Börsipäev 14. november
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Esmaspäeval liikusid Tallinna (+0.45%) ja Riia (+0.04%) indeksid kõrgemale ning Vilniuse (-0.01%) indeks sulgus punases. Põhinimekirjas tehti 313 tehingut kogumahus 647 tuhat eurot, millest Tallinna börsi käive moodustas 161 tehinguga 428 tuhat eurot ja Vilniuse börsi käive 123 tehinguga 190 tuhat eurot.
Enimkaubeldud aktsia oli Silvano Fashion Group (+1.87%) – käive 165 tuhat eurot ja tehingute arv 39. Järgnes Tallink Grupp (+0.92%) käibega 153 tuhat eurot ja tehinguid tehti 17 (üks plokktehing EUR 1.090 x 75000). Šiaulių bankas (+0.33%) käibeks kujunes 21 tehinguga 52 tuhat eurot.
Kõige enam tõusid Silvano Fashion Group (+1.87%, käive EUR 165k), Panevėžio statybos trestas (+0.92%, käive EUR 2k), Tallink Grupp (+0.92%, käive EUR 153k). Suurimad langejad olid Arco Vara (-5.00%, käive EUR 6k), SAF Tehnika (-2.47%, käive EUR 20k), Grigeo (-1.38%, käive EUR 38k). -
General Electric (-7.17%) aktsiahinna kukkumine hoidis Dow Jonesi indeksit üpriski nullilähedal – indeks kerkis vaid +0.07%. Dow Jonesi põhiliseks edasiviivaks jõuks oli materjalisektor +0.70%, kusjuures kõige enam indeksi aktsiatest võitsid aga McDonald’s +1.07%, Procter & Gamble +0.95% ning Home Depot +0.76%. S&P 500 sulgus samuti väga väikse +0.10% tõusu saatel, samas tasub märkida, et Mattel sai enda aktsiahinnale juurde +20.66%. Eelkõige siis uudise peale, et Hasbro soovib Mattelit ära osta. Ka Nasdaq püsis peaaegu paigal ehk tõusis vaid +0.10%.
Kõik Euro Stoxx 600 indeksi sektorid olid punases ning kõige enam langesid kommunaalteenuste sektor -0.71% ja tööstusettevõtted -0.65%. Stoxx 600 ise kukkus -0.66%. Indeksit tõmbas alla Electricite de France, mille aktsia kaotas pärast 2018. aasta kasumiprognooside vähendamise teadet hinnast -10.39%. Kukkusid ka Babcock International -7.32% ning Kingspan -6.53%. Positiivsemat valgust lisasid Freenet +4.74% ning Getinge +3.88%.
Šveitsi panganduskontserni esimehe ja Saksamaa keskpanga (Bundesbank) endise presideni, Alex Weberi arvates peaksid keskpangad krüptovaluutade suhtes rohkem avatud olema. Kuigi paljud keskpangad ei näe, et e-valuutad on vajalikud, arvab Weber, et harjumuspärased maksmisviisid on arenemas ning seda just noorte tõttu, kes kasutavad maksmiseks peamiselt nutitelefone ning on seeläbi pankadest sõltumatud. Pankade avatud suhtumine tooks kasu kõige rohkem geograafiliselt suurtele riikidele, kus sularahavedu on kulukas – näiteks Aafrikale.
Hiina jaemüük kasvas oktoobris eelmise aastaga võrreldes 10% ning tööstustoodang 6,2%. Mõlemad majandusnäitajad jäid turuprognoosidele alla ning aitasid kaasa Aasia piirkonna aktsiate üsna nõrkadele tulemustele. Hang Sengi Hongkongi indeks langes -0.05% ning Shanghai -0.53%. Jaapani Nikkei indeks püsis muutumatuna ning Lõuna-Korea Kospi indeks langes -0.15%.
Tänased majandusuudised:
09:00 Saksamaa tarbijahinnaindeks (oktoober)
12:00 Eurotsooni tööstustoodang (september)
12:00 Eurotsooni kolmanda kvartali SKP
12:00 Saksamaa investorite ja analüütikute kindlustunde indeksid (november)
15:30 USA tootjahinnaindeks (oktoober) -
MRTX - Leerink ug. Jube ilus tehniline pilt.
TGTX - init Buy, $33 tgt, $8 taala stock. Aga natuke suur tükk pisilüüsija jaoks.
Gapping up
In reaction to strong earnings/guidance:
LUNA +14.6%, AAP +13.6%, MARK +10.8%, KLIC +10.6%, TEUM +8.9%, DQ +8.1%, EXXI +7.8%, DAVE +7.7%, OREX +7.4%, IGT +7.3%, FENG +6.5%, WOW +6%, BGNE +5.8%, YTRA +5.6%, SSYS +5.4%, CALI +4.8%, FSNN +3.3%, NMM +2.8%, CASI +2.4%, PQG +1.5%, VBLT +1.3%, DHT +0.8%
M&A news:
BWLD +25.7% (WSJ reporting that Roark Capital has made a bid to buy the co for more than $150/share)
Other news:
ITUS +32.8% (has 'executed an exclusive worldwide license agreement with The Wistar Institute for a CAR-T technology aimed initially at treating ovarian cancer, and eventually additional solid tumors')
TCON +12.5% (announces that positive results from a Phase 1 clinical trial of TRC102 and Fludara in patients with advanced hematologic malignancies were published in the journal Oncotarget )
GLBS +11.7% (announced that an investor holding warrants originally issued pursuant to the Company's February 2017 private placement has elected to exercise its right to purchase 700,000 of the Company's common shares at a price of $1.60 per share)
AMRN +6% (Amarin's Vascepa (Icosapent Ethyl) showed reductions in potentially Atherogenic Lipid and Inflammatory Markers in Statin Treated Patients with persistent high triglycerides and chronic kidney disease)
ABUS +4.2% (ticking higher after confirming LNP licensee ALNY receives accelerated assessment of patisiran from European Medicines Agency)
BLDP +3.9% (signs $9 mln agreement with Siemens (SIEGY) to fuel cell engine to power cutting-edge Mireo commuter train)
DLPH +3.3% (Board of Directors approved the record date, distribution date and distribution ratio for the spin-off of its Powertrain Systems segment into a new publicly traded company, Delphi Technologies PLC)
EGO +2.6% (provides an update on the Co's exploration activities completed to date in 2017)
Analyst comments:
ADMA +7.7% (upgraded to Outperform from Mkt Perform at Raymond James)
TGTX +6.1% (assumed with a Buy at H.C. Wainwright; tgt $33 (closed at 8.25 on Monday))
SHPG +1.7% (upgraded to Buy from Hold at Liberum)
DB +1.3% (upgraded to Buy from Hold at HSBC Securities)
MMI +1.1% (upgraded to Buy from Neutral at Citigroup)
ZBH +0.9% (upgraded to Buy from Hold at Deutsche Bank)
KO +0.5% (upgraded to Outperform from Market Perform at Wells Fargo)
Gapping down
In reaction to disappointing earnings/guidance:
ZYNE -17.4%, MRAM -6.4%, SMI -6.4%, NETS -4.6%, HPJ -4.5%, DKS -4.5%, SWCH -4.4%, CLNT -2.5%, PBR -2%, CXRX -1.8%
Other news:
MYO -6.4% (Myomo announced the filing of registration statement relating to a proposed underwritten follow-on public offering of shares of its common stock and accompanying warrants to purchase common stock)
LOXO -6.3% (enters into global collaboration with Bayer (BAYRY) to develop and commercialize larotrectinib and LOXO-195)
TPRE -6% (commences underwritten secondary public offering of an aggregate of 15,000,000 of the common shares (representing approximately 14.0% of its outstanding shares) by KIA TP Holdings, L.P. and KEP TP Holdings, L.P. )
PRQR -5% (rices offering of 4,969,805 ordinary shares at $3.25/share)
ANTH -4.2% (filed for 28,613,474 share common stock offering by the selling stockholders )
SAGE -4.1% (commences $300 mln common stock offering)
RPD -1.9% (indicated lower on block trade pricing)
QUOT -1.4% (commences $175 mln private placement of convertible senior notes due 2022)
GDI -1.4% (commences 22 mln common stock offering by selling stockholders KKR)
WTW -1% (intends to offer $500 mln in aggregate principal amount of senior notes due 2025 in a private offering)
Analyst comments:
PHM -2% (downgraded to Neutral from Buy at Buckingham Research)
JD -1.5% (downgraded to Equal-Weight from Overweight at Morgan Stanley)
TFX -1.2% (downgraded to Hold from Buy at Deutsche Bank)
STO -1.1% (downgraded to Market Perform from Outperform at BMO Capital Markets)
HLT -1% (removed from Conviction Buy List at Goldman)
Briefing.com -
MRTX - Leerink ug. Jube ilus tehniline pilt.
Karvane, vist seotud eilse õhtu teemaga. -
Balti börsidel tühistatakse börsi poolt 17. novembri ja 2. jaanuari börsipäeva lõpus kõik tühistamiseni (GTC) orderid.
17. novembril jäävad LHV kaudu edastatud tühistamiseni orderid LHV süsteemi alles ja saadetakse tagasi turule 20. novembri hommikul.
2. jaanuari börsipäeva lõpus tühistuvad kõik LHV kaudu edastatud tühistamiseni orderid börsil ja LHV süsteemides. 3. jaanuari hommikul tuleb kõigil tehinguid teha soovijatel oma orderid uuesti edastada.
Orderite tühistamine toimub seoses orderite vastavusse viimisega 3. jaanuaril jõustuva MIFID II nõuetega.