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Börsipäev 5. jaanuar

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  • Pärast ajaloolises kontekstis suhteliselt võimast aasta esimese päeva tõusu USA börsidel tõmmati kolmapäeval veidi hinge ning indeksid sulgusid nulli lähedal, taastudes üle 0,5%lisest langusest päeva esimeses pooles. Aasia on kauplemas erisuunaliselt ning Euroopa avanemas nulli lähedal.

    Eilne Saksamaa võlakirjaoksjon valmistas teatud mõttes taas pettumuse, kui soovitud 5 miljardi euro asemel suudeti müüa 4,1 miljardi euro väärtuses võlakirju ning ülejäänud läksid Bundespanki kätte. See on küll tavapärane käitumine ja seekord tuli Bundespankil vastu võtta märksa vähem võlakirju, kui novembri oksjonil, ent siiski peegeldab see jätkuvat närvilisust võlakirjaturgudel, mida täna tuleb hakata trotsima Prantsusmaal, kes soovib müüa 10-30 aasta pikkuseid võlakirju.

    Makrost võiks huvi pakkuda järgmine statistika:

    11.30 Suurbritannia detsembri teenindussektori PMI
    12.00 Eurotsooni uued tehasetellimused (oktoober)
    15.15 USA ADP küsitlus
    15.30 Eelmise nädala töötuabiraha taotlused
    17.00 ISM teenindussektori indeks (detsember)
  • Mis kell Prantsusmaa oksjoni tulemused selguvad?
  • Vaikselt lähenev neljanda kvartali tulemuste raporteerimise hooaeg tähendab seda, et me oleme jõudnud perioodi, kus ettevõtetel on viimane võimalus vajadusel kasumihoiatusi anda. Detsembri lõpu seisuga oli ligi 100 S&P 500 ettevõtet tõmmanud oma neljanda kvartali ootusi allapoole, mis on suurim number alates 2001. aastast ning nagu allolevalt jooniselt võib näha, siis oma prognoose on tugevalt allapoole korrigeerinud ka analüütikud, kes neljanda kvartali alguses ootasid S&P 500 ettevõtete kasumikasuvuks 14,1%, nüüd aga 6,2%. Positiivsest küljest on ettevõtetel nüüd parem võimalus konsensust lüüa, kui nõudlus pole makro tõttu nii palju kannatanud nagu kardetakse.
  • AGM
    Mis kell Prantsusmaa oksjoni tulemused selguvad?

    CNBC-st jooksis läbi, et tulemusi oodatakse Eesti aja järgi 11.50 ajal
  • Kuigi USA automüük oli detsembri algsuses võrdlemisi tagasihoidlik, siis jõuludejärgne soodne ilm ja head pakkumised meelitasid kliente esindustesse ning kokkuvõttes kujunes annualiseeritud ja hooajaliselt korrigeeritud müüginumber kõrgeimaks 2011. aastal, jäädes samale pulgale novembri statistikaga. 13,6 miljonit sõidukit oli ühtlasi rohkem kui oli oodanud konsensus, kes prognoosis numbriks 13,4 miljonit. Lisaks oli suhteliselt tugev ka müügi jaotus ja keskmine hind, kui kergveokid moodustasid ca 55% kogumüügist, tehinguhind oli rekordiliselt kõrge (30 686 USD) ning müüki ergutavad stiimulid suurenesid vaid 1% võrreldes aastataguse perioodiga ning 3% võrreldes novembriga. Nii GM kui Ford oodatavad tugevate müüginumbrite jätkumist

    GM and F expect the current SAAR momentum to continue. Both released their 2012 SAAR forecast ranges with a mid-point of 13.75 mm, +1 mm (8%) y/y and ahead of consensus expectations of 13-13.5 mm though a bit short of MSe of 14 mm. 1Q12 could be challenging for the SAAR as year-end deals expire, accelerated depreciation ends, the weather deteriorates and with new launches a quarter or two away though we expect a strong 2H surge driven by new launches.

  • Erko Rebane
    Mis kell Prantsusmaa oksjoni tulemused selguvad?

    CNBC-st jooksis läbi, et tulemusi oodatakse Eesti aja järgi 11.50 ajal

    Kelle teenust te kasutate CNBC vaatamiseks?
  • Elionis on võimalik saada nii CNBC kui Bloomberg TV. Ise eelistan viimast. Esimene on on... CNBC - Cartoon Network for the Business Community.
  • Karum6mm
    Elionis on võimalik saada nii CNBC kui Bloomberg TV. Ise eelistan viimast. Esimene on on... CNBC - Cartoon Network for the Business Community.

    Ise jälgin ka rohkem Bloombergi, kuid ega sealgi on seda show-d ja ajakirjanduslikke liialdusi kohati ikka liiast.
  • Bloomberg loomulikult asjalikum, seal ju Betty, Deirdre jt. ;)
  • Bloomberg TV peamine sihtrühm ongi ju Ameerika koduperenaised, kes natsode küpsetamise kõrvalt kööginurka planeeritud telerist oma peavoolu aktsiainvesteeringuid piiluvad, selles mõttes vastab programm väga hästi ootustele, iseasi traagiline on, kui Eesti ,, valveanalüütikud,, bloomberg tv-st saadud info põhjal üleüldisele valgustustööle asuvad:)
  • Euro on sattunud tugeva müügisurve alla ja DailyFXi kohaselt võib see olla tingitud juttudest, et Deutsche Bank võib teatada kapitali tõstmise vajadusest. EURUSD tegi uue ligi 16 kuu põhja $1,2850 tasemel.
  • See oleks päris põnev minna TV-st pärit infoga kedagi valgustama...
  • ei vaidle vastu, et Bloomberg võiks olla parem aga minu puhul on telekas pigem kerge taustamüra tekitamiseks ning breaking news jälgimiseks. Aga tuleb tunnistda, et ka CNBC-sse eksib vahest mõni huvitav tegelane, kelle kommentaarid suuremat tähelepanu pälvivad
  • Suurbritannia teenindussektori PMI oodatust parem, kerkides novembri 52,1 punkti pealt detsembris 54,0 punktile. Konsensus ootas langust 51,5 punktile.
  • Mõlemas kanalis näitab ju näiteks Marc Faber'it, kes on igati kõrge meelelahutusliku väärtusega tegelane, kelle jutus kipub aeg-ajalt ka päris suur iva olema. Ei tasu unustada, et onu oli üks esialgsetest BSD-dest. ;)
  • Šveitsi keskpank on sattunud insider tehingute skandaali. Nimelt süüdistuse kohaselt olevat keskpanga president teinud valuutatehinguid kõigest paar nädalat enne keskpanga aktiivset sekkumist valuutatuturgudele, mille tulemusena langes Šveitsi frank päevaga ligi 10% nii euro kui ka USA dollari vastu. Link uudisele.
    The accusations, which have rocked the Swiss banking industry, were made by Swiss weekly newspaper Die Weltwoche in a statement before its Thursday publication. It said that previous reports that Hildebrand's wife was responsible for the foreign exchange transactions were misplaced and it was the bank chief who was behind the purchase and selling of currency that triggered an investigation by the Swiss National Bank (SNB).

    The bank chairman also made several other dollar and euro transactions on the foreign exchange market between March and October last year, according to Die Weltwoche, which is close to the far-right Swiss People's Party (SVP).

    The Swiss weekly claimed that in March alone, Hildebrand bought US dollars worth SFr1.1m, saying it had access to extracts from the Hildebrands' banking documents. The SNB refused to comment.

    The bank that allegedly handled the transactions, Banque Sarasin, said an employee had leaked client information by transmitting banking details to a lawyer close to the SVP. It said the member of staff had left the bank and could face prosecution.

    Die Weltwoche said the same employee had lodged a complaint against Hildebrand for alleged insider trading. "We have all the bank statements showing the relevant transactions, plus a verbal assurance from a bank employee confirming that it was Hildebrand personally – not his wife – who ordered the transactions," Die Weltwoche's deputy editor-in-chief, Philipp Gut, told the Associated Press in a telephone interview on Wednesday.

    According to the newspaper, Hildebrand bought more than $500,000 in two transactions dated 15 August, which he then resold in September – making a profit of SFr75,000 (£52,000).
  • Suurbritannia PMI teenustesektori indeks tõusis eelmise kuu 52,1 pealt 54,0 punktini detsembris vs oodatud 51,5 punkti. GBPUSD -0,35% ja kaupleb $1,5565 juures.
  • Kui jaanuari peetakse aktsiaturgudel heaks kuuks, siis kusagil mälusopis peituks nagu fakt, et ka USA presidendivalimiste aasta on üks suht hea aasta aktsiaturgudele. Kusagil siin foorumiavarustes leidub kindlasti asjakohane ülevaade. Ehk keegi meenutab.
  • Karum6mm
    See oleks päris põnev minna TV-st pärit infoga kedagi valgustama...

    Fondhaldurite tuleproov reality show on kodumaiste kanalite valikus puudu. Saate käigus põletataks fondihaldureid kui ketsereid tulel, saamaks parimat finantsinvesteerimisinfot ja andmaks vaatajatele võimalust see meelelahutuslikult omandada. Võitjaks kuulutatakse haldur, kes saate lõpus on veel elus, lisapreemiaks andunud televaatajatest ustavad investorid. Vaadatavus lööks rekordeid ja tavavaatajad veenduksid, et nende raha ei haldgi papist poisid. Mõned enamvalgustatud leiaksid uue sihi elus ja jutlustaksid investeerimisusku uskumatutele. Investorite arv per capita oleks maailma esirinnas. Fear Factory ja Get Me Out Of Here…I'm Celebrity täiesti reaalses ja kasulikus kastmes.

  • Lõppenud aasta enamus fondidele midagi rõõmustavat endaga kaasa ei toonud, kuna rekordarv firmasid pidi oma uksed hoopis kinni panema. Teisalt võib Business Insideri vahendusel lugeda, et leidus ka piisavalt neid fonde, kelle tootlusega võivad investorid igati rahule jääda ja HSBC on kokku pannud ka 15 parima tootlusega fondi aastal 2011. Olgu öeldud, et hinnatud on riskifondide all tegutsevaid fonde eraldi.
    Esikoha saavutas Renaissance Institutional Equities LP (B), mis on osa Renaissance Technologiest ja möödunud aastal pakkus investoritele 34,66%-se tootluse.Hallatav raha $ 240 miljonit ja fondihalduriks James Simons.
    Teiste fondide kohta saab lugeda siin.
  • Karum6mm
    Mõlemas kanalis näitab ju näiteks Marc Faber'it, kes on igati kõrge meelelahutusliku väärtusega tegelane, kelle jutus kipub aeg-ajalt ka päris suur iva olema. Ei tasu unustada, et onu oli üks esialgsetest BSD-dest. ;)

    Marc Faberi puhul ei pea õnneks muretsema, et mõni tema intervjuudest nägemata jääb, kuna muu meedia korjab neid päris usinalt üles
  • Tänasel Prantsuse oksjonil müüdi suurima mahuga 10a võlakirju (kokku 4 miljardi euro eest). Yieldiks kujunes 3,29% vs 3,18% eelmisel sarnasel oksjonil oktoobris ning bid to cover 1,643 vs 3,046 eelmisel korral.
  • Käes on küll juba uus aasta ja seetõttu ei pruugi nii vana info nagu eurotsooni oktoobri tehaste tellimuste muutus huvi pakkuda, kuid neljanda kvartali SKT näitu oodates ei olnud oktoober tellimuste poolel paljulubav. Tellimused kasvasid aasta baasil 1,6%, mis tähendab püsimist samal tasemel võrreldes septembriga. Analüütikud olid oodanud aga ligi kaks korda kiiremat kasvu
  • Eile andis Seagate Technology (STX) peale turu sulgumist eelteate oma neljanda kvartali tulemuste kohta, mis oli märkimisväärselt parem kui viimane prognoos. Tänu sellele kauples aktsia järelturul ka 7% kõrgemal.
    Citi analüütikud kinnitava oma Osta soovitust ja tõstavad STX hinnasihi $ 26 pealt $ 28 peale.
    Kuigi nad on STX suhtes positiivsed, siis soosivad analüütikud pigem Western Digital (WDC)-d

    Favoring WDC — While we see meaningful upside to both HDD stocks (STX and WDC) during the next several months, we have a bias towards WDC at current levelsgiven that: 1) the completion of the HGST merger remains a significant catalyst nearterm, and 2) we see disproportionate upside to consensus units and gross margin estimates as the company’s output is recovering quicker than expected, while thepotential earnings accretion from HGST is underappreciated.

    Ehk analüütikute arvates ei hinda konsensus ettevõtte väljavaadete paranemist piisavalt ja HGST-ga ühinemise protsessi lõpule viimine tähistab analüütikute sõnul samuti olulist katalüsaatorit.
    Citil on WDC-le Osta soovitus koos $ 48 hinnasihiga.
    Seega võiks STX kõrval ehk täna ka WDC ostuhuvi leida.
  • Morgan Stanley annab vägagi konkreetse prognoosi QE3 kohta ja usub, et uus abiprogramm tuleb suurusjärgus $ 500-750 miljardit märts-juuni vahel.:

    The unwind of the negative shocks from Japan’s earthquake and the run-up in energy prices earlier in the year are responsible for the recent run of strong data in the US economy, argues our Chief US Economist Vincent Reinhart in today’s lead piece. Once these tailwinds have played out and a shallow fiscal pothole emerges, growth should slow to around 2% in early 2012. As a result, the Fed will probably mark down its growth and inflation forecasts. The deceleration will likely be enough to convince the FOMC that the downside risks to its dual objectives of maximum employment and stable prices need to be addressed. However, given the ambiguity in the Federal Reserve Act about how to weigh these objectives against each other, disagreement within the FOMC itself about the relative weights and Bernanke’s efforts to create a more democratic process for decision-making, progress on another QE package is likely to be slow and full of compromise. Eventually though, we believe that a package of Treasury and MBS purchases of US$500-750 billion will arrive some time between March and June.
  • Nelli Janson
    Morgan Stanley annab vägagi konkreetse prognoosi QE3 kohta ja usub, et uus abiprogramm tuleb suurusjärgus $ 500-750 miljardit märts-juuni vahel.:

    The unwind of the negative shocks from Japan’s earthquake and the run-up in energy prices earlier in the year are responsible for the recent run of strong data in the US economy, argues our Chief US Economist Vincent Reinhart in today’s lead piece. Once these tailwinds have played out and a shallow fiscal pothole emerges, growth should slow to around 2% in early 2012. As a result, the Fed will probably mark down its growth and inflation forecasts. The deceleration will likely be enough to convince the FOMC that the downside risks to its dual objectives of maximum employment and stable prices need to be addressed. However, given the ambiguity in the Federal Reserve Act about how to weigh these objectives against each other, disagreement within the FOMC itself about the relative weights and Bernanke’s efforts to create a more democratic process for decision-making, progress on another QE package is likely to be slow and full of compromise. Eventually though, we believe that a package of Treasury and MBS purchases of US$500-750 billion will arrive some time between March and June.

    Ja mida annab QE3? Ajutist suurt tõusu US and A börsil!
    Ei tea, kas Bernanke ei saa aru, et see tema pidev ''ajutine'' asjade lahendamine on pikemas perspektiivis pigem väga kahjulik?
  • SODA-le hea uudis. KFT ja SODA teatasid, et on sõlminud strateegilise koostööleppe, mille käigus hakatakse kasutama KFT kaubamärgiga erinevaid maitsesiirupeid SODA karboniseeritud jookides.

    SodaStream & Kraft Foods (KFT) announced a strategic partnership for the manufacturing, marketing, distribution and sale of KFT branded flavors for use with the SODA soda making system.
    This will be the first time that KFT flavors will be available specifically for use in a carbonated beverage.

    SODA kaupleb eelturul üle 9% plusspoolel, $ 41 taseme juures.

  • 40 miljoni kliendiga ja rohkem kui 20. erinevas riigis tegutsev Itaalia pank Unicredit on 2007. aasta tipust tänaseks kaotanud 92.4% oma väärtusest.

  • December ADP Employment Change 325K vs 180K Briefing.com consensus
  • Gapping up
    In reaction to strong earnings/guidance/SSS: ZUMZ +12%, OCLR +8.8%, STX +6.4%, ULTA +5%, MON +1.1%, MOS +0.7%.

    A few optical related names are modestly higher following OCLR guidance: JDSU +1.6%, FNSR +1.3%.

    Other news: GALE +13% (announces investigational new drug approval for phase 2 Trial for NeuVax), SODA +12.6% (SodaStream & Kraft Foods announced a strategic partnership for the manufacturing, marketing, distribution and sale of KFT branded flavors for use with the SODA soda making system), WDC +2.6% (trading higher with STX), IRWD +2.5% (Ironwood Pharmaceuticals and Bionomics announce collaboration, research, and license agreement), MRVL +2.2% (Marvell says Foresight Platform designed into Google TV), ALXN +1% (mentioned positively on MadMoney).

    Analyst comments: NOK +3.3% (upgraded to Outperform from Underperform at Credit Suisse), LSI +2.1% (upgraded to Outperform from Neutral at Wedbush).
  • Google (GOOG)-i aktsia, mis on viimase kolme kuuga läbi teinud muljetavaldava ligi 40% tõusu ehk rallinud $ 480 pealt $ 670 peale saab täna downgrade`i osaliseks.
    Benchmark alandab GOOG-i reitingu Osta pealt Hoia peale koos $ 700 hinnasihiga.

    4Q11 data and channel checks indicate strong domestic online advertising but a severe slowdown in Europe. The 1H12 US outlook appears increasingly uncertain with advertisers expressing hesitation. While Google’s stock is up in anticipation of a strong 4Q11, we fear 1H12 may prove disappointing. We trim our estimates and
    downgrade Google from Buy to Hold.

    Channel checks reveal that European online advertising has dropped from over 20% y/y growth in 1H11 to up only 5% in 4Q11. Europe represents around 35%-40% of Google’s revenue. Google currently has 90% or more search market share in Europe. This dominant position limits the potential for share gains to offset macro headwinds. The 1H12 outlook for Europe is sustained softness.

    Peamise murelapsena toovad analüütikud välja Euroopa, kus nähakse kasvu aeglustumist. Nimelt on uuringute põhjal näha, et Euroopa reklaamitulud on oluliselt kahanenud. GOOG käibest moodustab Euroopa ca 35-40% ning on absoluutne turuliider koos 90% turuosaga, mis omakorda seab piirangud ka kahaneva reklaamitulu kompenseerimiseks turuosa võitmise arvelt.

  • Continuing Claims falls to 3.595 mln from 3.617 mln
    Initial Claims 372K vs 375K Briefing.com consensus; Prior revised to 387K from 381K

  • Gapping down
    In reaction to disappointing earnings/guidance/SSS: AEO -14.2%, PLCE -10.5%, TSO -6.5%, TGT -4.3%, LLY -3.6%, SONC -2.2% (light volume).

    A few financial related names showing weakness: BBVA -5.7%, STD -4.5%, DB -4.2%, UBS -3.3%, ING -1.9%, C -1%.

    Select metals/mining stocks trading lower: BBL -1.7%, VALE -1.7% (downgraded to Neutral from Buy at UBS), BHP -1.6%, MT -1.5%, RIO -0.6%.

    Select oil/gas related names showing early weakness: E -2.2%, RDS.A -1.7%, TOT -1.3%, BP -0.7%, STO -0.6%.

    Other news: CSE -1.4% (announced last night that John Delaney is taking a leave of absence from his position as Executive Chairman, without pay), CCL -1.3% (still checking for anything specific), RPRX -1.2% (announced its Investigational New Drug Application for Proellex-V, or vaginally delivered Proellex, has been accepted by the FDA).

    Analyst comments: SNY -2.9% (downgraded to Neutral from Overweight at JP Morgan), AZN -2.2% (downgraded to Underweight from Neutral at JP Morgan), YHOO -1.5% (downgraded to Hold from Buy at Jefferies), PLL -1.4% (downgraded to Underperform from Neutral at Macquarie), SAM -1.4% (downgraded to Sell from Neutral at Goldman), GOOG -0.5% (downgraded to Hold from Buy at Benchmark).
  • Where's the Remote?
    By James "Rev Shark" DePorre
    Jan 05, 2012 | 8:29 AM EST

    "We shall have no better conditions in the future if we are satisfied with all those which we have at present." --Thomas Edison

    We are running a repeat of 2011 this morning as the market struggles on worries about European sovereign debt. The euro is at fresh multi-month lows, a couple of European banks have been halted and bond yields are rising sharply. It's like watching a repeat of a bad television show with the knowledge that you're sure to see it again very soon.

    While the Europe issues are nothing new, it's still a concern. Positive seasonality is starting to fall off, the indices are slightly extended and the recent momentum has been tepid, which increases the risk of profit-taking.

    Also troubling is an American Association of Individual Investors (AAII) sentiment poll has only 17% bears. According to SentimenTrader.com, that is the second-lowest showing in six years, the only lower reading coming the week before Christmas of 2010.

    Given all the angst about Europe, it's hard to understand how bearishness could be so low but it is troubling if there really is that much complacency about the problems that exist. It raises the chances of a sharp correction substantially when there is the possibility that this many people could be caught leaning the wrong way. All we seem to hear about lately is how Europe is going to be a problem, but people seem to be numb to negativity after having to deal with it for years now.

    While it is worrisome to see complacency, it is important to keep in mind that the sentiment polls are not accurate timing devices. Just look at what happened after the very low level of bears in December of last year. The market continued to run until Feb. 18, 2011 before a correction finally kicked in. If you shorted based on the low level of bearishness in December, you were killed. Sentiment is just one consideration among many to consider when looking at market direction.

    I bring up sentiment because it is a headwind and may prevent us from "climbing the wall of worry," which has been the tendency for a couple of years. If we have so few bears, then there may not be much idle cash to keep driving us up, despite a laundry list of negatives.

    I've been leaning more defensively the last day or two, as I want to make sure I protect profits from the Santa Claus rally. It has been nice to see a little bit of hot money, momentum action in small-cap energy stocks, but this market still lacks leadership or themes.

    One of the things that really plagued us in the second half of 2011 was that the Investor's Business Daily momentum style did not work well. We just never had groups or sectors, and there were only a few big names trading at their highs.

    Stocks were too highly correlated and moved in tandem with European news. Stock-picking took a backseat to short-term market timing, and I'm not convinced that is about to change.

    I'm going to lean a bit more defensive here, especially since I don't see many places to load up for position trades. We need to muddle through the European issues again and then deal with an earnings season that has already seen the most warnings in years. The fact that there are so few bears doesn't give us much short-squeeze fuel, either. I'll be looking to pick off some longs again, like we were able to do in the energy sector yesterday, but I'm afraid upside momentum offerings are going to be slim.
  • DNDN rallib eelturul, kauplemas 18% plusspoolel, $ 9 kandis.
    Firma alandab prognoose, aga tähtsam uudis ilmselt Provenge osas:
    Dendreon sees Q4 revs below consensus; provides PROVENGE updates (7.60)
    Co issues downside guidance for Q4 (Dec), sees Q4 (Dec) revs of ~$82 mln vs. $86.77 mln Capital IQ Consensus Estimate.
    The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services updated their coverage policy to now cover the infusion costs associated with the administration of PROVENGE. With this decision, the coverage of PROVENGE is now consistent with all other infused biologics. A recent analysis suggests that approximately 75% of patients had minimal or no out-of-pocket costs for PROVENGE.
  • Sears Hldg slips slightly under its near eight year close low from Nov 2008 at 28.50
  • DNDN on teinud hommikuse uudise peale täna suure hüppe, aktsia kauples vahepeal isegi 50% plusspoolel, aga nüüd on osa tõusust tagasi andnud ja kaupleb 42% plusspoolel, mille taga osaliselt Brean Murray kommentaar, kellel on aktsiale juba varem antud Müü reiting koos $ 6 hinnasihiga. Analüütikud usuvad, et konkurents ei jäta DNDN-le ravimile väga palju mänguruumi.

    Dendreon: Beats 4Q11 revenue for sure, but competitive landscape should change with upcoming Zytiga phase 3 results as well as MDV3100 approval - Brean Murray (10.97 +3.37)
    Brean Murray notes DNDN released the 4Q11 gross Provenge revenue of $82 million, which beat the consensus estimates of $72 million, and their estimate of $76 million. Consensus likely still included some hepatitis C royalties from analysts that did not yet remove them due to Dendreon's sale of these royalties in early December, so the beat was more like $13 million rather than $10 million. Firm says with gross to net expected to be about 6%, they expect net revenue for 4Q11 to be about $77 million and believe that the stock has overreacted to this announcement, especially given management's continued expectation of modest sequential growth in 2012. Firm says this result was clearly viewed as a positive for Dendreon, given the stock reaction that they view as way overdone, but they emphasize the competition to come from Zytiga once clinically successful and approved in the pre-chemotherapy setting, as well as from MDV3100 off-label starting late in 2012.
  • Kui USA töötleva tööstuse ISM oli oodatust parem, siis mõni aeg tagasi raporteeritud teenindusektori ISM jälle pisut nõrgem

    December ISM Services 52.6 vs 53.0 Briefing.com consensus; November 52.0
  • Interdigital Comm: Takeover rumors making a return; talk is co is in talks with INTC
  • Selle Iraani naftaembargo ajastatus ja ülesehitus jääb küll arusaamatuks. Kui see jääb ainult EU ja USA tasemele, siis tulistatakse ju iseendale jalga kõrgenenud naftahinna näol ja Iraan müüb oma nafta mujale ja kasseerib veel iga barreli eest rohkem raha. Ma arvan, et nad on tänulikud.
  • WebMD Health: Shares see a spike following headline that YHOO potentially interested in co
  • WebMD Health: Hearing that WBMD has canceled out of a JP Morgan Conference scheduled for next week; we are trying to confirm with IR dept; recall earlier headlines that YHOO was interested in co caused shares to spike
  • RF Micro Device sees Q3 revenues of $225 mln; Capital IQ consensus $250 mln

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