Börsipäev 29. märts
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Vaatamata jätkuvale murele sündmuste arengute pärast Jaapanis ja Liibüas alustasid turud nädalat võrdlemisi rahulikult ning samas taktis on jätkatud ka täna hommikul. Jaapani indeksid olid päeva keskel küll 1-2% punases, kuid sessiooni teises pooles kauples suurem osa Aasiast juba plusspoolel ja Jaapan sisuliselt nullis. USA indeksite futuurid liiguvad hetkel 0,3% rohelises.
Tänagi jääb makrouudiste pool üsna kiduraks, kui Euroopas võiks tähelepanu pälvida Suurbritannia neljanda kvartali SKT lõplik näit (kl 11.30), juhul kui viimane peaks mingil põhjusel varasemalt raporteeritud numbrist palju erinema. USA-s aga avalikustatakse jaanuarikuu Case-Shilleri jaanuarikuu indeks (kl 16.00) ja märtsikuu tarbijausalduse indeks (kell 17.00). -
joogariiete tootja Lululemoni aktsia rallis eile üle 8% uutele ajaloolistele tippudele. Kui turu ajal erilisi uudiseid peale Jim Crameri lühikese kommentaari polnud siis pärast sulgumist avalikustati info, mis võis osadele teada olla ja seega investoreid regulaarse kaupemise ajal juba ostupoolele tuua. Nimelt teatas ettevõte, et plaanib 2:1 aktsia spliti, mis pannakse hääletamisele 8. juuni aktsionäride koosolekul.
Suurbritannia neljanda kvartali SKT lõplik näit korrigeeriti -0,6% pealt -0,5% peale (QoQ)
APOL väljas oma teise kvartali tulemustega. Kvartal hea, aga prognoos oodatust kehvem.
Apollo Group Inc Reports Q2 $0.83 (ex items) v $0.69e, R$1.05B v $1Be
- Degreed enrollment 405.3K v 458.6K y/y
- New degreed enrollment 48.2K v 87.5K y/y
- Guides FY11 Op income $1.15-1.2B, Rev $4.65-4.75B v $4.7Be
- Guides FY12 Op income $675-800M, Rev $4.0-4.25B v $4.5Be
Eelturul aktsia 4% miinuses, $40,61. -
Bloomberg kirjutab, et S&P võib sellel nädalal uuest Portugali krediidireitingut langetada:
“The negative CreditWatch implications on our long-term counterparty credit ratings on the Portuguese banks reflect our negative CreditWatch listing of the sovereign rating, and thus the possibility of a further sovereign downgrade” that may happen “as early as this week,” S&P said in an e-mailed statement. (link) -
Järgnevalt graafikult on näha, kuidas PIGS riikide võlakriis mõjutab Euroopa pangandussektori aktsiate käekäiku (allikas: Morgan Stanley):
Phillips-Van Heusen (PVH) target raised to $80 at Brean Murray
Gapping up
In reaction to strong earnings/guidance: WYY +11.2%, SORL +8.2%, CTFO +5.7%, PEIX +3.4%, PVH +3%, LEN +2.3%, TSTC +1.5%, HD +0.9% (also announces $1 bln accelerated share repurchase program and $2 bln senior note issuance).
M&A news: TRCI +38.7% (to be acquired by Coleman Cable for $7.20/share in cash in a transaction valued at approximately $51.5 mln on a fully diluted basis), CGCP (CardioGenesis to be acquired by CryoLife for $0.457 per share).
Select metals/mining stocks trading higher: RIO +1.8%, BBL +1.2%, BHP +1.0%.
Other news: CX +1.9% (to supply cement for construction of largest hydroelectric plant in Central America), MCP +1.9% (target raised to $74 from $66 at JPMorgan; also Pegasus Capital discloses 21.2% stake in amended 13D filing; down from 22.3% on 3/2) HCA +1.7% (Cramer makes positive comments on MadMoney), LULU +1.4% (approves a two-for-one stock split), DRI +1.2% (Cramer makes positive comments on MadMoney).
Analyst comments: GFRE +7.2% (initiated with a Buy at Brean Murray), MAR +1.1% (upgraded to Outperform from Market Perform at Wells Fargo), DNDN +0.9% (initiated with a Buy at Collins Stewart). -
Ta langetas seda nädalapäevad tagasi 85-lt :)
Molycorp (MCP): Pegasus Capital discloses 21.2% stake in amended 13D filing; down from 22.3% on 3/2
Molycorp target raised to $74 from $66 at JPMorgan -
Gapping down
In reaction to disappointing earnings/guidance: APOL -9.7%, ANAD -7.5%, PRGS -1.9%, HAL -1.5%.
A few education names ticking lower following APOL results: CECO -4.3%, STRA -3.2%, COCO -2.4%.
Other news: DYP -21.9% (NYSE suspends common stock), ALTI -10.3% (discloses placement agent agreement), AONE -8.3% (announced concurrent offerings of 18 mln shares of common stock and $125 mln of convertible subordinated notes), NVGN -6% (pulling back from yesterday's surge higher), FCH -6% (announces a 24 mln share common stock offering), HTZ -6% (announces sale of 50 mln shares of common stock by selling stockholders), AHGP -4.7% (announced the commencement of a secondary underwritten public offering of 2,750,000 common units), CXS -4.2% (prices common stock offering at $11.50), IDCC -2.8% (announces a $150 mln sr convertible notes offering), ETP -2.7% (commences a public offering of 11,750,000 common units representing limited partner interest), IPHI -2.6% (announces offering of 3.9 mln shares of common stock, including 3.8 mln shares by stockholders), BP -2.5% (reports out overnight suggesting executives could face manslaughter charges), TAL -2.2% (announces a 5 mln share common stock offering; 2.5 mln shares are being offered by the co and 2.5 mln shares are being offered by selling shareholders), ALU -1.9% and ASML -1.7% (still checking for anything specific).
Analyst comments: SPRD -4.4% (weakness attributed to tier 1 firm downgrade), CEDC -3% (downgraded to Underweight from Overweight at JP Morgan), SIMG -2.8% (downgraded to Hold from Buy at Needham), ATPG -2% (downgraded to Reduce from Neutral at Global Hunter), PNRA -1.7% (downgraded to Neutral from Buy at Suntrust), EOG -0.9% (downgraded to Neutral from Positive at Susquehanna), PM -0.7% (ticking lower, downgraded to Neutral from Buy at UBS). -
Hedge-fondidele hiljutisest S&P500 indeksi põrkest ei ole veel piisanud ja eelmisel nädalal jätkati tõusule panustamist:
USA kinnisvara hinnad jätkavad langust:
January Case-Shiller 20-city Index -3.1% vs -3.3% Briefing.com consensus -
Keep Your Opinions to Yourself
By Rev Shark
RealMoney.com Contributor
3/29/2011 9:04 AM EDT
"I have opinions of my own -- strong opinions -- but I don't always agree with them."
--George H. W. Bush
In the last hour of trading on Monday, the market finally succumbed to a little profit taking. Over the past week we have been bouncing straight up, moved through some key resistance and even ran over some overanxious bears. Once again, it looked like the market was determined to recover as if it hadn't a worry in the world.
Even though there were some pockets of strength in liquid momentum stocks, volume was extremely light and the bulls just weren't able to produce enough energy to keep things running. The market just looked tired and in need of a rest, and that is what we have.
This is not a market for strong opinions. We need to keep an open mind and wait to see what develops. There's been a good-sized bounce, but it may have gone a bit too far, too fast and now is in need of some consolidation. The end of the quarter is upon us, which will result in some game-playing that may confuse matters, but at this point, further upside becomes more difficult, especially since the news flow is still problematic.
From a bullish perspective, the best thing the market could do is churn a bit and hold above key resistance around 1300 of the S&P 500. We need recent dip buyers to flip and lock in some gains and some stronger, longer-term holders to pick up shares.
The danger right now is that we don't hold 1300 and that selling pressure intensifies as market players look to protect recent gains. If the dip buyers don't step up, we can drift back down pretty quickly. End of the quarter pressure may help to prevent this, but window dressing is only a tendency and not a certainty.
Yesterday was one of my slowest trading days in a while, simply because I didn't see very many appealing technical setups. The very light volume indicates that stocks were moving randomly and the pockets of momentum action created by window dressing covered up weak action under the surface.
The good thing about being lightly invested as the market deals with overbought conditions is that it provides great flexibility. I don't have any strong market bias and simply want to seize opportunities as they arise; however, we need a bit more life out there and better volume for those new opportunities to materialize, and right now this market just looks dull and tired.
All we can do is stay patient and see what develops. I believe there is risk of some further selling after the weak close yesterday but there should be some individual stocks that stand out. For example, I see Molycorp (MCP) gapping up on a target increase from JPMorgan.
Stay selective with your trades and let the market signal where it is headed. There is no reason to hold strong views about market direction at this point.
At the time of publication, Rev Shark was long MCP, but positions will change at any time. -
S&P cuts Greece's rating to to 'BB-' from 'BB+'
S&P lowers Republic of Portugal Ratings to 'BBB-/A-3' from 'BBB/A-2' on ESM Lending Conditions; Outlook Neg -
March Consumer Confidence 63.4 vs 65.0 Briefing.com consensus; February revised to 72.0 from 70.4
Patriot Coal (PCX) lifting in recent trade; Hearing attributed to M&A rumor
CNBC reports that the Federal Reserve to release Dscount Window lending data on Thursday
Molycorp (MCP): Pegasus Capital discloses 21.2% stake in amended 13D filing; down from 22.3% on 3/2
Molycorp target raised to $74 from $66 at JPMorgan
Oli abiks:) -
The Fed purchased $1.57 bln of 2013-2041 TIPS through Permanent Open Market Operations as dealers looked to put back $6.49 bln
Tänasest WSJ-st võib lugeda, et analüütikud Aaron Bragmani arvates võib maavärina tõttu häiritud autoosade tootmine Jaapanis vähendada käesoleval aastal maailma autotootmist 15%-30% võrra. Selle tulemusel jõuaks turule 20 miljonit autot vähem neist ootustest, mis olid enne Jaapani maavärinat ja tuumajaamadega seotud probleeme. Bragman lisab, et mida kauem viivitused tootmises kestavad, seda väiksem on tõenäosus, et autotööstus suudab aasta teises pooles taastuda. Samas ütlevad osad eksperdid, et USA autotööstust mõjutab antud probleem vähe, sest USA autotootjad sõltuvad Jaapanist võrreldes nende konkurentidega mujal maailmas vähem.
USA kiratsevast kinnisvaraturust on juttu peaaegu iga päev, aga täna võib Business Insiderist lugeda, et USA-s pole olukord sugugi kõige hullem. BI on reastanud edetabelisse maailma kõige nõrgemate eluasemeturgudega riigid ning USA asetseb seal alles 7. kohal.
Olgu etteruttavalt öeldud, et esikoha omanikuks on Iirimaa ning teine auhinnaline koht kuulub Leedule. -
$35 bln 5-yr Note Auction Results: 2.260%; Bid/Cover 2.79x (Prior 2.69x, 10-auction avg 2.79x); Indirect Bidders 42.4% (Prior 34.2%, 10-auction avg 40.9%)
Kendle (KNDL): Hearing spike attributed to tier 1 firm suggesting that the co is putting itself up for sale