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Tuum börsile

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  • Tuum on 2019 aastal asutatud ja Eesti päritolu pangandustehnoloogia ettevõte, mille tegevusalaks on pankade teenindamine ja neile modulaarsel põhimõttel pangateenuste arhitektuuri müük, mille abil pangad saavad oma klientidele teenuseid pakkuda.

    Tuum sai alguse Hansapanga IT osakonnast. Sealt hangitud kogemuste najal asutati Modularbank, mis hiljem nimetati ümber Tuumaks. Tuuma põhiliseks filosoofiaks on pakkuda pangateenuste põhiplatvormi, mis modulaarsel põhimõttel on laiendatav. Platvorm on API-first põhimõttel ja seal ümber mikroteenuste arhitektuur.

    09.12.2020 teatas ettevõte, et kaasas 4 000 000 EUR kapitali seed roundis.
    26.01.2022 teatas ettevõte, et kaasas 15 000 000 000 EUR kapitali Series A roundis.

    31.01.2022 olid asutajad Vilve Vene ja Rivo Uibo ÄP raadios ja rääkisid hommikuprogrammis, et ettevõte liigub miljardi euroni ulatuva käibe suunas. Ettevõte olevat börsi jaoks liiga keeruline, aga hilisemas faasis börsile minekut ei välistata.
  • Teise raha kaasamise osas on nulle veidi palju saanud.
  • Viimases roundis kaasati ikka €15M, mitte €15B. Aga loodame, et need ajad pole kaugel!
  • "octopus"
    Viimases roundis kaasati ikka €15M, mitte €15B. Aga loodame, et need ajad pole kaugel!

    Teise raha kaasamise osas on nulle veidi palju saanud.

    Täiesti õige. Kaasasid 15 miljonit EUR.
    Kerge typo on sees, aga enam parandada ei saa.

    Börsi koha pealt on see seisukoht muidugi süva-veider, et me oleme börsi jaoks liiga "keerulised".
    No investoreid nüüd küll alahinnata ei ole mõtet! Esiteks vaatavad investorid raha genereerimise võimet ja laienemise potentsiaali. Ja need on mõlemad head. Ja teiseks suudavad investorid suurema massina läbi närida ka palju keerulisematest ettevõtetest.

    Aga see on kahjuks tavaline tänapäeva maailmas, et kapitaliturg pole mitte turg kapitalile ja ettevõtjatele, vaid lihtsalt tipu-kasvu hetkel tipu-valuatsiooniga exitite jaoks.
  • PR: Tuum strengthens AML compliance offering through a partnership with Salv
    Tuum, the API-first and modular core banking platform, announces a new partnership with Salv, the regtech company founded by Wise and Skype employees to combat financial crime. The partnership enables Tuum to add anti-money laundering (AML) capabilities to its core banking platform. Additionally, the partnership addresses the discrepancies often found between time-to-market strategy and the quality of AML compliance. By working with Salv, Tuum’s customers now gain access to a fast, flexible and transparent AML platform with advanced monitoring, screening and risk-scoring solutions.

    As the economic outlook worsens and the funding landscape becomes more challenging, financial companies look for new ways to innovate without burning their cash runway. Today, financial institutions have access to a selection of plug-and-play banking solutions, which help to get their new products to market as quickly as possible. However, growth and streamlining product launches shouldn’t come at the cost of compliance.

    With financial crime on the rise, companies don’t only need to keep their businesses compliant but also safeguard their operations from illicit activities. This partnership between the best-of-breed providers enables financial institutions to launch and scale at speed, whilst equipping them to detect and prevent a comprehensive range of AML and fraud activities.

    Following months of close cooperation, this partnership is a natural progression between the two Estonian-founded companies. Tuum and Salv currently work with LHV UK as their joint customer, with LHV UK operating on Tuum’s core banking platform and using Salv for their AML requirements.

    Julien Douve, Head of Alliances & Partnerships at Tuum, comments: “Two of the biggest concerns amongst our customers are compliance with AML requirements and time to market. By partnering with Salv, we address both of these issues and provide our customers with a seamless experience, as Salv’s industry-leading AML solutions have proven to be a game-changer for financial institutions.”

    Taavi Tamkivi, CEO & Founder at Salv, comments: “Unfortunately, innovation in financial technology goes hand-in-hand with innovation in fincrime. Through this partnership, Salv can help financial companies using Tuum’s core banking solutions to keep their businesses and customers safe from financial crime, allowing them to focus on growth.”

    Tuum and Salv will host a joint event in London on the 9 November to discuss the opportunities of Plug and Play banking and the pitfalls to avoid. More information about the event is available here.

    About Tuum
    Tuum is a next-generation core banking technology provider. Its API-first, cloud-agnostic and highly configurable banking platform covers all retail and business banking processes, allowing banks, fintech startups or even non-financial companies to easily roll out customer-centric financial solutions.

    Tuum brings together expertise in technology and banking. It was founded in 2019 by a small group of Estonian financial IT pioneers with decades of experience in digitizing and transforming large Nordic banks. The company has acquired customers throughout Europe and currently employs over 100 people in its offices in Tallinn, Berlin, Malaga and London
  • Värskes Eesti tehnoloogiaettevõtete turuväärtuse TOP 30 nimekirjas on Tuum saanud TOP 27 koha ja väärtuseks hinnatakse 64 000 000 EUR:

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