NEO Finance (NEOFI) - Investment topic - Forum - LHV financial portal

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NEO Finance (NEOFI)

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  • NEO Finance on Leedu finctech startup, mis on peamiselt tegev P2P (peer-to-peer) laenude andmise valdkonnas, arendades Paskolų Klubas (Loan Club) P2P laenuplatvormi. Samuti on ettevõtte tegev maksete vahendamise valdkonnas (payment initiation service (PIS), Neopay).

    Paskolu klubas on tarbijakrediidi vahendamiseks mõeldud P2P platvorm kus saab kuni 15 000 euro suuruseid laene.

    Ettevõtte peamised tuluallikad on:
    * laenulepingu tasu ca 5% iga iga lepingu pealt (tasu on hajutatud kogu laenu kestuse peale)
    * järelturu tasu, kus NEO Finance saab 1% iga järelturu tehingu pealt mis laenudega tehakse
    * makseteenuse tasu €0.05 - €0.35 igalt vahendatud tehingult
    * intress laenudelt. NEO Finance investeerib ise samuti platvormil ja teenib niimoodi intressitulu

    Ettevõte noteerib oma aktsiad Nasdaq Vilnius alternatiivnimekirjas First North, tõstes Leedust noteeritud ettevõtete arv kolme (3) peale. IPO tegemiseks kasutatakse Google eeskujul siin regioonis uuenduslikku meetodit - hollandi oksjonit (dutch auction, teise nimega marginal price auction). IPO korraldatakse üheaegselt Eestis, Leedus ja Hollandis.

    IPO eesmärk on laiendada äritegevust ja alustada tegevust vähemalt kuues Euroopa riigis, põhirõhuga Baltikumis, Hollandis ja Tśehhis.

    IPO maht: 500 000 - 2 500 000 EUR
    IPO miinimumhind: €3.14 aktsia kohta
    IPO maksimumhind: iga investori enda määrata
    IPO käigus maksimaalselt jaotatav aktsiate arv: 796 178 aktsiat (kui aktsia hind jääb €3.14. Kui aktsia hind on kõrgem kui minimaalne hind, siis vastavalt vähendatakse jaotatavate aktsiate hinda, sest 2 500 000 EUR on maksimaalne IPO maht nominaalväärtuses ja see number ei muutu. Muutuv number on avalikkusele jaotatvate aktsiate arv, mis väheneb kui aktsia lõpphind on kõrgem kui miinimumhind)
    Minimaalne märkimiskogus ühe korralduse kohta: 15 aktsiat
    10:00 15.05.2019 - IPO algus
    23:59 04.06.2019 - IPO lõpp
    Ostupakkumiste tegemise koht: kas ettevõtte IPO platvorm (kohustuslik registreeruda) või Šiaulių pank

    Kõik investorid pakuvad oma hinna, lõpphind kehtib aga ühiselt kõigile (need kes pakkusid rohkem, neile tagastatkse ülejäänud raha).
    Eelmine aasta kaasas NEO Finance 209 000 EUR Seedrs ühisrahastuplatvormilt, kus aktsia hinnaks määrati €3.14 ja ettevõtte valuatsioon oli €10.8m EUR.

    Ettevõtte enda prognooside põhjal on aastal 2023 firma turuväärtus €25-62 miljonit.

  • Igaks juhuks mainin ära, et momentumi viidatud Informatsioonidokumendis (mitte ajada segi prospektiga) on toodud järgmine lõik:
    The Offering is not directed to persons whose participation requires a prospectus, registration or measures other than those required by Lithuanian law. No action has been or will be taken in any jurisdiction other than Lithuania, Estonia and the Netherlands which would allow the offering of Offer Shares to the public, or authorize the holding, distribution of the Information Document or any other material relating to the Company or Offer Shares in such jurisdiction.

    Seega ei ole tavakliendil võimalik LHV kaudu märkimises osaleda.
  • Sander Pikkel

    Seega ei ole tavakliendil võimalik LHV kaudu märkimises osaleda.

    Prospekti ei ole kuna emissioon on alla 5 000 000 EUR. Infodokumendi teine lõik selgitab:
    The Information Document does not constitute a prospectus within the meaning of Article 3 of European Union (EU) Directive 2003/71/EC and has not been prepared in accordance with the provisions of European Commission Regulation (EC) 809/2004. Based on Articles 4 of the Law on Securities of the Republic of Lithuania (the “Law on Securities”) the Company has no obligation to prepare or publish a prospectus, since the Offering is under EUR 5M. Therefore, the Information Document has been neither approved nor registered by the Bank of Lithuania which is the Lithuanian Financial Supervisory Authority in accordance with the provisions of the Law on Securities.

    The Information Document has been prepared in Lithuanian and English versions and has been published on the website of the Issuer ( In the event of any inconsistency, the English version shall prevail.

    The Offering and Information Document is governed by Lithuanian law. Disputes relating to the Offering or Information Document shall be settled solely in accordance with the registration address of the Issuer.

    Lk 20. algab selgitus pakkumiste tegemiseks läbi börsi. Nimelt kasutab NEO Finance esiteks ettevõtte enda veebilehel avatud pakkumiste keskkonda (soovivad endale rohkem kliente saada tulevikkus silmas pidades), aga teiseks kasutavad NASDAQ Vilniuse ametlikku pakkumiste platvormi. Seda viib läbi Śiauliu Bankas, kuid ligipääs olevat väidetavalt kõigile turuosalistele (milleks on ka LHV):
    Placing bids via Nasdaq Vilnius
    Alternatively to the IPO Platform, Investors will be able to participate in the Bidding Stage on Nasdaq Vilnius trading and clearing platform Genium INET arranged by AB Šiaulių bankas. The bids may be submitted through the financial institutions members of Nasdaq Vilnius (the “Participating Institution”). A complete list of Participating Institution is published on Nasdaq Vilnius website (

    In order to be able to submit bids for the Offer Shares, Investor must have a securities account opened with any financial broker or Participating Institution.

    Investors will be able to place their bids for the Offer Shares by filling an order with any financial broker or Participating Institution stating:
    * The number of Offer Shares Investor is willing to purchase;
    * The price per Offer Share Investor is willing to pay.

    The Auction will have the same bidding rules as for bids placed via IPO Platform:
    * The minimum size of any bid is 15 (fifteen) Offer Shares;
    * the minimum Offer Share price threshold is EUR 3,14 per share;
    * the minimum bid increment is EUR 0,01 per share;
    * the maximum bid amount is EUR 2.5 M.

    By submitting a bid for the Offer Shares via a bid of the Participating Institution, Investor will authorize and instruct the Participating Institution to immediately reserve the total bid amount on the Investor’s cash account until the payment for the allotted Offer Shares is completed or until funds are released in accordance with the Information Document. Exact procedures applied by Participating Institution may differ and are subject to their internal rules.

    The Investor bears liability for the incorrectly filled bids for the Offer Shares. If Investor is willing to modify a completed bid, the bid must be cancelled by Investor and a new bid executed. The Investors will be able to cancel their bids only until 2019 May 28 23:59 Vilnius time (GMT +3).

    The Company has opened a cumulative account at the Company as electronic money institution in the Company’s name, with a sole purpose to collect the raised funds from the Offering. During the Allocation stage, the reserved funds of the Investors fully or partly will be transferred to the said account for the payment of the allocated Offer Shares. The amount transferred will be equal to the number of shares bid multiplied by the Offer Shares Price, thereby if Investor has bid the price per Offer Share exceeding the Share Offering Price, the amount of funds which will be transferred will be less than the reserved amount.

    4.2.3 Auction Closing
    After completion of the Bidding Stage Company will close the bidding and Investors will not be able to place new bids. Should the total value of the placed bids during the Bidding Stage be below the Minimum Raised Amount, the Offering process is going to be cancelled and all the Investors are going to be informed about cancellation of the Offering. The Company will return all the funds of the Investors who placed their bids through IPO platform to their IBAN accounts within 2 business days after the cancellation of the Offering. Participating Institutions will release the reserved funds of the Investors who placed their bids through Nasdaq Vilnius in compliance with their internal rules.

    4.2.4 Pricing Stage
    Offer Share Price will be determined by Company’s Board choosing from the total pool of received bids the number of the Offer Shares to be issued (the “Selected Number of Offer Shares”), where the Offer Share Price will be the price at which it is possible to sell the Selected Number of Offer Shares.

    The procedure for determining the Offer Share Price will be performed in the following steps:
    (1) After the completion of the Bidding Stage, Company’s Board will collect the data of the bids submitted;
    (2) Each bid will contain at least the following data: Investor’s identification data, the time of the bid, the number of the Offer Shares the Investor wishes to buy and the price per share at which the Investor is willing to purchase the Offer Shares;
    (3) The bids submitted will be pooled and sorted in descending order by price;
    (4) Company’s Board will determine the Selected Number of Shares starting from the highest price. Since the price of the Share Offering is the price at which it is possible to sell the whole Selected Number of Shares, it will be the lowest price within the Selected Number of Shares;
    (5) The whole process will be executed with the participation of auditors from Grant Thornton Baltic, UAB.

    These steps will be explained below in a hypothetical example:
    Steps (1) and (2):

    In this example, it is assumed that Company has received a total of 6 bids as shown in Table 1:

    The bids are pooled and contain the following data: the Investor identification, the amount bid, the price per
    share bid and date of the bid.

    Step (3):
    The pooled bids are sorted in descending order by the bid price per share as shown in Table 4.2:

    Step (4):
    Company may select the number of the Offer Shares to be issued starting from the highest price (from the top). Thereby:
    * if Company selects the total amount of the Offer Shares consisting of bids E+A, the Selected Number of Offer Shares will be 1 050 shares (550+500) and the Offer Share Price will be EUR 5 (price at which it is possible to sell the whole Selected Number of Offer Shares and which is the lowest price in the Selected Number of Offer Shares, as Investor A has bid EUR 5 per share and is not therefore willing to pay a higher price);
    * If, however Company selects the total amount of the Offer Shares consisting of bids E+A+B+C, the Selected Number of Offer Shares will be 6 050 shares (550+500+1 000+4 000) and the Offer Share Price will be 3,50 EUR.
    * If a Company decides to issue 6 250 Offer Shares at a price of EUR 3,14 and if several investors bid the same price, the Investor who bids first will receive the Offer Shares. In this case bids E+A+B+C amount to 6 050 shares. The remaining 200 Offer Shares will be issued to Investor D, because his/her bid was made on 2019 April 1, and it was made earlier than Investor F who bid on 2019 April 25.

    During the pricing stage Company will be guided, among other factors, by its best interests, as the Selected
    Number of Offer Shares directly impacts the total amount of money raised.

    For example, if Company selects a Selected Number of Offer Shares that is equal to the bid shares, it will consist of all of the bids (A+B+C+D+E+F) which in total will comprise 6 600 shares (550+500+1 000+4 000+250+300), and Company will be able to sell this quantity at the price of EUR 3,14. Consequently, Company will raise EUR 20 724,00.

    If, however, Company selects bids E+A+B+C, (excluding bids E and F) the Selected Number of Offer Shares will be 6 050, which Company will be able to sell at the price EUR 3,50. Consequently, selecting the lower amount and excluding bids E and F, Company may raise EUR 21 175,00, which is more than if the whole amount of placed bids had been selected.

    4.2.5 Allocation stage
    After the pricing stage, Company will begin the allocation stage to the Investors with successful bids.
    The successful bids will be determined as follows:
    * the bids with the bid price above the Share Offering Price will be successful;
    * the bids with the bid price below the Share Offering Price will be unsuccessful;
    * the bids with bid price equal to the Share Offering Price will be successful bids, however it cannot be excluded that not all the bids within the given price range, for whatever reason, will be included in the Selected Number of Offer Shares. In such cases the successful bids will be determined by their completion/submission time. Bids which are completed sooner will have precedence over bids completed later. Furthermore, it may also theoretically be the case that a last successful bid within the time range may not be fully allocated, in such case Company will allocate the number of shares that falls within the Selected Number of Offer Shares.

    Once process described above is finalized the Company’s Securities Account Operator will make respective records of the Selected Number of Offer Shares to the securities accounts of Investors submitting successful bids.

    Investors whose bid price per share is above the Share Offering Price will be returned the difference between bid price and Share Offering Price within 2 business days after completion of the pricing stage.

    The corresponding number of bids placed through IPO platform and which did not fall under successful bids will be returned within 2 business days after the completion of the pricing stage.

    4.3 The listing of Shares on the First North Lithuania
    Company is expected to make an application for the Shares to be admitted to trading on First North Lithuania - an alternative trading securities platform for small and medium-sized enterprises in two months after allocation stage is completed. The legal status of the First North Lithuania differs from the regulated market. Although application would be made for the Shares to be admitted to trading on First North Lithuania, there is no assurance that such applications is going to be accepted, that Shares will be admitted or that an active trading market is going to develop. Accordingly, there is no assurance as to the development or liquidity of any trading market for any particular Shares.

    Kas see on 100% kindel, et läbi LHV pakkumisi esitada ei saa?
    LHV võiks seda teemat uurida, sest minule jääb mulje, et kõik börsi liikmed saavad NASDAQ Vilnius oksjonikeskkonnas osaleda.
  • Börs võttis ka meiega juba teema üles, ning uurime seda.
  • Veits OT, aga ma tegin mingi härra lingiga sinna konto ja sain tasuta 25 raha.
  • Nüüd saab LHV internetipangas ja kontoris märkida NEO Finance AB aktsiaid. Pakutavate aktsiate arv on 796 178 . Ühe aktsia märkimishind on minimaalselt 3.14 eurot, ning minimaalselt saab märkida 15 aktsiat. Märkimise teenustasu on 3 eurot korralduse kohta.

    LHV kliendid saavad märkimises osaleda kas kliendikontorites või internetipangas jaotuses "Raha kasvatamine" -> "Väärtpaberite märkimine". Märkimine on avatud kuni 4. juuni 2019. a kuni kella 15:30-ni. Tehingu väärtuspäev on 7. juuni 2019. a. Tutvu enne märkimist kindlasti Informatsiooni dokumendiga.
  • Mis saab siis kui ma m2rgin miinimum hinnaga, aga l6plik hind kujuneb k6rgem? Kas siis jagatakse lihtsalt selle v6rra v2hem aktsiaid?
  • Ma arvan, et siis sa ei saa aktsiaid, saavad kõik, kes märgivad lõpphinnaga või üle selle, kes üle pakuvad, saavad odavamalt.
  • Lenzer
    Ma arvan, et siis sa ei saa aktsiaid, saavad kõik, kes märgivad lõpphinnaga või üle selle, kes üle pakuvad, saavad odavamalt.

    Ja kuidas see lõpphind arvutatakse?
  • 796178 aktsiat on enampakkumisel, selle koguse alla tõmmatakse joon.

    Oletame, et on kolm pakkujat:

    1. Pakub 500000 @3.14
    2. Pakub 500000 @3.25
    3. Pakub 500000 @3.30

    1. ei saaks midagi, teine ja kolmas saaks kumbki 398089 @3.25 ma oletaks.
  • Selles mõttes oli mu näide vale vist, et tegelikkuses esimene ei saa midagi, teine saaks 296178@3.25 ja kolmas saaks 500000@3,25 sest julge hundi rind on rasvane ja haavleid täis. Enim raha pakkuja saab oma koguse kätte aga hinnaks kujuneb madalaim hind, mis koguse ära täidab. Protsenduaalseks jagamiseks läheb odavama hinna pakkujate vahel ülemärgitud osa. Näiteks kui esimene ja teine pakuks 3,25 ja kolmas ikka 3,30 ning kogused oleks samad, siis esimene ja teine saaks 296178/2 ja kolmas saab ikka 500000.

    Example of a Dutch Auction
    Assume that the company, Compu Inc., is using a Dutch auction to price its shares for an IPO. The company is looking to sell a total of 400 shares in its IPO.


    Investor A places a bid for 200 shares at $300
    Investor B places a bid for 25 shares at $450
    Investor C places a bid for 500 shares at $100
    Investor D places a bid for 60 shares at $200
    Investor E places a bid for 100 shares at $150
    Investor F places a bid for 15 shares at $120

    Investor B: 25 shares at $450 (400 – 25 = 375 shares remaining)
    Investor A: 200 shares at $300 (375 – 200 = 175 shares remaining)
    Investor D: 60 shares at $200 (175 – 60 = 115 shares remaining)
    Investor E: 100 shares at $150 (115 – 100 = 15 shares remaining)
    Investor F: 15 shares at $120 (15 – 15 = 0 shares remaining)
    Investor C: 500 shares at $100
    In this example, the IPO would be priced at $120 per share because the last bid of 15 shares at $120 filled out the total number of shares that Compu Inc. is looking to offer. Investors B, A, D, and E would be able to purchase shares for $120 instead of their initial bids of $450, $300, $200, and $150, respectively. Investor C would be out because the number of shares is already filled.

    Consider the same example but with different bid prices:

    Investor A places a bid for 100 shares at $300
    Investor B places a bid for 200 shares at $200
    Investor C places a bid for 200 shares at $200
    Investor D places a bid for 60 shares at $250

    Investor A: 100 shares at $300 (400 – 100 = 300 shares remaining)
    Investor B and C: 200 shares at $200 (300 – 200 = -100 share remaining)
    Note that Investors B and C both placed a bid for 200 shares at $200 (400 shares in total). Therefore, at a price of $200, there is demand for 500 shares (100+200+200). However, the company only wants to sell 400 shares. In this case, the company must figure out a way to allocate these shares. One way to resolve this problem is to take the percentage:

    400 shares available / 500 shares demanded = 80%. Investors A, B and C would receive 80% of their requested shares:

    Investor A receives 80 shares at $200
    Investor B receives 160 shares at $200
    Investor C receives 160 shares at $200
    Total shares issued: 400
  • Lenzer
    796178 aktsiat on enampakkumisel, selle koguse alla tõmmatakse joon.
    Oletame, et on kolm pakkujat:
    1. Pakub 500000 @3.14
    2. Pakub 500000 @3.25
    3. Pakub 500000 @3.30
    1. ei saaks midagi, teine ja kolmas saaks kumbki 398089 @3.25 ma oletaks.

    Oletame et on pakkujad:
    1. Pakub 300000@3.14
    2. Pakub 200000@3.14
    3. Pakub 300000@3.25
    4. Pakub 200000@3.25
    5. Pakub 300000@3.30
    6. Pakub 200000@3.30
    Jaotuse tulemused: Kuues saab 200000@3.25 ; viies saab 300000@3.25 ; neljas saab 158471@3.25 ; kolmas saab 237707@3.25 ; teine saab 0@3.25 ; esimene saab 0@3.25 .
    Eeldus on: 796178 aktsiat on enampakkumisel.
  • Sander Pikkel
    Nüüd saab LHV internetipangas ja kontoris märkida NEO Finance AB aktsiaid. Pakutavate aktsiate arv on 796 178 . Ühe aktsia märkimishind on minimaalselt 3.14 eurot, ning minimaalselt saab märkida 15 aktsiat. Märkimise teenustasu on 3 eurot korralduse kohta.

    LHV kliendid saavad märkimises osaleda kas kliendikontorites või internetipangas jaotuses "Raha kasvatamine" -> "Väärtpaberite märkimine". Märkimine on avatud kuni 4. juuni 2019. a kuni kella 15:30-ni. Tehingu väärtuspäev on 7. juuni 2019. a. Tutvu enne märkimist kindlasti Informatsiooni dokumendiga.

    Kas teenustasu läheb ka maha kui pakud vähem kui tegelik hind kujuneb ja aktsiaid ei saa?
  • ttrust, ma lugesin infodokumenti lõpuks ja momentumi postis oli see ammu kirjas ka juba :) sinu näite puhul 3. ja 4. saavad proportsionaalse koguse oma pakutust aga infodokumendis on hoopis kirjas, et, kes varem paneb Bidi sisse saab kogu koguse ja teine jääb kuivale.
  • Lenzer
    ttrust, ma lugesin infodokumenti lõpuks ja momentumi postis oli see ammu kirjas ka juba :) sinu näite puhul 3. ja 4. saavad proportsionaalse koguse oma pakutust aga infodokumendis on hoopis kirjas, et, kes varem paneb Bidi sisse saab kogu koguse ja teine jääb kuivale.

    Jah, nii on. On kaks printsiipi:
    * highest come, first serve
    * first come, first serve

    Ehk kes paneb kõrgeima bidi, see saab aktsiad.
    Ja kes varem tuleb, see saab esimeses järjekorras aktsiaid.

    Võite metafoorina ette kujutada situatsiooni kui turul olevat järjekorda eksootiliste puuviljade järele Nõuka ajal, kus isegi kui midagi tuleb müügile (IPO-d toimuvad harva), siis ilmselgelt esimesed krabasid kõik banaanid ja ülejäänutele jäid tühjad letid. Nagu alati.

    Seega oma pakkumise tegemisega tasub kiirustada isegi juhul kui ollakse lõppkokkuvõttes sama hinna peal.
  • No tasub siis märkida või pigem ei tasu?
    Uue majanduse värk, et kas on piisavalt usku?
    Mõne targema arvamus äkki?
  • Esimesel päeval haibi pealt teenida tundub suht 50/50, keskpikas perspektiivis on Mintos kunn ja nii jääb.
  • Täna viimane päev märkida.
    Kiirelt kasvav firma. Vähegi pikemas perspektiivis peaks olema hea kasvuaktsia, milles positsiooni omada.
  • Minul seda usku pole, et NEO Finance võiks pikas perspektiivis olla hea kasvuaktsia. Kui nad oma plaanid täidavad ja 60 miljonit eurot suudavad aastas vahendada, siis 5% sellest on 3 miljonit eurot (müügitulu). Müügitulu 10-kordistamiseks oleks juba päris ulmelist summat vaja vahendada ja selleks on vaja väga agressiivset laienemisplaani.

    Kiire kasv on ka suhteline. Ühe euro pealt kahe peale on 100%, kahe pealt nelja peale ka 100%. Aga miljonilt 100% tehes ei ole vaja enam kasvada 1 euro, vaid miljon eurot. Nende baas on madal, samas laenuturul konkurents päris märgatav.
  • eesmärk oli 0,5 - 2,5m EUR, märgiti 600k EUR. kõigile anti miinimumhinnaga ehk 3.14 EUR per share.
    After evaluation of all investors‘ submissions, NEO Finance Board had set the final IPO price to EUR 3.14 per share, valid for all investors. Board approved all bids [...] In total, 291 private persons and legal entities have bought company shares. Origin of investors is following: 66% from Lithuania, 10% fromEstonia, 8% from the Netherlands, the rest – of other countries‘..

  • 644 616 oli pakkumiste maht 409 pakkuja poolt ja keskmine hind 6% kõrgemal kui miinimumhind, ehk 3.34EUR.
    Kõik saavad siiski miinimumhinnaga 100% koguses kätte mis märkisid.

    During the IPO, 409 offers were submitted for the amount of EUR 644 616. The average offered share price was equal to EUR 3.34, or 6% higher, than the starting price set by the company.

    After evaluation of all investors‘ submissions, NEO Finance Board had set the final IPO price to EUR 3.14 per share, valid for all investors. Board approved all bids.

    “Those who offered a higher share price, will be reimbursed excess amount this week” – said Deividas Tumas, member of the Board at NEO Finance.

    NEO Finance was the first in Lithuania to carry out IPO as Dutch auction. Although, every potential investor was able to bid their own price, the final established share price is applied to all investors.
    The total approved share emission amount is 21% higher than the minimum IPO amount. After IPO results, the valuation of NEO Finance is EUR 11.5 M.

    In total, 291 private persons and legal entities have bought company shares. Origin of investors is following: 66% from Lithuania, 10% fromEstonia, 8% from the Netherlands, the rest – of other countries‘.

    This is the first time in Lithuania, when the company shares were sold via custom-made internet platform, which accounted for 91% of all IPO shares. The remaining 9% were distributed via the Baltic‘s banks.

    Leedu erainvestorkond on üllatavalt õhuke!
    Leedust tuli küll 66% pakkumistest, aga pakkumiste kogumaht on ju naeruväärne! NEO enda platvormilt muuseas tuli 90% pakkumistest, ehk sisuliselt mitte midagi ei tulnud Leedu jaeinvestoritelt Leedu pankades.
  • See pole esimene kord kui märkan, et Leedu jaeinvestorid on passiivsed. Üldiselt Eesti IPO-de jt näitajate juures olen seda ka täheldanud, et Leedu on oma suurust arvesse võttes ikka üsna passiivse investeerimiskäitumisega riik.
    Võib-olla selle pärast, et keskmine palk on pikalt Eestist madalam olnud ja rahval pole sääste. Aga rahva arv on ju kokkuvõttes oluliselt suurem!
  • nägin ka seda spämmi FB-s. Kellegi link oli NeoFinance, et leia sõpru uusi liitujaid, siis saad 10 eurot. :) . Täiesti veider, et sellese peaks keegi uskuma ja raha sisse panema.
  • aivarx
    nägin ka seda spämmi FB-s. Kellegi link oli NeoFinance, et leia sõpru uusi liitujaid, siis saad 10 eurot. :) . Täiesti veider, et sellese peaks keegi uskuma ja raha sisse panema.

    Fintechidel on customer acquisition cost reeglina väga kõrge ning arvestades sellise jagamismudeli edu, siis ma isiklikult selles midagi imelikku ei näe. Käesolevas teemas on link, kus sai varem ka 25 eurot nö viite eest.
  • momentum
    Kas kuu aega pole mitte piisav aeg, et turul kauplemine algaks?

    PR: NEO Finance IPO is successful: over EUR 0.6 M is raised, shares are to be listed in the stock exchange

    On. Seetõttu küsisin ka järgi - eeldavad kuu lõpus alustada kauplemisega. ("It's only few steps away. We and the Nasdaq expect to start end of this month.")

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