Estonian Japan Trading Company AS börsile
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Börs avaldas teate, et alanud on Estonian Japan Trading Company AS aktsiate kauplemisele võtmise menetlus Nasdaq Balti alternatiivturule First North
Nasdaq Tallinna börs alustas laekunud dokumentide põhjal menetlust Estonian Japan Trading Company AS-i aktsiate kauplemisele võtmiseks alternatiivturule First North.
Börs teavitab menetluse käigus Börsi Noteerimis- ja Järelevalvekomisjoni poolt vastu võetavatest otsustest eraldi.
ÄP kergitab natuke katet. Tundub, et tegu võib olla kinnisvara valdkonna ettevõttega:Kaido Höövelson oli ettevõttest ja selle plaanidest kõneldes pigem tagasihoidlik. Tema sõnul tahab üks Jaapanis tegutsev ja tuntud ettevõte laieneda Eestisse ja seeläbi Euroopasse. Tegu olla kinnisvaraettevõttega, kes tegutseb ka majutusvaldkonnas. Mis firmaga on lisaks Jaapanile ka Indoneesias tegutseva firma näol tegu, ta veel öelda ei soovinud.
Küsimusele, kas Eestisse on seeläbi oodata suurt investeeringut, vastas Höövelson, et tema jaoks on tegu suure summaga ja jätkas, et kas jaapanlased laienevad siia restorani või hotelli näol, jätab ta pigem täpsustamata.
Ettevõte on noorem kui neli kuud ja registreerimine toimus 16.09.2020. -
(Mina ei olnud, ausõna! :) ) -
(Mina ei olnud, ausõna! :) )
Ohh, ega ma pahaks ei paneks kui oleks ka olnud. Nalja peab ka vahel sama.
:) -
esimene riiulifirma börsil
oligi aeg -
SPAC v? Nii nummi, 'Estonian' nimes ja puha.
esimene riiulifirma börsil
oligi aeg
Baltika on ju ka riiulifirma. Neil on riiuli peale ka mingid hilbud aga neid keegi üldiselt ei puutu. Kord kvartalis vahetavad ise välja uute vastu. -
Börs annab teada: Estonian Japan Trading Company AS aktsiate kauplemisele võtmine Nasdaq Balti alternatiivturule First North
Nasdaq Tallinn Börsi Noteerimis- ja Järelevalvekomisjoni otsustas 16. märtsil 2021. a rahuldada Estonian Japan Trading Company AS-i taotluse ja võtta tema poolt emiteeritud 1 200 000 aktsiat nimiväärtusega 0,1 eurot kauplemisele Nasdaq Tallinn AS-i poolt korraldatavas mitmepoolses kauplemissüsteemis First North.
Estonian Japan Trading Company AS-i aktsiate esimeseks kauplemispäevaks on kolmapäev, 24. märts 2021. a.
Täiendav info:
Emitendi nimi Estonian Japan Trading Company AS
Emitendi lühinimi EJTC
ISIN kood EE3100008996
Väärtpaberite nimiväärtus 0,1
Väärtpaberite arv 1 200 000
Tellimusraamatu lühinimi EJTC
Tellimusraamatu ID 212182
ICB klassifikaator 30202000 Finantsteenused
Nimekiri First North Tallinn
Juurde on lisatud ka prospektilaadne dokument, kuid ega suurt infot sealt leida ei ole. Ettevõtte tegevust kirjeldab järgmine sektsioon:The vision of the EJTC was drawn down by the investors in late 2018, right aft er
the Convention for the Avoidance of Double Taxation came into force between
Estonia and Japan. Desiring to further develop trading and investing between
Estonia and Japan, the EJTC was established in 2020.
The EJTC is a company with a mission to create diff erent investment lines
between the Baltic region and Japan. Admission to trading of Company’s
shares on First North will be the next step to achieve EJTC’s mission.
EJTC will take a wide approach to the investment opportunities in Estonia and
the Baltics, ranging from technology start-ups to small businesses producing
handicraft products of local origin. The potential targets for EJTC to invest in
and assist them to take their operations to the next level are also technology
companies, which focus on innovative and novel technologies.
Japan is one of the foremost countries in the world when it comes to the
development of artifi cial intelligence products. EJTC can bring Estonian
artifi cial intelligence teams to the Japanese market for expertise and potential
EJTC does not limit its investment decisions to any specifi c fi eld or technology.
The most important is that the team shows that they have what it takes to
create innovative and interesting products, which in turn creates value for
EJTC and its shareholders.
The focused business lines of the Company will be the following (please also
see more detailed description below):
• Traditional trade between Estonia and Japan: EJTC will operate to enable
the Estonian and Baltic handicraft and design products to fi nd its way to
the Japanese market. The Company’s plan is to create an e-commerce platform and to trade with well-selected products at Japanese market.
• Equity investments in Estonian start-up companies that have a potential
to expand its business model to Asian, especially Japanese market.
• Equity and mezzanine investments in Estonian companies that are active
in the fi eld of digitalization of services and application of a range of electronic and digital technologies to communities (so-called Smart-City
• Real-estate investments in the Baltic States.
Samuti järgmised lõigud:The focused business areas of the Company
Beside the traditional trading, the primary focus
of EJTC is facilitating investments to innovative
Estonian and Baltic region companies with
exciting growth opportunities and scalable
business models.
EJTC invests in companies with the potential
aiming to take their business to the next level
and thereby creating value for EJTC and its
shareholders. EJTC is looking for start-ups that
need between EUR 100 000 to EUR 2 000 000 in
capital injection. EJTC is ready to take both short
term as well as long term equity positions.
EJTC will be technically structured as a holding
company, administrating the activities of the
EJTC group companies. The intention is to
structure each business-line of the Company
under a separate subsidiary of the Company,
we also do not exclude opening subsidiaries
in other jurisdictions, as the case may be.
EJTC reviews the operations of its group companies
as a business portfolio and leads the day-to-day
management of investments and activities.
EJTC operates simultaneously as the entity
responsible for the supervision over the entire
group as well as managing the execution of
investment transactions. EJTC operates and
performs most of its corporate management
transactions in Estonia, taking advantage of
the Estonian digital ecosystem, the investment
opportunities in the Baltics and strong know how
about the Japanese market.
In deciding on the companies to invest in, EJTC
values experienced and capable management
teams, with a clear ambition. EJTC is an opportunity
for the companies in the Baltics to gain access not
only to Japanese capital, but also the Japanese
The purpose of EJTC is to empower founders and
companies to develop their business with access
to additional capital and market opportunities,
without becoming overbearing and limiting their
The business endeavours of EJTC will include
(while not being strictly limited to) the following:
• Facilitating traditional trade between Estonia
and Japan: EJTC will operate to enable the
Estonian and Baltic handicraft and design
products to find its way to the Japanese
• Equity investments and possibly mezzanine
loan investments into Estonian start-up
companies that have a potential to expand
its business model to Asian, especially
Japanese markets. Special focus is put on the
companies dealing with MedTech, HealthTech
and regenerative medicine.
• Equity investments and possibly mezzanine
loan investments in Estonian or Japanese
companies that are active in the field of
digitalization of services and application of
a range of electronic and digital technologies
to communities (so-called Smart-City
• Real-estate investments in the Baltic States.
Below we describe each contemplated businessline of EJTC in more detail and provide financial
forecasts in relation to each of them.
Praegune noteerimine on lihtsalt tehniline listimine, avalikkuselt kaasatakse kapitali hiljem:The Company is not issuing its shares to investors yet. The Company aims to admit to trading the existing
ordinary shares at First North and no new shares will be issued as public float. In the first stage, the Company’s goal is not to immediately raise capital by issuing new shares. That said, it must be emphasized,
that it is the Company’s intention to issue public float shares, in total value of EUR 1 500 000 in QIII 2022,
after the Company and its management has gathered some experience working as public company.
Another issue of free float shares is planned to QIV 2023. -
Lihtsalt huvi pärast ... Mis diil selle aktsiaga on? Oskab ehk keegi seletada?
Estonian Japan Trading Company AS-i aktsiate esimeseks kauplemispäevaks on kolmapäev, 24. märts 2021. a.