Börsipäev 16. märts - Investeerimine - Foorum - LHV finantsportaal

LHV finantsportaal

Foorum Investeerimine

Börsipäev 16. märts

Kommentaari jätmiseks loo konto või logi sisse

  • Tagasihoidlik langus naftas tänu võimalikule reservide käikulaskmisele Suurbritannia ja USA poolt ning suuresti ootuspärane Ühendriikide makro andis ostjatele taas alust igat väiksemat allapoole liikumist positsiooni soetamiseks ära kasutada ning sellega tõusu edasi toetada. Stoxx 600 kosus päeva lõpuks +0,26% jõudes kõrgeimale tasemele alates eelmise aasta juulist ning S&P 500 suutis 0,6%lise plussiga sulguda üle 1400 punkti piiri esimest korda alates 2008. aastast.

    Tulles korraks makro juurde tagasi, siis esimesed regionaalsed töötleva tööstuse küsitlused (Philly Fed ja NY Fed) näitasid küll pealtnäha paranemist võrreldes veebruarikuuga, kuid detailsem pilguheit valmistas kerge pettumuse. Philadelphia Fedi headline number paranes veebruari 10,2 punktilt 12,5 punktile, kuid valdavalt tuli see varude kasvust. Samal ajal aga kahanesid uute tellimuste ja saadetiste alaindeksid vastavalt 11,7 punktilt 3,3 punktile ja 15,0 punktilt 3,5 punktile. Allolevalt jooniselt on näha, et ka järgmise kuue kuu väljavaate osas muututi pisut skeptilisemaks, kuid indeksit lahti lõhkudes loodetakse siiski uute tellimuste ja saadetiste osas näha paranemist.

    Tänane makrokalender saab olema järjekordselt USA keskne, kui kell 14.30 raporteeritakse veebruari tarbijahinnaindeks, kell 15.15 veebruari tööstustoodang ning kell 15.55 Michigani tarbijasentimendi indeks.

    USA indeksite futuurid kauplevad hetkel kerges miinuses, Euroopa peaks futuuride järgi startima nullilähedalt.
  • Kui S&P 500 teeb mitme aasta tippusid, siis Hiina börsiindeks Shanghai Composite on suutnud alles 4-5 kuu taguste tasemete juurde naasta
  • Japan Jan final Leading Index 94.4 vs 94.9 prelim
    Jan final Coincident Index 92.7 vs 93.1 prelim

  • Tullow Oil PLC , the oil explorer, said Friday that the Enyenra-4A appraisal well, in the Deepwater Tano license offshore Ghana, has successfully encountered oil in very good quality sandstone reservoirs.

    -Good evidence of communication with the Owo-1 discovery wells and the Enyenra appraisal wells confirms the significant extent of the Enyenra light oil field.
    - Results of drilling, wireline logs, samples of reservoir fluids and pressure data show that Enyenra-4A has intersected 32 meters of net oil pay.
    -Pressure data from the oil leg has demonstrated that the oil is in static communication with the oil seen in the other wells in the field and indicates a continuous oil column of approximately 600 meters.
    -On completion of operations, the well will be suspended for later use.
    -The drillship will return at a later date to the Deepwater Tano block to perform a drill stem test on the oil zone in the Ntomme-2A well.
    -Shares closed Thursday at 1,471 pence valuing the company at GBP13.31 billion.
  • Prantsusmaa valimiseelseid küsitlusi juhtiv Francois Hollande kinnitas jätkuvat valmisolekut üritada muuta fiskaallepingut, kuna tema meelest ei aita karmimad fiskaaltingimused Euroopat praeguest olukorrast paremini välja. Vastuseise on kuulda olnud ka teiste riikide poliitikutelt, kuid kuna lepingu heakskiitmiseks peab eurotsooni riikidest 12 oma nõusoleku andma, siis ilmselt pole turud ka kasvava opositsiooni pärast siiani muret tundnud.Via Reuters

    "The fact that some have started to think about possibilities, renegotiations and annexes proves there is a growing awareness that this treaty is flawed," Hollande told journalists in Paris. "As far as I am concerned, I am for renegotiating the treaty from the start (of his term in power)."

    "The fact that the Spanish government has taken exception to deficit reduction goals, that our Belgian friends can bring up different solutions, that the Dutch -- conservatives, no less -- note the absence of growth... all of this shows that the budgetary treaty as negotiated is not the formula that will put Europe on the right track," Hollande said.
  • Erko Rebane
    Kui S&P 500 teeb mitme aasta tippusid, siis Hiina börsiindeks Shanghai Composite on suutnud alles 4-5 kuu taguste tasemete juurde naasta

    ...Nagu ka Tallinna börs.

  • jahe
    Erko Rebane
    Kui S&P 500 teeb mitme aasta tippusid, siis Hiina börsiindeks Shanghai Composite on suutnud alles 4-5 kuu taguste tasemete juurde naasta

    ...Nagu ka Tallinna börs.

    Tallinn ei ole ju tagasi jõudnud isegi eelmise aasta augusti (enne suurt kukkumist) tasemele (-11,3%), eelmise aasta algusest rääkimata (-14,1%)...
  • Reuters, citing Eurozone officials is reporting that the Eurozone may up bailout fund to EUR 700 bln from EUR 500 bln
  • Tänane staar COGO +106.19%
    (Chairman and CEO Jeffrey Kang proposes acquiring 30% of Cogo assets, liabilities and revenue)
  • Gapping up
    In reaction to strong earnings/guidance: PWRD +27.6%, COMV +10.4%, DOLE +2.3%.

    M&A related: COGO +97.4% (Cogo Group Chairman and CEO Jeffrey Kang proposes acquiring 30% of Cogo assets, liabilities and revenue).

    Select financial related names showing strength: CS +1.8%, RF +1.8%, LYG +1.3%, BAC +1.3%, HBC +1.1%, ING +1.1%.

    Select shipping related names trading higher: FRO +5.2%, DRYS +3.8%, NAT +2.3%, EXM +1.5%.

    Other news: CYTX +13.1% (receives 510(k) clearance from FDA for the Puregraft 850 System for body contouring using a patient's own fat), THLD +10% (TH-302 receives orphan drug designation in the European Union for the treatment of soft tissue sarcoma), JVA +5.3% (continued momentum), DYN +2.2% (responds to Examiner's report: 'the report improperly assumes insolvency...conclusion of fraudulent transfer is incorrect' ), EBAY +2.1% (eBay's Paypal trying to get license for electronic payments in China, according to reports), NOV +1% (positive mention on MadMoney).

    Analyst comments: RBS +4.5% ticking higher, (upgraded to Buy from Neutral at UBS), SHPGY +1.7% (upgraded to Overweight from Neutral at JPMorgan), AAPL +0.6% (Apple ests and target raised to $700 at Oppenheimer as demand remains strong).
  • Gapping down
    In reaction to disappointing earnings/guidance: PRMW -9.6%, IMOS -8.8%, ATPG -7.3%, QTWW -7%, (announces proposed underwritten public offering of units).

    A few metals/mining related names trading modestly lower: GLD -1%, EGO -0.9%, IAG -0.9%, SLV -0.5%, MT -0.5%.

    Other news: CCO -31.2% (trading ex-dividend of ~$6.08 per share), DSCO -15.7% (announces proposed public offering of common stock, size not disclosed), OGXI -8.8% (announces proposed public offering of common stock; size not disclosed), TICC -4.8% (commences 4 mln share public offering of common stock), AIXG -4.4% (still checking), SCLN -3.5% (files for a mixed shelf offering for $100 mln and a 10 mln share common stock shelf offering by selling shareholders), CIM -2.3% (announces change of auditor; updates status of 10-K Filing), PKT -2% (files to sell $100 mln of common stock), APU -0.7% (announces pricing of its public offering of 7 mln common units at $41.25/share).

    Analyst comments: AXAS -1.7% (downgraded to Neutral from Buy at SunTrust), BWLD -1.3% (downgraded to Neutral from Outperform at Wedbush).
  • Feb Core CPI +0.1% vs. +0.2% Briefing.com consensus; prior +0.2%
    Feb CPI +0.4% vs. +0.4% Briefing.com consensus; prior +0.2%

  • Feb Industrial Production +0.0% vs. +0.5% Briefing.com consensus; prior revised to +0.4% from 0.0%
    Feb Capacity Utilization 78.7% vs. 78.8% Briefing.com consensus; prior revised to 78.8% from 78.5%.

  • Streetinsider kirjutab, et RIMM-i investoritel on põhjust vähemalt ajutiselt kergemalt hinnata, kuna eile pani RIMM paika oma tulemuste teatamise kuupäeva (29.03) ja teadaandega ei kaasnenud prognooside langetamist. See ei tähenda muidugi,et lõppenud kvartal ettevõte jaoks roosiliselt möödus,aga kuna RIMM detsembris juba andis kasumihoiatuse, siis äkki õnnestub RIMM-l seekord positiivselt üllatada.
    Aktsia kaupleb hetkel 2,4% plusspoolel, $ 13,76 juures.
  • March Michigan Sentiment 74.3 vs. 75.8 Briefing.com consensus; prior 75.3

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