Börsipäev 6. november - Investment topic - Forum - LHV financial portal

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Börsipäev 6. november

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  • Eilne päev kujunes USA turgudel võrdlemisi igavaks, kui madal käive peegeldas investorite äraootavat seisukohta presidendi valimistulemuste osas. S&P 500 indeks sulgus 0,2% plusspoolel, Euroopas oli aga meeleolu pisut negatiivsem ning Stoxx 600 lõpetas -0,5% madalamal.

    NYSE käive (mln aktsiat)

    Hispaania juhtis tööturu statistikaga tähelepanu taas Euroopa perifeeriariikide keerulisele majanduslikule olukorrale. Riigi töötute armee kasvas seal oktoobris 128,2 tuhande inimese võrra, mis oli oodatud 110 tuhandest rohkem. Sealne tööturg on tugevalt hooajaline ning sügise ajal on tavaliselt tööotsijate arv ka kõige suurem.

    Suurbritannia teenindussektori aktiivsus kahanes oktoobris pisut rohkem kui pakuti (52,2 punkti pealt 50,6 punktile vs prognoositud 52,0 punkti) ning koos töötleva tööstuse indeksiga kombineeritud PMI vajus seega oktoobris tagasi alla 50 punkti piiri (49,6), mis suurendab võimalust, et Inglise keskpank võib siiski võlakirjade ostuprogrammi käesoleval nädalal suurendada.

    Kreeka börs rallis pärast eelmise nädala langust 3,3% tänu kasvanud optimismile, et homme hääletamisele minev 13,5 miljardi euro suurune kasinusmeetmete programm saab parlamendi poolt heakskiidu. Muuhulgas nähakse ette pensionite langetamist sõltuvalt tasemest kuni 15% võrra, avaliku sektori töötajate pensioniboonuste kärpimist 83% võrra, pensioniea tõstmist kahe aasta võrra 67 aasta peale, jõulude ja lihavõttepühade boonuste kaotamist avaliku sektori töötajate jaoks jne. Suure tõenäosusega surutakse need parlamendis läbi, ent erakondadevahelist tüli arvestades pole kõik päris kindlad, et neid reforme täies mahus tulevikus ellu viiakse.

    Kolmest erakonnast koosnev koalitsioon hoiab enda käes 300 liikmelisest parlamendist 176 kohta, kuid üks neist, ehk Uus Demokraatia erakond on öelnud, et ei võta hääletamisest osa, kuna ei nõustu tööturu reformidega. Seega võib kolmapäevane heakskiit tulla vaid 3 kuni 6 häälelise ülekaaluga, mis pole kindlasti julgustav märk pikaajalise koostöö tugevuse kohta.

    Mehhikos toimuvalt G20 kohtumiselt tuli aga ühelt rahandusministrilt signaal, et 12. november ei pruugi olla päris see päev, mil Kreekale otsustatakse raha anda, mis muudaks õhkkonna närviliseks, kuna neli päeva hiljem tuleb valitsusel tagasi osta 4 miljardi euro väärtuses võlakirju.

    USAs tuli ainsa makrona avaldamisele oktoobrikuu teenindussektori ISM indeks, mis alanes pisut 54,2 punkti peale võrreldes 55,1 punktiga septembris (oodati 54,5). Tähelepanu püsib aga presidendivalimistel, kui vahemikus 31. oktoober – 3. november läbiviidud Pew Research Center küsitluse kohaselt on Barack Obama hetkel juhtimas Mitt Romneyt 48-45, mis varasemate küsitlustega võrreldes peegeldab kaalukausi kerget vajumist Obama kasuks.

    Presidendivalimiste kõrval leidub täna paar huvitavat makrouudist, mis võiks tähelepanu pälvida. Eeskätt on olulisemad just eurotsooni teenindussektori PMI, Suurbritannia tööstustoodangu muutus ja Saksamaa tehaste tellimuste muutus.

    10.15 Hispaania teenindussektori PMI (oktoober)
    10.45 Itaalia teenindussektori PMI (oktoober)
    10.50 Prantsusmaa teenindussektori PMI (oktoober)
    10.55 Saksamaa teenindussektori PMI (oktoober)
    11.00 Eurotsooni teenindussektori PMI (oktoober)
    11.30 Suurbritannia tööstustoodangu muutus (september)
    13.00 Saksamaa tehaste tellimuste muutus (september)

    USA indeksite futuurid kauplevad hetkel 0,1% plusspoolel, Euroopa on alustamas 0,4% kõrgemal.
  • Deutsche on kokku pannud väikese cheat sheeti, kuidas Obama või Romney võit võiks erinevate sektorite aktsiaiad mõjutada. Mõlema puhul on üldise turu mõttes oluline pigem see, kuidas lahendatakse tuleva aasta alguses rakenduvad maksusoodustuste lõppemised ja eelarvekärped, kud Romney puhul käiakse välja kõrgem kõrgem S&P 500 aastalõpu siht (1500) vs Obama puhul 1450.

    Financials (capital markets and banks) are our preferred election high beta play . If Republicans gain power it should benefit high beta Financials the most. Financials are sensitive to US and not global growth or Asia construction. We expect Financials to deliver high dividend growth through 2015, regardless of repatriation tax law, which will be worth more if dividend taxes are kept low. Other high dividend yield or growth sectors are defensive or have dividend growth potential linked to repatriation (Tech). Pushback is that Financials will suffer from a US rating downgrade or shift in Fed policy. Fed leadership will not change (Bernanke chairs Fed until Jan 2014) and markets will likely shrug off a rating downgrade if pro-growth fiscal policy with low taxes is adopted.

    Less industry specific influence likely than in past elections, but still significant. Republican gains should benefit Defense companies (GD), Managed Care stocks less exposed to Medicare (AET, HUM, UNH, WLP) and Utilities. More domestic Energy development is likely either way, but risk of new Energy tax is lower with Republicans. If Democrats retain power, we think Tech and Industrials should be preferred, provided no attempt is made to tax nonrepatriated foreign profits. If that occurs, then lean toward domestic cyclical industries such as Retailers.
  • Hispaania teenindussektori PMI oli oktoobris 41,2, mis näitas aktiivsuse kerget paranemist võrreldes septembri 40,2 punktiga (oodati samaks jäämist).
  • Teenindussektori nõrkus tulemas just Saksamaa ja Prantsusmaa poolelt

    EURO-ZONE ECON: PMI Services (Oct F) in at 46.0 versus 46.2 previous estimate. PMI Composite at 45.7 versus 45.8 previous estimate.
    GERMANY ECON: PMI Services (Oct F) in at 48.4 versus 49.3 previous estimate.
    FRANCE ECON: PMI Services (Oct F) in at 44.6 versus 46.2 previous estimate.
    ITALY ECON: PMI Services (Oct) in at 46.0 versus 44.5 expected and prior.
  • Suurbritannia tööstustoodangu langus kujunes septembris aasta baasil pisut suuremaks kui oodati (-2,6% vs oodatud -1,6% ja -1,0% augustis).
  • Saksamaa tehaste tellimused langesid septembris hooajaliselt korrigeerimata mullusega võrreldes -4,7% (augustis YoY -4,6%), mis osutus prognoositust selgelt nõrgemaks (-1,5%) ning annab signaali, et tööstustoodang võib järgnevatel kuudel kujuneda arvatust nõrgemaks. Suurim tellimuste langus tuli just väljaspoolt eurotsooni

    Domestic factory orders fell 1.8 percent from August, today’s report showed. Export orders dropped 4.5 percent, driven by a 9.6 percent plunge in sales to other euro-area countries. Investment goods orders declined 2.4 percent and consumer goods orders were down 1.7 percent.

  • Eager to Put Politics Behind Us
    By James "Rev Shark" DePorre
    Nov 06, 2012 | 7:35 AM

    If you don't vote, you get the government you deserve, and if you do, you never get the results you expected. -- E.A. Bucchianer

    The big day is finally here, and not a moment too soon. Regardless of the election results, the big positive for the market is that we will be able to put politics behind us for a little while and focus on other matters.

    Given how close the election is likely to be, and the intensity of feelings on both sides, it isn't surprising that there is such preoccupation with the event. Nothing much else seems to matter right now -- and that makes it very hard to do much trading. Many view this election as being the most significant one in many years, and we'll witness both great elation and great disappointment Wednesday. However, trying to anticipate how things will turn out is a task for only the bravest and most attention-hungry pundits.

    Usually we can look to the market for some signs as to what it is anticipating, but the market seems as confused as everyone else as to who will win and what it will mean. The convention wisdom is that stocks will rally on a win from Governor Romney, and that bonds will rally on a victory from President Obama, but I don't expect those to be themes that will make trading very easy for too long.

    As soon as the election is over we will immediately be faced with a host of major issues. By far the markets' biggest concern will be the looming fiscal cliff, which is set to hit the U.S. in just a few months. There are no signs that either party will deal with this issue quickly or effectively, and given the likelihood of gridlock after the election, it stands to result in another major battle.

    Even if without the distraction of the election, this is a market with some major problems. Third-quarter earnings were terrible, Europe continues to struggle with its fiscal problems, economic improvement in the U.S. is very slow and technically the market is still in a downtrend. There is simply no reason to jump in here and start buying. Some are hoping the election results will relieve us of some uncertainty and entice buyers back in, but I want to see the market prove itself before I'll trust it.

    That aside, we should see another random day of action Tuesday while we are bombarded by election talk. It may be a good environment for some quick trades, if you are so inclined. However, it won't the time for you to make big moves, unless you are a gambler who enjoys the equivalent of a slot machine.

    A positive open is on the way, and we have a fair number of earnings reports to consider. There are no major economic reports due.

    Don't forget to vote.
  • Gapping up
    In reaction to strong earnings/guidance: ENOC +15.6%, (light volume), WTW +11.3%, JIVE +10.7%, MED +7.2%, CTRP +7.2%, THO +7.1%, MM +6.8%, (light volume), MYGN +6.1%, EOG +5.6%, ODP +5.2%, VSI +5.1% (light volume), LF +4.3%, AOL +3%, ACAD +2.6%, CVS +2.3%, EMR +2%, EXAM +1.1% (light volume), ED +0.5% (light volume).

    M&A related: CARB +19.1% (j2 Global discloses 9.9% stake; discloses prior offer to acquire CARB for $10.50 per share -- CARB rejected offer), PVSW +3.2% (Actian Corporation proposes increase in price to $9.00 per share in bid for Pervasive Software).

    Select metals/mining stocks trading higher: MT +1.9%, AEM +1.5%, HMY +1.5%, SLW +1.3%, BHP +0.9%, SLV +0.8%, GLD +0.5%, BBL +0.4%.

    Other news: VRNG +11.4% (continued strength), MIPS +11.1% (MIPS Tech announced earlier it agreed to a sale of patent properties to AST and acquisition by Imagination Technologies for net proceeds of ~ $7.31 per share in cash), TRP +3.4% (ticking higher, TransCanada's Gros-Morne Wind Farm Begins Delivery of Clean Energy to Quebec Power Grid), SRPT +2.3% (Sarepta Therapeutics names Sandy Mahatme Senior Vice President, Chief Financial Officer), NTRI +2% (Dawn M. Zier to join Nutrisystem as President and Chief Executive Officer), GNRC +1.7% (continued momentum), AKS +1.5% (announces price increase for carbon steel products).

    Analyst comments: CMG +1.3% (upgraded to Buy at BofA/Merrill), LRCX +1.2% (upgraded to Positive from Neutral at Susquehanna)
  • Gapping down
    In reaction to disappointing earnings/guidance: SREV -26.8% (also downgraded to Hold from Buy at Deutsche Bank), Z -18.2%, ESRX -12.9%, BSFT -10.3%, SNHY -10.1%, MSCI -8.3%, CBM -8%, FOSL -8%, ENS -7.7% (ticking lower), NSM -7.3%, WMGI -1.9% (light volume), DTV -1.1% (light volume), AT -0.8%, NLY -0.8%

    Other news: TRLA -6.7% (following Z results), AWC -6.5% (still checking), ERIC -2.5% (LM Ericsson outlines list of ongoing activities to improve profitability at investor day), EXR -1.5% (announces offering of 5.2 mln shares of common stock), .

    Analyst comments: TS -1.3% (Hearing downgraded to Sell at Goldman)
  • Merrill Lynch tõstab Chipotle Mexican Grill (CMG) reitingu Hoia pealt Osta peale koos $ 320 hinnasihiga.

    We are raising our rating on CMG from Neutral to Buy

    We are raising our rating on CMG shares from Neutral to Buy with more than 20% appreciation potential to our price objective, which remains at $320. We view the sharp correction in CMG shares, down about 40% from the stock’s 52-week and all time record high, as a buying opportunity for one of the few restaurant stocks with impressive growth stock attributes.

    Momentum has slowed but appealing attributes are intact

    Chipotle has lost momentum with same store sales growth slowing from low double digits (seven consecutive quarters thru 1Q 2012) to less than 5%. Unit growth is also slowing from 13% in 2012 to 12% next year. But CMG’s overall financial characteristics remain impressive with high returns on capital driven by AUV’s of $2.1mm compared to new unit investment costs of $800K.

    Merrill Lynchi analüütikud usuvad, et CMG aktsia järsk odavnemine pakub investoritele suurepärast võimalust soetada positsioon muljetavaldava kasvuga restoraniketi aktsias. Analüütikute sõnul on kasvu intensiivsus küll mõnevõrra raugenud, aga ettevõtte fundamentaalsed näitajad on endiselt tugevad.

    Analüütikud prognoosivad lähiaastateks ettevõttele 20%-st EPS kasvu lisades, et aktiivsem turundus paneks neid oma prognoose ülespoole kergitama.

    CMG aktsia languse taga ongi olnud eelkõige kasvu aeglustumine, millele omakorda andis hoogu juurde David Einhorni teade oma lühikesest positsioonist CMG-s. Einhorni viimase aja sihtmärke vaadates ei soovi ilmselt ükski terve mõistusega investor tema vastu minna ja tänu sellele on lühikeste osakaal aktsias viimase kuuga ka tõusnud. Sellest tulenevalt pakun välja, et ehk tänane upgrade võib mõne lühikeseksmüüja aktsiast välja küpsetada. Samas ei tõsta analüütikud CMG hinnasihti ja call võib jääda natuke liiga nõrgaks.

    Eelturul kaupleb CMG 2% plusspoolel, $ 270,50 juures.

  • CMG töötas täna hästi. Aktsia avanes $ 271,25 pealt ja liikus üsna sirgjoones $ 280 taseme alla. Hetkel on aktsia tugeva turu najal jõudnud ka juba üle $ 280 taseme ja kaupleb $ 280,50 kandis, 5,8% plusspoolel.

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