Börsipäev 22. juuni
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Aktsiaturud on suuremad manöövrid Suurbritannia referendumi eel ära teinud ning nüüd jääb oodata vaid tulemusi, mis selguvad ööl vastu reedet. Päev osutus eile ilma suuremate uudisteta suhteliselt vaikseks, päädides S&P 500 indeksi jaoks 0,3% ja Euroopas Stoxx 600 indeksi puhul 0,7% tõusuga.
Üldiselt on Saksamaa finantseksperdid suhteliselt tundlikud aktsiaturgudel toimuva suhtes, kuid juunikuu küsitluse kohaselt pole võimalik Brexit neid hirmutanud. Saksamaa investorite ja analüütikute hinnang jooksvale majanduslikule olukorrale paranes 53,1 punktilt 54,5 punktile (oodati 53,0), mis on kõrgeim tase alates jaanuarist ning samuti paranes hinnang järgmise kuue kuu väljavaatele, kerkides indeksi näol 6,4 punktilt 19,2 punktile (oodati 4,8), jõudes tagasi 2015.a augusti tasemele. Homme avaldatavad erasektori PMI indeksid ning reedel selguv ettevõtete kindlustunde indeks peaksid andma parema ülevaate Saksamaa majanduslikust olukorrast, kuid viimastel kuudel on needki viidanud paranenud aktiivsusele.
Janet Yellen midagi väga uut Senati ees esinedes ei tõdenud. Tema sõnul ei saa USA majanduses hetkel paralleele tõmmata tingimustega, mida üldiselt seostatakse surutisega, küll aga võis tema kõnest peegelduda varasemast pisut suurem kõhklus, kas majanduskasv kiireneb, kas tööturg tugevneb edasi ning kas inflatsioon liigub ikka tagasi 2% juurde. Kokkuvõttes ei ole FEDil kiiret intressimäära kergitamisega ning seda arvavad ka investorid, kes hindavad kergitamise tõenäosust juuli istungil vaid 10%liseks.
Pöörates pilgud tänasele börsipäevale, siis olulisematest majandusuudistest võiks välja tuua eurotsooni tarbijate juunikuu kindlustunde indeksi ning USA olemasolevate majade maikuu müügi.
11.00 Norra töötuse määr (aprill)
15.30 Kanada jaemüük (aprill)
16.25 FEDi Fischer esineb Riksbanki konverentsil
17.00 Eurotsooni tarbijate kindlustunde indeks (juuni)
17.00 USA olemasolevate majade müük (mai)
17.00 Janet Yellen esineb esindajatekojas
17.30 USA toornafta varude raport (17. juuni) -
FedEx saabus eile oodatust veidi paremate numbritega, andis selleks aastaks ootuspärase prognoosi
Reports Q4 (May) earnings of $3.30 per share, excluding $3.56 net in non-recurring items ($3.47 from mark to market pension accounting adj.), $0.02 better than the Capital IQ Consensus of $3.28; revenues rose 7.1% year/year to $13 bln vs the $12.77 bln Capital IQ Consensus.
FedEx sees FY17 $11.75-12.25 vs $12.07 Capital IQ Consensus Estimate -
Reedese volatiilsuse valguses toob UBS mõned tehnilised tasemed välja
*Break of 2120 would be tactically bullish, suggest very likely break of all-time high at 2134, which would trigger ‘long’ signal into initially Aug./Sept. with next big target at 2200 to best case 2350, UBS technical analysts Michael Riesner and Marc Muller write in note.
* Pullback into the June 16 low at 2050 was “significantly milder than expected”
* On the downside: 2025 remains key support, break would be bearish, suggest target of minimum 1960 into July
* See continued relative strength in U.S. and the “appealing pattern setup” in other markets, such as inverted head & shoulders bottom in MSCI EM
* In Europe: last week’s low at 2784 on Euro Stoxx 50 represents new pivotal support; recent high at 3156 remains strategic breakout level
* As long as Euro Stoxx trades between 2785 and 3150, the market remains in volatile but neutral trading range,
whereas a break of one of these levels would cause start of significant trend move
* Ultimate confirmation that global equities trading in new bull cycle (wave 5) only if MSCI World breaks April/June top at 409 and breakouts in Europe, EMs, Japan -
Eeldatavasti alustab homme kauplemist NYSE turul Twilio Inc. (TWLO). LHV kliendid IPO-s osaleda ei saa. Küll aga saab aktsiaga tehinguid teha kui see kauplema hakkab. Ordereid võtame vastu pärast ametliku kauplemise algust.
Tegemist esimese tehnoloogiaettevõtte IPO-ga pärast Novembrit kui turule tuli Square. CNBC kajastus.Postimees
Ettevõtte arendusjuhiks on Skype´i taustaga eestlane Ott Kaukver. Eelmise aasta alguses avas Twilio Eestis ka arenduskeskuse, mis annab tööd umbkaudu 50 töötajale. -
Gapping up
In reaction to strong earnings/guidance: WGO +7.4%, LZB +3.2%, KBH +1.2%
M&A news: SCTY +13.8% (Tesla (TSLA) makes offer to acquire SolarCity in exchange for Tesla common shares (proposal represents a value of $26.50 to $28.50 per share)
Select EU financial related names showing strength: CS +1.8%, DB +1.8%, RBS +1.5%, HSBC +1.4%
Select metals/mining stocks trading higher: SBGL +3.3%, RIO +2.1%, CLF +1.6%, FCX +1.4%, BBL +1.4%, IAG +1%, BHP +0.8%
Select solar related names showing strength after TSLA/SCTY news: VSLR +4%, FSLR +1.9%, CSIQ +1.6%
Other news: SUNW +17.2% (announces $24 mln in new commercial orders), PSTI +11.6% (presents positive data from preclinical studies of its PLX-PAD cells indicating increase regeneration of muscle tissue and reduce inflammation and cell death), PBMD +11.2% (presents initial safety data from Phase IIb Clinical Trial of IMP321), EBIO +6.4% (continuation of yesterday afternoon's strength), PRTK +2.8% (prices upsized 4.25 mln common stock offering at $13.00/share), PWE +2.1% (Penn West Energy announces Competition Act Clearance to Complete Sale of Saskatchewan Assets; expects to be fully in compliance with all of financial covenants at the end of Q2 and the remainder of 2016), AVXL +2.1% (confirms Orphan Designation for Anavex 2-73 indicated for the treatment of infantile spasms), SGY +1.8% (extending this week's move higher (up more than 50% on the week)), ECA +1% (agrees to sell its Gordondale assets in northwestern Alberta to Birchcliff Energy for a total cash consideration of CAD 625 mln)
Analyst comments: UIS +3.1% (initiated with a Buy at SunTrust), PCLN +2% (upgraded to Overweight from Equal Weight at Barclays), GFI +1.7% (upgraded to Outperform at RBC Capital Mkts on valuation and H2 catalysts)
Gapping down
In reaction to disappointing earnings/guidance: SITE -12.5%, CVTI -5.6%, ADBE -4%, HPQ -2.8%, FDX -1.9%, IDCC -0.9%
M&A news: TSLA -11.5% (Tesla makes offer to acquire SolarCity in exchange for Tesla common shares)
Other news: QEP -6.3% (commences 20 mln common share public offering), INO -5.4% (unfavorable commentary on Tuesday's Mad Money), UAM -4.2% (prices offering of $100 mln of Convertible Senior Notes due 2021; agrees to stock repurchase), TTM -2% (still checking), COT -1.8% (prices public common share offering on a bought deal basis), ETE -1.7% (slightly pulling back following yesterday's strength), PNFP -1.5% (Avenue Financial shareholders approve proposed merger with Pinnacle Financial Partners - merger is expected to close on or about July 1)
Analyst comments: ACAD -1.8% (downgraded to Neutral from Buy at BofA/Merrill), MCD -0.9% (downgraded to Neutral from Buy at Nomura)
Allikas: Briefing.com -
USA olemasolevate majade müük ootuspärane
US Existing Home Sales May: 5.53M (est 5.55M; rev prev 5.43M)
-Existing Home Sales (MoM) May: 1.80% (est 1.80%; rev prev 1.30%)