Börsipäev 6. mai - Investment topic - Forum - LHV financial portal

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Börsipäev 6. mai

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  • Kahepäevase languse järel näitasid ostjad eile USA sessiooni alguses veidi huvi üles, kuid tööjõuraporti eel jäi julgusest puudu, et sentimenti täielikult enda kasuks pöörata ning S&P 500 sulgus lõpuks sisuliselt ilma muutuseta. Euroopas lõpetas Stoxx 600 0,3% kõrgemal, kui eksportijatele mõjus soodsalt euro -0,7% nõrgenemine dollari suhtes 1,1405 tasemele.

    USA esmased töötu abiraha taotlused kasvasid möödunud nädalal 17 tuhande võrra 274 tuhandele, mis osutus analüütikute konsensusest mõnevõrra kõrgemaks (260 tuhat). Vaatamata viimaste nädalate tõusule jääb nelja nädala libisev keskmine üle 40a madalaimale tasemele ning peaks viitama jätkuvalt soodsatele tööturu trendidele, kuid arvestades seda, et plaanitavad koondamised on ettevõtetes tänavu suurenenud, saavad töötu abiraha taotlused järgnevatel kuudel olema selle võrra suurema fookuse all.

    Aasia turud kauplesid nädala viimasel tööpäeval madalamal, sh Jaapanis, kus pikema püha järel avanenud Nikkei 225 vajus hommikusest plussist -0,5% kaotusse. Jeen ei näidanud olulist reaktsiooni pärast seda, kui peaminister Shinzo Abe ütles neljapäeval, et valitsus on valmis vajadusel jeeni spekulatiivse surve tõrjumiseks sekkuma ning võib valuutaturgude volatiilsuse teema tõstatada ka kuu teises pooles Jaapanis toimuval G7 tippkohtumisel. Teatavasti toonitasid liidrid eelmisel korral, et valuutade vahetuskursse peaksid mõjutama vaid turujõud ning riigid ei tohiks neid konkurentsieelise saavutamiseks tahtlikult manipuleerida.

    Tänaste majandusuudiste keskpunktiks on USA aprillikuu tööturu raport, mis peaks näitama, et väljaspool põllumajandussektorit loodi 200 tuhat uut töökohta ehk veidi vähem kui märtsis registreeritud 215 tuhat. Ühtlasi ootavad analüütikud töötuse määra 0,1protsendipunktist langust 4,9% peale ning keskmise tunnitasu kasvu kiirenemist 0,1pp võrra 2,4%le.

    10.00 Hispaania tööstustoodang (märts)
    15.30 USA tööturu raport (aprill)
    15.30 Kanada tööturu raport (aprill)
    20.00 USA Baker Hughes aktiivsete naftapuurtornide arv (6.mai)
    22.00 USA tarbijatele väljastatud krediidi muutus (märts)
  • Täna on pühade tõttu Taani börs suletud.
  • Hispaania tööstustoodang kasvas MoM 1,2%, ületades analüütikute 0,3% ootust. Mullusega võrreldes kiirenes kasvutempo 2,1% pealt 2,8%le (oodati 1,5%).
  • 86% S&P 500 ettevõtetest on raporteerinud...
  • FOMC järgmine istung toimub 14-15. juuni, Brexiti hääletus on aga 23. juuni. Kas FED võtaks riski enne intressimäära tõsta?

    * Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta President Dennis Lockhart, interviewed on CNBC television, says he’s “very much at the moment on the fence” as to whether to support increasing the interest rate at the June meeting.
    * “I think we should keep our options open” and decide depending “on how the data come in”: Lockhart
    * The employment report Friday will be “important” and “a continuation of solid reports is very important:” Lockhart
    * A monthly jobs figure of around “200,000 as a threshold is a good way to kind of organize your thinking” and “I’d be pleased if we’re above that”: Lockhart
    * The possibility of a U.K. exit from the European Union is “a big deal” and raises uncertainty: Lockhart
    * While U.S. presidents can influence the economy, “the president’s ability to shape the outcome is perhaps” less
    than the Federal Reserve or Congress on fiscal policy: Lockhart
  • Väljavool aktsiafondidest suurim viimase kaheksa kuu jooksul

    *Global equities see $16.9b of outflows in week to May 4, the largest weekly outflows in 8 months, BofAML strategists write in note, citing EPFR Global data.
    * European equities see $2.8b of equity outflows, marking a 13th straight week of redemptions, the longest streak since Feb. 2008
    * U.S. equities see $13.7b outflows, the most since Sept. 2015
    * Japan equities see $0.8b outflows, making it the longest streak since Feb. 2012
    * EM equities see small $0.5b outflows
    * IG bond funds see $5b inflows, the most in 13 months and 9th consecutive week of inflows
    * HY bond funds see $2b outflows, the most in 12 weeks
    * EM debt funds see $1.2b inflows, 11th straight week of inflows
    * Money markets see $4.3b outflows, bringing total for last 10 weeks to $122b
    * Precious metals funds see $1.7b inflows, the most in 9 weeks

  • Aprillis loodi oodatust vähem töökohti + eelneva kahe kuu -19K allapoole revideerimine
  • Gapping up
    In reaction to strong earnings/guidance:
    GV +20.8%, SYN +18.8%, CTRL +14.9%, YELP +13.7%, RATE +13.6%, HLF +12.8%, PACD +12.3%, SPPI +10.6%, UBNT +10.2%, MDR +8.6%, GSAT +8.2%, ACAD +7.2%, PTCT +6.8%, ATHX +6.8%, TRQ +6.7%, SWIR +6.6%, POST +6.5%, ATVI +6.3%, CLNE +5.5%, MTZ +5.4%, INAP +5%, NBIX +4.5%, HTGC +4.4%, BLDR +4.1%, AL +3.8%, ANET +3.8%, ATW +3.8%, TEAM +3.7%, MELI +3.4%, DV +3.2%, BATS +3.2%, VRNG +2.5%, WYNN +2.1%, UEIC +1.9%, CLVS +1.9%, WING +1.9%, WEB +1.8%, EXC +1.8%, MDVN +1.6%, EGY +1.6%, EVDY +1.5%, MAIN +1.4%, SAAS +1.1%, AHT +1%, RRMS +0.9%, EGN +0.9%

    M&A news:
    RATE +13.6% (to acquire the business of NextAdvisor for ~$76.3 mln in cash and ~$3.00 mln in time-based vesting restricted stock units, also reported earnings), APD +2.3% (confirms deal to sell the Performance Materials Division of its Materials Technologies segment to Evonik Industries for $3.8 bln)

    Select metals/mining stocks trading higher
    : GOLD +1.7%, ABX +1.6%, GFI +0.7%, VALE +0.6%, GDX +0.5%

    Other news: CRME +31.7% (Cardiome Pharma & Allergan (AGN) sign exclusive license agreement to commercialize Xydalba in France, the UK, Germany, Belgium, Nordic nations, and certain other European nations along with Canada and the middle east, additional terms undisclosed ), SPHS +21.1% (Sophiris Bio will present 'positive' data from its Phase 3 study of topsalysin as a treatment for the symptoms of benign prostatic hyperplasia at the American Urological Association Annual Meeting on May 7)

    Analyst comments:
    CTRV +3.1% (initiated with a Buy at Maxim Group; tgt $4), ARIA +2.5% (upgraded to Outperform from Market Perform at Cowen), MDVN +1.6% (upgraded to Buy from Neutral at Citigroup)

    Gapping down
    In reaction to disappointing earnings/guidance:
    ENDP -30.3%, GST -26.3%, IMPV -18.8%, UNXL -17.4%, SQ -16.6%, BSQR -14.1%, FEYE -8.6%, (Chairman and CEO David DeWalt will assume executive chairman role; President Kevin Mandia will replace as CEO ), GPRO -7.7%, DATA -5.8%, CPA -5.8%, FLR -5.6%, CRC -4.8%, GDEN -4.2%, CERN -4.1%, OLED -3.7%, CYBR -3.3%, LOCO -3.3%, TRUE -3.2%, EFC -3.2%, PMT -2.3%, MT -2.1%, CTSH -2.1%, HRTX -1.9%, FPRX -1.9%, PETX -1.8%, LNG -1.7%, SPWR -1.5%, ICPT -1.5%, EGAN -1.4%, PDCE -1.4%, DEPO -1.3%, MDRX -1.2%, GERN -1.1%, LIND -0.8%

    Select Chinese ADR's showing continued weakness:
    VNET -4.9%, AMCN -2.1%, YY -1.7%, YNDX -1.6%

    Select oil/gas related names showing early weakness:
    SDRL -4.9%, CHK -2.8%, SSL -2.4%, STO -1.9%, RDS.A -1.4%, BP -1.3%, MRO -0.8%

    Other news: KMPH -45.8% (the Anesthetic and Analgesic Drug Products Advisory Committee determined by a vote of 16 to 4 in that Apadaz should be approved for its proposed indication and voted 18 to 2 against inclusion of abuse deterrent labeling for the product), ARP -15.9% (suspends common unit and Class C preferred distributions, due to continued lower commodity price environment), PLG -8.8% (announces $33 mln bought-deal financing of 11 mln shares priced at $3.00/share with a syndicate of underwriters ), BANC -7% (announces 5.25 mln share underwritten public offering of common stock ), JCP -5.4% (NYPost detailed an internal memo on cost cutting measures amid recent sales decline), SO -4% (prices offering of 18.3 mln shares of common stock for gross proceeds of ~900 mln), VRX -3.3% ( announces formation of a new patient access & pricing committee responsible for pricing the co's drugs, chaired by CEO Joseph Papa), WBA -2.4% ( commences 15 mln common stock offering by selling stockholders), BHP -1.4% (provides Samarco update; Federal Court of Appeal in Brazil ratifies the agreement announced on Mar 2)

    Analyst comments: ZTS -3.4% (downgraded to Sell from Neutral at Goldman), BNFT -1.6% (downgraded to Market Perform from Outperform at William Blair)

  • Samal ajal kui kõik teised ootasid euro ja dollari partieeti, hakkas HSBC aasta tagasi vastuvoolu ujuma ning tõstis hoopis EUR/USD sihti (Tugeva dollari loetud päevad?)...nüüd järgnevad vaikselt ka teised. Siin on Morgan Stanley värsked prognoosid:

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