The majority of Questers’ customers are in the UK, but also in the US, Germany, Belgium, Norway and Switzerland.

    “The Questers acquisition strengthens our pwrteams business which is focused on building dedicated cross-border teams for our customers. The acquisition will add market presence in the US and UK, and complement our strong double-digit organic growth over the last 5 years. I am glad to welcome the 300+ new colleagues into our team,” commented Priit Alamäe, CEO and founder of Nortal.

    Priit Alamäe, CEO and founder of Nortal. "The acquisition will add market presence in the US and UK, and complement our strong double-digit organic growth over the last 5 years. I am glad to welcome the 300+ new colleagues into our team."

    We introduced pwrteams and launched the new business model of outsourcing and team augmentation to the company’s portfolio in 2022 following the acquisition of Skelia. pwrteams works with customers in Europe and North America, such as TUI and Thomas Cook Group. The company’s service centers are located in Ukraine, Poland, Serbia, Lithuania, Estonia, Mexico, and following the acquisition of Questers also in Bulgaria.

    “Access to great talent underpins pwrteams’ growth plans, and this latest acquisition marks the first step in our expansion journey. Questers’ top-tier tech talent in Bulgaria is a great addition to the capabilities of our existing pwrteams community. Together, we aim to become the international leader in building cross-border dedicated IT and engineering organizations to extend our customers’ businesses with speed, efficiency and scalability,” said Karel Saurwalt, CEO of pwrteams.

    Karel Saurwalt, CEO of pwrteams (a Nortal company). "Access to great talent underpins pwrteams’ growth plans, and this latest acquisition marks the first step in our expansion journey (as pwrteams). Questers’ top-tier tech talent in Bulgaria is a great addition to our capabilities."

    “Being part of TPXImpact transformed Questers into a mature, high-performing business that has delivered consistent value to our customers. Joining Nortal’s pwrteams business presents the next opportunity for us in our evolution to respond to the changing needs of the global tech collaboration sector with an even more powerful offering. The natural affinity of our two businesses, and our complementary skill sets will combine to deliver growth across a broader range of industries and territories,” commented Alexander Drangajov, CEO at Questers.

    “I would like to thank all our colleagues at Questers for the important work they have contributed to the Group over the past five years, and I am confident Nortal represents an excellent fit for the business going forward,” said Bjorn Conway, Chief Executive Officer at TPXimpact.

    Acquisition is the latest component in Nortal’s European expansion plan following UK market entry and appointment of Thomas Hedley as Managing Director a few months ago.

    The announcement comes as we continue to expand its presence in Europe and North America. Most recently, we announced the establishment of a delivery center in Guadalajara, Mexico to be closer to customers in North America as well as expanding into the UK with both its public and private sector offerings alongside appointment of Thomas Hedley as Managing Director to expand the company’s global capabilities in the UK.

    PR: pwrteams merges with Questers, growing team to 650+
    Strategic acquisition strengthens pwrteams’ footprint, access to talent and ability to build cross-border IT and engineering teams for the customers
    Nortal, the multinational strategic change and technology company has today announced its acquisition of Questers, an award-winning distributed software company. As a subsidiary of UK-based TPXimpact Holdings PLC (AIM: TPX), Questers will now merge with Nortal’s daughter company pwrteams to strengthen our footprint in North America and the UK, and bolster our existing business of creating cross-border IT and engineering teams for customers globally.
    Questers, founded in 2007 is one of the leading international software development companies that design, build and manage dedicated teams over a diverse set of technologies in various industries. The majority of Questers’ customers are in the UK, but also in the US, Germany, Belgium, Norway and Switzerland.
    “Access to great talent underpins pwrteams’ growth plans, and this latest acquisition marks the first step in our expansion journey. Questers’ top-tier tech talent in Bulgaria is a great addition to the capabilities of our existing pwrteams community. Together, we aim to become the international leader in building cross-border dedicated IT and engineering organizations to extend our customers’ businesses with speed, efficiency and scalability,” said Karel Saurwalt, CEO of pwrteams.
    Nortal introduced pwrteams and launched the new business model of outsourcing and team augmentation to the company’s portfolio in 2022 following the acquisition of Skelia.

    The Questers acquisition strengthens our pwrteams business which is focused on building dedicated cross-border teams for our customers. The acquisition will add market presence in the US and UK, and complement our strong double-digit organic growth over the last 5 years. I am glad to welcome the 300+ new colleagues into our team, Priit Alamäe, CEO and founder of Nortal.

    Being part of TPXImpact transformed Questers into a mature, high-performing business that has delivered consistent value to our customers. Joining Nortal’s pwrteams business presents the next opportunity for us in our evolution to respond to the changing needs of the global tech collaboration sector with an even more powerful offering. The natural affinity of our two businesses, and our complementary skill sets will combine to deliver growth across a broader range of industries and territories, Alexander Drangajov, CEO at Questers.
  • PR: Sale of Questers for £7.5m
    Reinforces strategic focus on core businesses.
    FY24 and FY25 forecasts unchanged for revenue growth and EBITDA margins.

    TPXimpact Holdings PLC (AIM: TPX), the technology-enabled services company focused on people-powered transformation, announces that it has completed the sale of Questers Resourcing Limited and Questers Bulgaria EOOD ("Questers") to pwrteams OÜ, the outsourcing and team augmentation business owned by Nortal AS ("Nortal"), for cash consideration of £7.5m.

    Questers is based in Sofia, Bulgaria and has around 300 employees who provide cross-border IT support and related services to the commercial sector. For the year ended 31 March 2023, Questers generated £13.1m of revenue and £1.3m of Adjusted EBITDA. Gross assets as at 31 March were £7.6m.

    Strategic rationale
    The Board has a clear strategy to focus the Company on its core strengths of Digital Transformation and Digital Experience and has concluded that Questers' offering is no longer core to this strategy. The Board also believes that fresh ownership, under Nortal, will be better placed to take Questers to the next level of its development.

    Proceeds and debt covenants

    TPXimpact has disposed of the entirety of its equity interests in Questers for cash consideration of £7.5m. Of this amount, up to £5.0m will be used to repay borrowings, with the remainder used to fund investment and growth in our core capabilities. Management are therefore targeting net debt (excluding lease liabilities) to be in the range of £11m to £12m at 31 March 2024, compared with £17.9m at 30 June 2023.

    The Group's banking covenants require minimum cash liquidity levels on a monthly basis and minimum Adjusted EBITDA performance levels on a quarterly basis. The Group's bankers have agreed to revise the Adjusted EBITDA levels in these requirements, to allow for the deconsolidation of Questers from the Group's results.

    Current trading and forward guidance
    Current trading (excluding Questers) remains in line with budget and management expectations. The Board reiterates the FY24 targets of 15-20% like-for-like revenue growth and Adjusted EBITDA margins of 5-6%. These targets would equate to FY24 revenue in the range of £81m to £85m and Adjusted EBITDA in the range of £4m to £5m. Management therefore expect the net debt to Adjusted EBITDA ratio to return to < 2.5x by the end of the financial year, or shortly thereafter.

    The outlook for FY25 is also maintained with like-for-like revenue growth of 10-15% and further margin improvement of 2-3% on top of that achieved in FY24.

    Björn Conway, Chief Executive Officer at TPXimpact, said: "At our preliminary results in July 2023, we set out a three year plan to ensure we continue to drive efficiencies across the Group and capitalise on the sizeable market opportunity ahead. Today's announcement firmly aligns with this strategic vision for TPXimpact by enabling us to concentrate our resources and energies around those prospects within the UK public sector and broader digital transformation market where there is considerable scope for further growth.

    I would like to thank all our colleagues at Questers for the important work they have contributed to the Group over the past five years, and I am confident Nortal represents an excellent fit for the business going forward."

    Priit Almae, Chief Executive Officer at Nortal AS said: "The Questers acquisition strengthens our pwrteams business that is focused on building dedicated cross-border teams for our customers. The acquisition will add market presence in the US and UK and complement our strong organic double-digit growth over the last 5 years. I am glad to welcome the 300+ new colleagues into our team."
  • PR 22.01.2024: Announcement of investor meetings for EUR 50m bond issue
    Nortal AS (the “Company“) hereby announces that the Company has mandated Pareto Securities AB to arrange a series of investor meetings commencing on 23 January 2024. Subject to, inter alia, market conditions, a 5-year senior secured floating rate bond issue in an initial amount of EUR 50,000,000 (the “Bond Issue“) within a framework of EUR 100,000,000 may follow.

    The proceeds from the contemplated Bond Issue will be used to, inter alia, finance the repayment of the Company’s existing outstanding EUR 50,000,000 senior secured bonds with ISIN FI4000383930, including accrued but unpaid interest.


    PR 26.01.2024: Nortal places EUR 50m senior secured bonds, calls to redeem outstanding bonds
    Nortal AS (“Nortal“) hereby announces that it has successfully issued a senior secured floating-rate bond issue in an initial amount of EUR 50,000,000 (the “Bonds“) within a framework of EUR 100,000,000. The Bonds have a tenor of five years and a floating interest rate, payable quarterly.

    The net proceeds from the Bonds shall be used, among other things, to finance the repayment of Nortal’s existing outstanding EUR 50,000,000 senior secured bonds with ISIN FI4000383930 (the “Existing Bonds“), including accrued but unpaid interest.

    Pareto Securities acted as the sole bookrunner in connection with the issuance of the Bonds and the bonds agent will be Nordic Trustee Oy.

    Nortal further announces that it will redeem the Existing Bonds in advance and in accordance with Clause 9.3 (Voluntary total redemption (call option)) of the terms and conditions of the Existing Bonds. The redemption is subject to the satisfaction of certain conditions.

    The redemption date will be 16 February 2024 and the redemption amount for each Existing Bonds shall be the applicable call option amount (100 per cent of the Nominal Amount), plus accrued but unpaid interest. The redemption amount will be paid to the bondholders holding Existing Bonds on the relevant record time (being 15 February 2024).

    Nortal’s obligation to redeem the Existing Bonds on the redemption date is conditional upon the successful issue prior to the applicable record date of the Bonds and Nortal fulfilling the conditions precedent for disbursement of the net proceeds from the issue of the Bonds, which are, among other things, to be applied towards financing the redemption of the Existing Bonds (the “Financing Condition“).

    A separate announcement will follow to confirm whether the Financing Condition has been fulfilled.

    Äripäev ja Postimees vahendavad, et võlakirjade intressimääraks tuli 3.15%.

    Pikem pressiteade esmissiooni kinnistuseks: Nortal issues bonds for €50 million to strengthen expansion efforts in the Americas and Europe
    Strategic innovation and technology company Nortal has successfully placed a €50 million bond issue, raised to bolster expansion efforts and refinance the existing bond. The international bond issue attracted significant interest and was heavily oversubscribed. The senior secured bonds will be issued with a five-year maturity and a margin of 3.15%.

    LONDON, Jan. 31, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- According to Priit Alamäe, founder and CEO of Nortal the success of the bond issue demonstrates the company's esteemed reputation as well as signifies the confidence of the investor community.

    The bond proceeds will be used to refinance the existing bond and continue to accelerate growth through acquisitions in North America, the UK and the DACH region. "In the US, we are strategically focusing on acquisition opportunities on the East coast to complement our existing presence from the Pacific Northwest, which has served as the base for our US operations," said Alamäe.

    In Canada and the UK, the company's focus is on accelerating the growth of greenfields established in 2022 and 2023, respectively. "Within this short time, we have seen significant interest and continued opportunities for our core offering: building the most advanced digital services for governments and businesses," he added.

    Nortal is also focusing on expanding its footprint in the Americas to support the company's North American customers in the same time zone. "Accessing the highly skilled and technically strong Latin American talent pool will enable us to provide a follow the sun delivery and support model for our customers in North America, offering uninterrupted customer delivery and service across multiple time zones from our delivery centres in Europe and the Americas," said Alamäe.

    The bond was mainly subscribed by renowned institutional investors from the Nordics and Continental Europe.

    For the bond issue, Pareto Securities acted as global coordinator and bookrunner, and the bonds agent is Nordic Trustee Oy.
  • 3,15% tundub tänastes oludes kuidagi uskumatult hea hind rahale.
  • See pole hind, vaid marginaal ujuvale baasile. Kokku siis vist hetkel kuhugi 7 kanti?

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