Börsipäev 21. oktoober - Investment topic - Forum - LHV financial portal

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Börsipäev 21. oktoober

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  • Euroopa Keskpangalt ja Mario Draghilt ei oodatud eile täiendavat rahapoliitilist stiimulit, kuid pettuma pidid need, kes lootsid kuulda vihjeid tulevikuplaanide osas. Draghi pressikonverentsi ajal -0,8% kukkunud Stoxx 600 suutis päeva lõpuks siiski võidelda välja 0,2% tõusu, kui lohutust otsiti EKP presidendi lubadusest, et QEd ei peatata järsult ning intressimäärad jäävad madalaks pikka aega pärast võlakirjade ostuprogrammi lõppemist. Ühendriikides sulgus S&P 500 -0,1% kaotusega, kosudes samuti sessiooni esimese poole langusest.

    Majandusuudistes langes fookus eile Ühendriikidele, kus statistika osutus valdavalt oodatust paremaks. Septembri olemasolevate majade müük paranes MoM 3,2% pärast -1,5% langust augustis, ületades konsensuse 0,4% prognoosi ning Philadelphia töötleva tööstuse aktiivsusindeks alanes 12,8 punktilt 9,7 punktile, osutudes paremaks võrreldes kardetud langusega 5,0 punktile. Detailid olid aga positiivsemad, sest uute tellimuste indeks paranes 1,4 punktilt 16,3 punktile ja tööhõive indeks -5,3 punktilt -4,0 punktile. Möödunud nädalal esitatud esmased töötu abiraha taotlused kerkisid 13 tuhande võrra 260 tuhandele (oodati 250 tuhat), kuid see võib olla seotud orkaan Matthewga.

    Hiina kinnisvaraturul jätkus uute majade hinnatõusu kiirenemine, kui septembris kerkis keskmine hind 70s linnas 9,0% (augustis 7,3%). Samuti muutus aastane hinnakasv hoogsamaks suurlinnades, kus see kiirenes 28,15% pealt 29,4%le vaatamata seni rakendatud jahutavatele meetmetele. Oktoobri esimese poole kohta laekunud info viitab kuumemates piirkondades siiski väikesele hinna alanemisele, kuid selle baasil on keeruline öelda, milliseks osutub muutus terve kuu lõikes.

    Börsinädalal lõppeb suhteliselt tagasihoidliku majandusuudiste valikuga. Euroopas võiks huvi pakkuda eurotsooni tarbijate oktoobrikuu kindlustunde indeks,Ühendriikides jäävad fookusesse ettevõtete tulemusd ning kahe FEDi regionaalse presidendi esinemised.

    15.30 Kanada jaemüük (august)
    15.30 Kanada inflatsioon (september)
    17.00 Eurotsooni tarbijate kindlustunde indeks (oktoober)
    17.15 FEDi Tarullo esineb
    20.00 USA Baker Hughes aktiivsete nafta puurtornide arv (21. oktoober)
    21.30 FEDi Williams esineb
  • Kapitali väljavool jätkub USA ja Euroopa aktsiafondidest aga sentiment on BofAMLi sõnul neutraalne

    * European equities see $1.6b in net outflows in week to Oct. 19, marking a record 37th straight week of redemptions, BofAML strategists write in note, citing EPFR Global data.
    * U.S. equity funds see $5.1b outflows, outflows in 6 of past 7 weeks
    * EM equity funds see $1b inflows, inflows in 15 of past 16 weeks
    * Japanese equity funds see tiny $22m inflows
    * In fixed income, IG bond funds see $1.5b inflows
    * HY bond funds see small $0.1b inflows, 4 straight weeks of inflows
    * EM debt funds see $0.6b of inflows, 16 straight weeks of inflows
    * BofAML Bull & Bear Indicator remains in neutral territory, edging down to 4.5 from 4.8 last week
    * Investor sentiment in “goldilocks” territory not too bullish and not too bearish, makes market correction tough
  • Suuremad liikujad täna Stoxx 600 indeksis:
  • McDonald's reports Q3 (Sep) earnings of $1.62 per share, $0.14 better than the Capital IQ Consensus of $1.48; revenues fell 2.9% year/year to $6.42 bln vs the $6.28 bln Capital IQ Consensus, due to the impact of refranchising.
    Global comparable sales increased 3.5% vs. ests. near +1.5%, +3.1% in Q2 and +4% last year, reflecting positive comparable sales in all segments.

  • Gapping up:
    In reaction to earnings/guidance:

    PFPT +11.2%, MSFT +5.8%, PYPL +4.8%, KLAC +3.8%, APOL +3.2%, SYF +2.5%, CLS +2.0%, HON +1.7%, SAP +1.6%, MXIM +1.1%.
    M&A news:
    RAI +21.3% (receives merger proposal from British Am Tobacco (BTI); values RAI at $56.50 per share or 20% premium to yesterday's closing price)
    COH +4.6% (M&A blog Betaville reports that Coach could be in talks with Burberry (BURBY) about a possible merger)
    KATE +3.0% (up in sympathy with COH)
    MO +2.3% (up on RAI/BTI merger news)
    PM +1.3% (up on RAI/BTI merger news)
    NXPI +1.3% (traded higher by ~4% yesterday on reports that Qualcom (QCOM) acquisition of NXPI could be announced next week at $110-120/share)
    WLH +2.4% (ticking higher, M&A blog Betaville reports on vague market rumors that Meritage Homes is said to be looking at a deal to acquire William Lyon)
    Other news:
    CERC +56.1% (move higher in after hours with strength being attributed to Alkermes sympathy; CERC focuses on developing neurological and psychiatric disorders' treatments)
    ALKS +40.8% (announces positive topline results from FORWARD-5 for major depressive disorder; meets primary endpoint)
    VRSN +5.0% (discloses amendment to Cooperative Agreement with the U.S. Department of Commerce; amendment to the Registry Agreement with ICANN)
    PTCT +3.3% (announces that its joint development program in Spinal Muscular Atrophy with Roche and the SMA Foundation initiated a Phase 2 study in pediatric and adult Type 2/3 SMA patients)
    ALIM +6.6% (ticking higher, amended its $35 mln term loan agreement to provide Limited up to $10 mln in additional financing upon the achievement of certain revenue milestones)
    Analyst comments:
    CHK +2.8% (upgraded to Neutral from Underperform at BofA/Merrill)

    Gapping down:
    In reaction to disappointing earnings/guidance:
    SKX -15.9% (also downgraded to Neutral from Buy at Citigroup), AMD -7.5%, RRGB -6.9% (offers light prelim Q3 results, lowers FY16 Adj-EBITDA guidance), ERIC -4.3%, ATHN -2.9%, SAM -1.9%, LZB -0.8% (issued light Q2 guidance ahead of meetings with analysts), IHG -1.9%, GE -1.1%.

    Other news:
    SGY -46.3% (announces entry into a comprehensive restructuring support agreement and a purchase and sale agreement for its properties in the Appalachia basin; RSA contemplates that SGY will file for chapter 11 bankruptcy on or before December 9)
    DXPE -4.3% (commences 2.7 mln common stock offering)
    MMLP -3.8% (ticking lower; enters into a definitive agreement with NuStar Logistics to sell certain assets located in Corpus Christi, Texas for gross consideration of $107 mln; reduces quarterly dividend)
    SHLD -3.7% (light volume; WSJ recaps comments from JAKK conference call highlighting concerns over Kmart's finances and has stopped shipments)
    ENDP -2.1% (announces that Suketu Upadhyay, Executive Vice President and CFO, is leaving the co effective November 22)
    DATA -2.0% (reports indicated that DATA had recently considered sale but talks stalled)
    SHPG -2.0% (still checking)
    CROX -1.4% (lower in sympathy with SKX; CROX earnings are expected in early Nov)
    Analyst comments:
    PPG -1.0% (downgraded to Neutral from Buy at Goldman)


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