Börsipäev 11. august - Investment topic - Forum - LHV financial portal

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Börsipäev 11. august

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  • Eile mängiti USA aktsiaturul läbi tuttav stsenaarium, kus sentiment oli lühiajaliselt muutunud liialt negatiivseks ning väärtpabereid hakati vasakult ja paremalt kokku krabama nagu tegemist oleks viimase võimalusega. FEDi asepresidendi Stanley Fischeri kommentaarid andsid põhjust intressimäära tõstmise üle spekuleerida, samal ajal aga näitas Warren Buffetti suurtehing, et praeguste hinnatasemete juures leiab endiselt ettevõtteid, mille väljavaade on atraktiivne. S&P 500 sulgus 1,3% võiduga, Euroopas lõpetas Stoxx 600 0,7% kõrgemal.

    Bloombergi eetris esinenud Föderaalreservi asepresidendi Stanley Fischeri sõnul on pilt USA tööturul palju tugevam kui inflatsiooni väljavaade. Paljuski on viimane tingitud ajutistest teguritest (kütusehinna langus), mille mõju aja jooksul leeveneb, kuid Fischeri kommentaaridest loeti välja, et FED võib enne intressimäära tõstmist jääda ootama märke, mis viitaksid hinnatõusu kiirenemisele soovitud 2%le lähemale. Samal ajal aga korda Atlanta FEDi president Dennis Lockhart oma varasemat seisukohta, et USA majanduse progress on olnud piisav alustamaks lähiajal intressimäära tõstmisega.

    Kreeka aktsiaturg jätkas kosumist avamisejärgsest põhjast, kerkides eile 2,1% (26. juuni sulgumisega võrreldes endiselt -13,5% madalam). Kreeka rahandusministri Euclid Tsakalotosi sõnul sujuvad läbirääkimised kreeditoridega hästi ning kokkulepe, mis allikate kohaselt võib kujuneda planeeritud 86 miljardist eurost isegi suuremaks, peaks saama allkirjad juba lähiajal. Kreeka parlamendil tuleb seejärel heaks kiita täiendavad meetmed enne kui reedeks planeeritud euroala rahandusministrite kohtumisele minnakse.

    Aasia aktsiaturud on kauplemas valdavalt miinuspoolel, seedides Hiina keskpanga otsust langetada jüaani ja dollari vahetuskursi fikseeritud keskpunkti 1,9% võrra. Keskpank reguleerib igapäevaselt vahetuskursi taset, lubades turul liikuda keskpunkti suhtes 2% üles või alla, kuid terve selle aasta jooksul on need olnud võrdlemisi marginaalsed reguleerimised (suurim korrigeerimine enne tänast otsust oli 0,16%). Keskpanga sõnul oli tegu ühekordse korrigeerimisega ning edaspidi antakse turule suurem vabadus reguleerida vahetuskurssi (keskpunkt sõltub nüüd eelmise päeva sulgumisest, mitte keskpanga otsusest), kuid ilmselt teatav kahtlus jääb, et keskpank ihkab ekspordi ja majanduse toetamiseks jüaani edasi nõrgestada.

    USA dollari ja Hiina jüaani vahetuskurss

    Majandusuudiste valik jääb täna tagasihoidlikuks, kui kaks olulisemat numbrit võiksid olla Saksamaa ZEW indeksid ning USA väikeettevõtete juuli kindlustunde indeks.

    12.00 Saksamaa investorite ja analüütikute kindlustunde indeks (august)
    13.00 USA väikefirmade kindlustunde indeks (juuli)

  • Saksamaa investorite ja analüütikute hinnang jooksvale olukorrale paranes 63,9 punkti pealt 65,7 punktile, mis oli parem kui oodatud 64,2, kuid järgmise kuue kuu väljavaate osas jääda negatiivsemaks. Viimast kajastav indeks langes 29,7 punkti pealt 25,0 punktile (oodati 31,9).
  • Gapping up
    In reaction to strong earnings/guidance:
    TUBE +22.9%, ICUI +15.9%, CALL +11.7%, NSPH +10.8%, NVAX +10%, SYMC +7.2%, (also confirms the sale of Veritas to The Carlyle Group (CG) for $8 bln in cash, expects to receive ~$6.3 bln in net cash proceeds, Raises stock repurchase program to $2.6 bln), MNGA +6.9%, HALO +6.6%, REN +6.4%, SHAK +5.3%, ADRO +5.3%, AMBC +4.8%, SFXE +3.8%, MODN +3.6%, ARCO +3.6%, RAX +3.2%, PFSW +3.2%, LYV +2.9%, MACK +1.8%, JASO +1.8%, HCHC +1.7%, ANTH +1.4%, FSIC +1.2%, TWER +0.6%, WYY +0.6%

    M&A news: YDLE +37.1% (Yodlee to be acquired by Envestnet (ENV) for $18.88/share, or ~$660 mln; expected to close in Q4 2015), TEX +22.8% (Terex and and Konecranes to combine in all-stock merger of equals), NTLS +22.4% (Shenandoah Telecom enters into a definitive agreement to acquire NTELOS Holdings Corp (NTLS) for $9.25/share in cash), SYA +6.7% (to be acquired by Sumitomo Life Insurance for $32.50/share in cash, or ~$3.8 bln)

    Select mining stocks trading higher: KGC +3.4%, AUY +2.4%, GG +1.3%, GDX +1%, GOLD +0.9%, NEM +0.8%

    Other news: AQXP +51% (cont strength), AEZS +18.8% (announces that the independent DSMB for its pivotal Phase 3 ZoptEC, will complete a second interim efficacy and safety analysis of the compound in October, 2015), TINY +16.5% (reported June 30, 2015 net asset value of $3.34 per share; Board authorized $2.5 mln stock repurchase program), NVAX +8.6% (announces positive top-line data from a Phase 2 clinical trial of its RSV F vaccine), NBG +6.1% (reports that Greece and creditors have made a deal), GOOG +5.2% (Google announces plans for new Operating Structure; to create a new company called Alphabet; Alphabet Inc. will replace Google Inc. as the publicly-traded entity and all shares of Google will automatically convert into the same number of shares of Alphabet, with all of the same rights ), DPLO +3% (to offer AstraZeneca's (AZN) IRESSA, recently approved by the FDA as a first-line therapy for a specific type of metastatic non-small cell lung cancer), RLYP +2.2% ( enters into a two-year detailing agreement with Sanofi (SNY) for Patiromer), VLTC +1.2% (cont strength)

    Analyst comments: KATE +2.1% (added to Focus List at Citigroup), ECHO +0.8% (upgraded to Outperform from Neutral at Macquarie), XL +0.7% (added to Conviction Buy List at Goldman)

    Gapping down
    In reaction to disappointing earnings/guidance
    : AVID -21.8%, ONVO -19.7%, ARTX -18.2%, CLDX -15%, PFIE -14.2%, PBYI -12.7%, YUME -10.2%, ZBRA -10%, MM -8.8%, XON -8.5%, VIPS -6.7%, XONE -5.6%, GSAT -5.5%, TROV -5.4%, RGSE -5.1%, PRAA -5%, FRSH -4.7%, ZIOP -3.4%, HIBB -3.3%, TTWO -3.1%, DTSI -3%, ALIM -2.6%, ZGNX -2.6%, KHC -2.3%, CALA -2.1%, CARA -1.7%, BIOC -0.9%

    Select metals stocks trading lower: FCX -4.5%, BHP -4.3%, RIO -3.6%, X -3.1%, VALE -2.8%, AA -2.3%

    Select oil/gas related names showing early weakness: OAS -4.1%, SDRL -3.8%, SD -3%, RIG -2.4%, NOV -2.2%

    Other news: WRLD -26.6% (disclosed that the staff of Consumer Financial Protection Bureau's Enforcement Office is considering recommending that the CFPB take legal action against the Company), ARTX -18.2% (filed to delay Form 10-Q; co also reported earnings), NCLH -3.6% (announced the launch of a 20 mln share secondary offering, by selling stockholders affiliated with Apollo Global Management (APO) and TPG Global), PTCT -3.1% (proposed to offer $125 mln of convertible senior notes due 2022), MHR -3% (discloses entry into a letter of intent with a private equity fund that sets out the preliminary non-binding terms and conditions of a proposed farm-out arrangement to develop certain undeveloped and unproved oil and gas leasehold acreage), POST -2.2% (announced an offering of $600 mln in senior notes due 2024 and $600 mln in senior notes due 2025; also reports an offering of $275 mln in common stock), AXTA -2.2% (announced a 30 mln share secondary offering of common stock, by selling stockholders affiliated with The Carlyle Group), ICON -2.2% (filed to delay Form 10-Q), GM -2.2% (China auto sales released), TWTR -2.1% (pulling back following yday's advance), QTS -1.7% ( announces the commencement of an underwritten public offering of 2.4 mln shares of its Class A common stock by a selling stockholder), COH -1.7% (still checking), F -1.6% (China auto sales released), ACHC -1.3% (announces a 5,033,230 mln share secondary offering of its common stock, by selling shareholders affiliated with Waud Capital Partners and Bain Capital Investors ), HSBC -1.1% (cont weakness), BABA -1.1% (pulling back following yday's advance), BFAM -0.9% (announces a secondary offering of 3 mln common stock shares)

    Analyst comments: PNC -1.2% (downgraded to Underperform from Mkt Perform at Keefe Bruyette)


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