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  • Kuivõrd hr David Duke, Euroopa-Ameeriklaste Ühtsuse ja Õiguste
    president (European-American Unity and Rights Organization (EURO)) on
    kirjas palunud seda levitada (ja kiri on tõesti lugemist vääriv ning mõtlema
    panev, kuigi pikk), Kel huvi lisaks ajakirjanduses
    avaldatule tutvuda teistsuguste seisukohtadega, sel soovitan tutvuda.

    Artikli avaldamine siinkohal teenib vaid teavitamise huve


    The Big Lie

    The true reason behind the attack of September 11

    By David Duke

    The mass media has told the American people a Big Lie about the attack on
    September 11. They have purposely lied about why it happened so as to cover
    up the true reasons for the attack. Not understanding the real reasons why
    we were attacked will cost America the loss of more lives, our prosperity
    and our freedom.

    My Dear Friends,

    No American will ever forget seeing on television the almost unbelievable
    carnage this past September 11. The horror at first seemed as if it were
    scenes from a movie, not real life. Then, as I as accepted the fact that it
    was real, emotion swept over me; like so many other Americans, I struggled
    to keep back the tears for our people and our country. Almost immediately, I
    also realized that this terrorism could cost us even more than the terrible
    loss of lives and property suffered on that single day. I knew it would
    initiate a series of events that could threaten the very foundations of

    Not only do Americans now face the specter of increasing terrorism, the
    horror of September 11 could well trigger a devastating economic depression.

    It also might end up costing us our freedoms. And, as you know, the blood
    had not yet dried in the rubble, before government leaders began to call for
    destruction of our most sacred constitutional rights.

    The most important question we must ask ourselves about the terrorism is
    why. For without knowing why, we cannot hope to prevent these kinds of acts
    in the future.

    Knowing who did the act is important, but why they did it is even more
    important. Don't get me wrong, we should certainly identify and obliterate
    all those directly responsible for these attacks, I am all for that.

    However, it is essential that we understand the true motivations behind
    these men. Why are millions around the world growing to hate America so
    much? Why are growing numbers of men willing to sacrifice their lives to get
    at us? Even if we hunt down and kill all those remotely responsible for the
    terror of September, unless we find ways to lessen the growing world-wide
    hatred against us, more kamikazes will rise to take their place. America
    will sink into an increasing cycle of violence and fear.

    Military might cannot protect us

    Many Americans suffer from a dangerous delusion, and this includes the
    leading politicians, that we can militarily protect ourselves from

    They don't realize that the events of September 11 moved us into a new era
    of world history.

    In this new era, sheer military might is no protection. No longer can strong
    nations attack weak ones with impunity. The tiniest nation or political
    entity can easily avenge itself with mass terror. No nation is invulnerable
    from terrorism, not even the strongest on earth.

    Because of increased scientific knowledge, the next terror could be far more
    deadly than what happened on September 11. The next horrific occurrence
    might not even entail an explosion of any kind, but the silent mass death of
    a biological, toxic or radiation attack.

    It takes only a small number of people, little money, and only a high school
    level of scientific knowledge to create weapons of mass destruction. They
    can be manufactured in anybody's basement. The most important factor is the
    amount of motivation people have to commit such acts.

    The terrorists of September 11 have proven that fear of punishment will not
    stop terrorism in the same way it lessens street crime. What good does the
    threat of punishment do to men who expect to sacrifice their lives?

    The threat of the death penalty was certainly no deterrent for the
    terrorists of September 11.

    The bad news is that no matter how many billions of dollars the government
    spends or how many thousands of bombs it drops, it is impossible to
    completely protect ourselves terrorism. In fact, the more bomb-dropping and
    devastation we do, the more likely we will suffer a future terrorist
    response. That is because every bomb we drop spawns more hatred against us
    and more motivation to strike back at us.

    Unfortunately, the carnage of September 11 will embolden those growing
    millions who do hate us, for they now know they can strike spectacularly at
    even the most sacrosanct symbols of America.

    For many years I, along with Patrick Buchanan, Ramsey Clark, and a few other
    political untouchables, have tried to prevent this kind of tragedy. We have
    warned against recklessly involving America in the many wars and blood feuds
    around the world. We beseeched the American people to follow the advice of
    the father our country. In his farewell address, George Washington warned us
    against foreign entanglements.

    We warned that if America sheds blood overseas, that eventually blood would
    be shed in our own country. I feel no satisfaction in saying that we were
    right. Being right is no solace for my anguish at this great loss of
    American life.

    I will be brutally honest in this letter, and my frankness may offend some
    people, but this crisis demands only the truth, the whole truth, and nothing
    but the truth. Nothing less than the whole truth can help us build a secure
    and prosperous future for our nation.

    A time for introspection

    We Americans have every right to be bitterly angry against the terrorists.
    But we also must go one step beyond our anger, for when something goes
    terribly wrong in an individual's life or even in the life of a nation; it
    is time for introspection. We must courageously ask ourselves what we might
    have done that has made us vulnerable to such ferocious attacks. That kind
    of thinking sometimes takes courage.

    The world moves by a simple principle: cause and effect. In this instance,
    let us examine the possible causes for the motivation of these men to strike
    at America.

    Any nation that bombs another naturally creates millions of angry enemies
    against it. America has repeatedly done that in recent times. We have taken
    sides in foreign conflicts, offered military assistance and weapons, and
    even bombed other nations. Our actions have caused the loss of many
    thousands of lives, including the lives of thousands of civilians. Many of
    the nations we bombed had never harmed a single American or acted in any way
    against the interests the United States.

    For instance, we now partially blame Afghanistan for what happened on
    September 11. Have we conveniently forgotten that we bombed Afghanistan (and
    killed many innocent civilians) three years ago when we tried to kill Osama
    Bin Laden. The same people we previously helped against the Soviets lead
    Afghanistan. At that time, we actually supported the terroristic activities
    of Osama Bin Laden against the Soviets and their collaborators. When Bin
    Laden later turned against us, we attempted to kill him by bombing

    We have seen the intense reaction of Americans to the attack on the Trade
    Centers. What would be the reaction of Americans to any nation who fired
    Cruise missiles and dropped thousands of bombs on America? After Clinton's
    bombing of Afghanistan, the Taliban promised revenge against America.
    September 11 may be that revenge.

    We bombed Iraq after it invaded Kuwait, yet we supported Saddam Hussein with
    money and arms when he warred with Iran. In contrast, we continued to give
    monetarily and militarily support to Israel even after it invaded Lebanon
    and killed tens of thousands of Lebanese civilians. We support the Zionist
    State even though it tortures thousands of political prisoners in its jails.
    American support enabled Israel to ethnically cleanse itself of 700,000

    Bush says we must strike down terrorists wherever they are in the whole
    world, but he has shared tea and crumpets with Israeli Prime Minister, Ariel
    Sharon, one of the world's leading most brutal and bloodthirsty
    terrorists. Sharon committed a number of crimes against humanity, among them
    the massacre of 2,000 men, women and children in the Sabra and Shatila
    refugee camps in Lebanon. Mr. Bush did not strike Mr. Sharon, instead he
    toasted him.

    America supplied weapons and bombs to Muslim separatist terrorists in Kosovo
    against the Yugoslav Christians, and then we bombed Yugoslavian cities full
    of civilians, when that country militarily attempted to suppress the revolt
    that we encouraged.

    Please understand, I don't believe these American acts of war were the will
    of the American people. On the contrary, most Americans, at least up until
    September 11, have opposed almost every American involvement in foreign
    wars. For instance, a solid majority of Americans opposed the recent
    military intervention in Yugoslavia. But America is firmly in the grip of
    the New World Order crowd, and they use America to enforce their world
    agenda and hegemony.

    The death of 500,000 children

    I think most Americans would be appalled if they were fully aware of the
    suffering caused by American policy. For instance, most Americans no nothing
    about the effect of our embargo of food and medicine to Iraq. We caused the
    death of at least half a million children. That's right; I repeat: we are
    directly responsible for the death of 500,000 kids. Some of you might not
    believe what I am telling you. Well, for those who don't believe it, here is
    an excerpt of an interview between Leslie Stahl of CBS and Madeline Albright
    when she was US Secretary of State. The segment was called PUNISHING SADDAM,
    and Stahl was asking if the death of 500,000 children was worth it to punish
    this one man.

    Leslie Stahl, speaking of US sanctions against Iraq: "We have heard that a
    half million children have died. I mean, that's more children than died in
    Hiroshima. And -- and you know, is the price worth it?"

    Madeline Albright: "I think this is a very hard choice, but the price -- we
    think the price is worth it."

    How would you view anyone who is willing to cause the death of 500,000
    children to punish one man?

    How can we not understand why so many people hate the United States when our
    own Secretary of State says murdering 500,000 children is quote, "worth it?"

    The Big Lie of September 11

    Knowing who did the terrorism of September 11 is important, but why they did
    it is even more important to us.

    Yet, strangely, there has been little discussion in the mass media on why
    the attack occurred. Politicians and media personalities have given us
    completely inadequate explanations why a couple of dozen young men would
    blow themselves up to get at us. In fact, they have told us absurd lies to
    keep Americans from understanding the real reason for the attacks.

    We have been told that the attackers were simply crazy, cowardly men who
    committed a quote "unprovoked attack." Media and government spokesmen
    repeatedly assured us that these attacks had "nothing to do with America's
    support of Israel." The official view, as expressed by the President to the
    U.S. Congress, was that the terrorists attacked us because they hate our
    freedom! Here is an excerpt of his remarks before Congress

    "Americans are asking, "Why do they hate us?"

    "They hate what they see right here in this chamber: a democratically
    elected government. Their leaders are self-appointed. They hate our

    I am not trying to be disrespectful, but what he said is so ridiculous that
    even this intellectually challenged President cannot really believe it. Does
    Bush really think that a bunch of young men would give up their families,
    their homes, and immolate themselves in a huge ball of fire simply because
    they hate our democracy! Right on Mr. President! Next week, will we will
    hear about Islamic kamikazes crashing planes into Iceland, the oldest
    enduring democracy on earth.

    Mr. Bush is asking America to support a massive war over the next ten years.
    We are being asked to support a massive conflict whose huge costs could well
    bankrupt America and cause the loss of great numbers of American lives.
    Before we can make such a crucial decision, we deserve to have the
    whole truth concerning this cataclysmic event.

    Of course, Mr. Bush did not tell us the truth; he simply repeated the Big
    Lie put out by the American mass media.

    Saying that these acts were born out of hatred for freedom is a calculated
    lie to divert us from associating this disaster with our support for Israel.

    You see, associating the attack with our Israeli policy would be bad public
    relations for Israel and the Jewish Lobby. The last thing they want is for
    the American people to realize that our unconditional support of Israel has
    directly led to this disaster.

    If the American people clearly understand that fact, people might begin to
    ask a similar question to the one asked by Leslie Stahl, "Is our support of
    Israel really worth it?"

    To keep people from asking that obvious question, the media made up the Big
    Lie that the men of October 11 were simply crazy, cowardly people who hated
    freedom and democracy!

    The real reason for the attack

    Even the date the terrorists chose for this attack shows their true

    The attack occurred on September 11. That is the anniversary of the League
    of Nations proclaiming in Palestine the British Mandate in 1922. The date
    represents the first physical step toward the implementation of the Balfour
    Declaration and the establishment of Israel.

    Why has the mass media kept this important fact from the American people?

    Frankly, this fact has been suppressed because the American media are
    thoroughly dominated by Jews. Many Americans suspect that Jews have
    disproportionate influence in the press, but their actual power is more than
    most people imagine. If you want documented proof of their enormous media
    power, just go to my web page, www.davidduke.com and read the "Who Runs the
    Media?" chapter from my book, My Awakening. (Located at

    Just as Jewish Israel-Firsters dominate the mass media, so the Israeli Lobby
    afflicts Congress and the President. It should anger every American to think
    that the most powerful lobby in Congress is in the service of a foreign
    nation. Yet, the immense power of the Jewish Lobby is a proven fact, and
    nobody on Capitol Hill will dare defy this all-powerful lobby. Even one of
    the most powerful U.S. Senators in American history, William Fulbright,
    bluntly said on CBS's Face the Nation, that, "Israel controls the U.S.

    Recently, a Hebrew Israeli radio station, Kol Yisrael, on October 3rd
    reported that during an argument in an Israeli cabinet meeting, Shimon Peres
    warned Prime Minister Ariel Sharon that unless he would heed American
    requests for a cease fire with the Palestinians, he could cause America to
    turn against Israel. In a fit of anger, Sharon responded to Peres:

    "Every time we do something, you tell me America will do this and will do
    that . . . I want to tell you something very clear: Don't worry about
    American pressure on Israel. We, the Jewish people, control America, and the
    Americans know it." (2)

    The media bosses and the Israel-bought politicians know the real reasons
    behind this terrorism. They have read the interviews of Osama Bin Laden. He
    and almost every other Islamic opponent of America has put support for
    Israel at the top of their top ten reasons for hating America. Bin Laden and
    countless millions in the Muslim world regard the attacks on Lebanon, on
    Iraq, on Libya, on Iran, on Afghanistan and on Sudan as a direct result of
    Israel's control over America.

    They point out that the many Israeli massacres of Palestinians, the ongoing
    torture of thousands of prisoners, the use of assassination of political
    enemies, the bombing of refugee camps, and the expansive wars launched by
    Israeli's against their Arab neighbors; that all these Israeli crimes are
    completely dependent on unconditional American aid. They also see the deaths
    of the 500,000 Iraqi children, as admitted by our former Jewish Secretary of
    State, as a direct result of Jewish control of America.

    The American people, who are under the bombardment of a biased multimedia,
    might not realize the Jewish control of American foreign policy, but the
    Palestinians and their allies such as Bin Laden, all understand it; and they
    hate us for it.

    In fact, the same mass media that are giving out the Big Lie that the
    terrorist motivation is "hate for freedom," are clearly aware of Bin Laden's
    real motivations.

    I can easily prove the true motivation of bin Laden and I can prove the
    media has known the truth all along. In May of 1998 reporter John Miller of
    ABC interviewed Bin Laden. Bin Laden talks about why he seeks to attack
    America. You can find it on the ABC and the PBS web sites. Here are excerpts
    of bin Laden's own words.

    "For over half a century, Muslims in Palestine have been slaughtered and
    assaulted and robbed of their honor and of their property. Their houses have
    been blasted, their crops destroyed.

    "This is my message to the American people: to look for a serious government
    that looks out for their interests and does not attack other people's lands,
    or other people's honor. And my word to American journalists is not to ask
    why we did that but ask what their government has done that forced us to
    defend ourselves."

    "So we tell the Americans as people, and we tell the mothers of soldiers and
    American mothers in general that if they value their lives and the lives of
    their children, to find a patriotic government that will look after their
    interests and not the interests of the Jews.

    I say to them that they have put themselves at the mercy of a disloyal
    government, and this is most evident in Clinton's administration. We believe
    that this administration represents Israel inside America. Take the
    sensitive ministries such as the Secretary of State and the Secretary of
    Defense and the CIA, you will find that the Jews have the upper hand in
    them. They make use of America to further their plans for the world.

    In the interview, bin Laden never said one word about opposing democratic
    principles, nor has he ever done so in his lifetime. So, now we know Laden's
    true motivation. He attacked us not because he "hates democracy", but
    because he thinks Israel controls and uses America to attack his people.

    If bin Laden turns out to be the one behind the terrorism, there is no
    defense of what he did. As far as I am concerned, he deserves to be blown to
    hell for killing so many Americans.

    But why must the media and government create this huge, absurd lie about why
    we were attacked on September 11.

    This Big Lie is, of course, meant to hide an obvious truth. Its purpose is
    to keep Americans from associating this attack with our Israeli policy.

    If that happens, people might begin to wonder if it is in our true interest
    to having given Israel countless billions of our dollars.

    They might begin to wonder if it is good for America to serve as Israel's
    shock troops and techno killers in attacks on Israel's enemies such as Iraq.

    So, the unvarnished truth is that we suffered the terror of September 11
    because of our support of the criminal policies of Israel. We have let our
    country be controlled by a foreign lobby that has worked against the best
    interests of the American people.

    Israel has time and again proven it is not really our friend. It has
    conducted covert terrorist activities against America such as the Lavon
    affair in Egypt. It deliberately attacked the USS Liberty with unmarked
    fighters and torpedo boats, causing 174 American casualties in an attempt to
    blame Egypt and garner American support during the war of 1967. It has spied
    on us and stolen our greatest secrets, such as in the Jonathan Pollard
    affair. It has sold secret American technologies to the Communist Chinese.
    It has stolen nuclear materials from the United States. It has tricked
    America into bombing other nations such as in the attack on Libya in 1986. I
    could go on and on about Israel's treachery against America.

    And now, under guidance of the Israel Lobby and the Jewish controlled media,
    the Zionists are preparing America to strike a massive blow against all of
    Israel's mortal enemies in a global war. They are already talking about not
    only bombing, but also invading and occupying whole nations such as Libya,
    Iran, Syria, Iraq, and Afghanistan. Such would spawn a huge wave of hatred
    and retribution against America from all over the planet. The costs of such
    a war would cost the American people untold billions of dollars and could
    well cause the deaths of many thousands of Americans. Finally, such a war
    would not end terrorism, but only spawn more acts of terror against us.

    The real attackers of freedom

    The first great cost of this new war is already being implemented: an
    outright attack on our American constitutional rights.

    The Big Lie is that the terrorists attacked freedom. The truth is simply
    that they committed the terrible deed of blowing up the Trade Center as well
    as part of the Pentagon and taking 6,000 American lives. That action took
    away lives and property, but it did not take away our freedoms. Only our own
    leaders can do that.

    America's media and government leaders now tell us that we must fight to
    defend freedom. But, pray tell, how do they plan to fight for freedom? In
    the ultimate oxymoron, they plan to do it by taking freedoms away from the
    American people.

    We are told not to worry, though, it will only be temporary. Yet, has any
    government, once it has taken away the rights of the people, ever
    voluntarily given them back? Once a government takes away individual rights,
    expecting it to give them back is the same thing as expecting a dog to meow.

    My fellow Americans, please open your eyes! Bush's first action after
    September 11 was to fund the creation of the biggest Secret Police apparatus
    in the history of the world. If you ever wondered what a police state looks
    like, you had better look quickly, for its coming straight at you like a
    runaway locomotive.

    When the billions of appropriated monies work its way, the size of our
    "secret police" will make the former soviet KGB look like a kite next to a
    Jumbo Jet. Americans will have about as much privacy as one would have in a
    glass outhouse.

    And how about the war against terrorism? After we spend countless billions,
    and spend unknown numbers of American and foreign lives, what are chances
    that terrorism will be lessened?

    A War that shall not defend us

    The Jewish media are already whipping up as much hatred as they can. News
    programs no longer report the many newsworthy things that happen in America
    and abroad, they are one long commercial for a massive, drawn out, bloody

    This propagandizing has already had an effect. When CBS and CNN polled the
    American people and asked them if we should attack the suspected enemies of
    America even if it will, quote: "cost the lives of thousands of innocent
    people." Almost 70 percent said yes.

    It hurts my heart to think that vast majorities of the American people now
    take exactly the same view toward innocent human life, as did the terrorists
    of September 11.

    How do you think the rest of the worldviews America when they hear the
    results of those polls?

    So far, I have heard no one, not even one of the great moral media
    pontificators, the President of the United States, our church leaders, or
    anyone else of prominence -- courageous enough to point out this blatant
    moral hypocrisy.

    So, we are now going to fight terrorism in a global war. And what happens
    when America goes out and bombs the hell out of countries and
    indiscriminately kills "thousands of innocent people?" Will we really end
    the threat of terrorism? America has done the same thing before. Let's take
    a look at how it has protected us from terrorism.

    In 1986, the Israeli's gave America false evidence against Libya and induced
    us to bomb the hell out of the country. We bombed a nation to "fight
    terrorism" for a crime it did not even commit. A year later, a couple of
    members of a radical group in Libya were alleged to have bombed Pan Am
    flight 103 over Lockerbie, Scotland, causing one of the worst air disasters
    of all time, killing 270.

    We exact our revenge with B-1 bombers; they do it through suicide bombers.

    There is no way to completely protect ourselves from those kinds of acts.
    Even one fanatical person, if he is willing to commit suicide, can easily,
    with a small amount of (non-detectable) plastic explosive, crash a plane
    with 400 people on it. We live in an era in which deadly biological agents
    of mass destruction can be made in anyone's basement.

    America must take heed; the next terroristic act can be committed by just
    one person and kill hundreds of thousands of people. The exercise of brute
    military force can no longer protect any nation.

    Let me repeat, we send our B-1 bombers and they send their suicide bombers.
    And now, unless cooler heads prevail, we are ready to embark on another war
    on terrorism that may kill thousands of innocent people and escalate the
    cycle of violence.

    The world changed forever on September 11.

    If anything, it proved that a handful of men, with little money and no
    weapons, save some box openers, could wreak major destruction and havoc on
    the most powerful nation on earth. It showed how every nation is vulnerable
    to terrorism, even ours.

    How then do we then protect ourselves from terror in the future?

    Unless we remedy the underlying motivation of the terrorism and give America
    a better course, every new missile and bomb we send will come back to us
    again. Every drop of blood we spill in foreign lands will result in more
    American blood lost here and abroad. America will sink more and more into
    uncertainty and fear.

    After the events of September 11, a father who lost his daughter in the
    Lockerbie plane crash, John Mosey, wrote to British Prime Minister Tony
    Blair. He pointed out that the 270 who died in the 1988 bombing were killed
    in reprisal for "aggressive" US policies in the Arab world. He went on to
    caution, "The utmost care must be taken that whatever path is eventually
    pursued is successful and does not harm innocent people, thus producing
    another batch of terrorists."[i]

    We must have cool heads now and break this cycle of violence.

    Let us pray for the American victims of these events and for their suffering
    families. Let us go after the perpetrators of these dastardly acts with
    absolute precision.

    But, even more importantly, let us understand why these events occurred and
    how we can heal the hatred against our nation.

    Many traitors in our government have supported Zionism's criminal activities
    rather than the true interests of the American people. They have spawned the
    hatred against America that inspired these terrible acts. They are as much
    responsible for the carnage of September 11 as if they themselves piloted
    these planes that were turned into bombs.

    This event happened because those who put Israel's interests over America's
    rule the American government and media. Unless that foreign power over us is
    broken, Americans will be haunted by an increasing specter of terrorism,

    Perhaps one positive thing that came out of the sad events of September 11
    is the increased patriotism in America. That is good, for if Americans had
    been more patriotic in the past few years, and not allowed a foreign power
    to control us, we would not be facing such an uncertain future.

    By understanding the reason why we now face the specter of terrorism, we can
    develop a plan to prevent such terroristic acts in the future. Here are five
    steps America must take to end the immediate and long term threat of

    Five steps to American security and freedom

    First, we must recognize that the America's Israel-first foreign policy has
    been morally wrong as well as immensely damaging to the United States of
    America. It has cost us hundreds of billions of dollars in direct aid over
    the years and it has cost trillions of dollars in economic damage such as
    incurred by higher petroleum costs. A direct consequence of America's
    Israel-first policy is the terror we faced on September 11 and the
    likelihood of increasing terror against the American people.

    Second, we must first seek diplomatic and economic pressures to extradite
    and legally try and execute those responsible for terror upon Americans. If
    that fails, we should use surgical operations to apprehend and punish those
    responsible for terrorism. But, we must not let the Jewish Lobby maneuver us
    into a wider war and an increasing cycle of violence that would cost
    billions of American dollars and untold numbers of innocent lives. Such an
    action can only result in increased terrorism in America.

    Third, we must absolutely protect the Constitutional rights of the American
    people. Erosion of Constitutional rights exposes us to greater danger than
    any individual acts of terrorism. Taking away Constitutional rights in the
    fight against terrorism is like burning your coat to protect yourself
    against the cold. Benjamin Franklin said it right: "People who give up
    freedom for security achieve neither."

    Fourth, we must never allow any foreign power to have any monetary or other
    influence on internal American politics. All political lobbies on behalf of
    foreign nations must be absolutely prohibited.

    Fifth, we must break the Jewish power over the American mass media.
    Americans must be entitled to an honest and unbiased media that serves only
    the true interests of the American people and not the agenda of a
    Jewish-Supremacist (Zionist) minority.

    America first

    The solution to ending this current threat of terrorism is very obvious; it
    is as clear as the true reasons for the terrorist attacks.

    America must heed the farewell address of the Father of our Country and
    "avoid foreign entanglements."

    We would not now be in this mess if the American government would have
    always put the interests of America first. The only way to work America out
    of the present danger is to rigidly apply this principle.

    The hour is late, but it is not too late to save our country.

    We must now embark on the only sure path to America's security and freedom.
    Let us always put the interests of America First.

    May God Bless America!

    David Duke
    October 3, 2001

    America is in a true time of crisis. All Americans who understand the danger
    ahead to American lives, freedom and prosperity, must help me spread the
    truth. Please mail this document to everyone on your email address book and
    mailing list. I have been getting thousands of encouraging responses to my
    recent letters from all over America and the world! They grow in number
    every day.

    (1) THE SUNDAY MAIL (2001) Sept. 16
    (2) Israeli Hebrew radio, Col Yisrael Wednesday
  • Kuradi haige tädide iba. USAs on selliseid ka, kes nutavad, ja palvetavad kohalike serialkillerite ees ja tahavad neid vabaks ning enda juurde elama võtta, süüdistades ühiskonda.
    Ja see eesti portaalikommentaatidele kombeks juutide süüdistamine, no please...aitab juba?
  • Fit katsu ennast natuke tagasi hoida ja ära kritiseeri kõike!
  • Ometi, Fit, tean ma sind kui uht harva Chomsky ideede jagajat eestis.

    kas duke jutus polnud iba korval ka paar vaga olulist pointi?
  • Sharon responded to Peres:

    "Every time we do something, you tell me America will do this and will do
    that . . . I want to tell you something very clear: Don't worry about
    American pressure on Israel. We, the Jewish people, control America, and the
    Americans know it." (2)

  • Alvar, ma ei kritiseeri valimatult, ma kritiseerin lollusi, eriti kui need on esitatud tõena või nn. valgustava infona:)
  • Aga milles Sina, Fit, rünnakute põhjust näed? Kas ka selles, et ameeriklased on liiga vabad ja riik liiga demokraatlik?

    Rene2 sa loe ennem ikka artikkel läbi
  • Kes ei viitsi seda jama üleval läbi lugeda, siis lühike (võimalik, et tendentslik kokkuvõte)

    1) Süüdistused Iisraeli ja juutide aadressil (põhjendamata)
    2) Isolatsionismi propaganda (Ameerika ärgu tehku mitte midagi; ärgu toetagu või rünnaku kedagi, siis saab kõik korda)
    3) Kontekstist väljarebitud laused.
  • Üks vähestest põhjendatud süüdistustest:)

    In 1986, the Israeli's gave America false evidence against Libya and induced
    us to bomb the hell out of the country. We bombed a nation to "fight
    terrorism" for a crime it did not even commit. A year later, a couple of
    members of a radical group in Libya were alleged to have bombed Pan Am
    flight 103 over Lockerbie, Scotland, causing one of the worst air disasters
    of all time, killing 270.

  • See on TÕESTATUD FAKT või?
    Iisrael meelega andis vale vihje, et USA pommitaks Liibüat, kes Iisraelile kauguse tõttu mingit ohtugi ei kujuta?
    wow...konspiratsiooniteoreetikud usuvad ikka kõike:)
    Aga OK, mulle aitab, fanaatikutega ei jaksa võidelda. back to making money.
  • haha.
    ma ei saa aru kas ameerika pole liiga ilus et t6is olla?
    see artikkel toob välja minuarust 6iged punktid. voib-olla mitte k6ik, kuid toob välja sellised mida siiani ei ole välja toodud.

    MIKS me usume et usa räägib t6tt ja islamimaad ei räägi?
    kas usa on siis nii hea?
    millest selline pime usk usasse, fit?
    miks rene2 arvab et bla bla..
    mina olen ammu skeptiline usa/israeli suhtes..

    maailmas on like kymmekond t6de mis kunagi ei muutu,
    ja selles tekstis oli 2 neist ära toodud.

    ja yldse, lugege artikkel veel läbi ja v6rrelge selle sisu sellega mida te telekas näete, siis uurige kes kontrollivad meediat, m6elge kas t6esti juudid on syytud tallekesed ja siis see vana hea kysimus "who's gain?" mul on tunne et propaganda pyyab rahvale kotti pähe t6mmata, selles 6nnestunud, ja ka m6ned eestlased on pisikestes kotikestes. kas nagu ISE ka m6tlemine abiks on?

    selline lahmimine et "iba ja loll jutt ja n6me ja vanden6uteooriad" on veel lapsikum.
    see on lahmimine. s6nade taga on m6te.

    aga t6de on ka see et pole m6tet suurema ja tugevama vastu v6idelda.
    usat ei ole keegi v6itnud, juute ei ole keegi v6itnud, terroriste ei ole keegi v6itnud.

  • Riq, kallis, sa ei mõtle ju oma peaga. Minul pole pimedat usku, aga ma ei hüppa, silmad punnis, iga fanaatiku kokkusirgeldatud teksti peale ja ei karju: "tõde, mida paha massimeedia varjab".
    Kõik, mis USA teeb on sinu meelest paha. Oled endale pähe võtnud ja raiud oma rida.
    Mina ei lahminud, see tekst lahmis. Aga järjekordne juutide maailmavallutamise plaani sisaldav tekst ei ärata minus usaldust, sorry.
    Sina usud pimesi, et kogu Lääne ühiskond on juutide vandenõu? Või vabamüürlaste? Ja õigus on kõigil konspiratsiooniteoreetikutel PEAASI, et tavameedia neid ei avaldaks? Tore, fänni neid, aga ära aja möla "oma peaga mõtlemisest".

    to seth:
    jah, mulle kunagi tundusid chomsky ideed arukad.aga praeguse mina jaoks on need liiga paranoilised. Mitte, et USA oleks perfect, aga kõik pole ka ni evil, nagu tema mõista annab. USAs käinuna olen leidnud sealt ikka hulgaliselt positiivset, milleni on justviinud see vihatud "corporate tyranny"
  • Väga huvitav lugemine

    mitte see, mida esimeses sõnumis kirjutati,
    vaid see, mis järgnes
  • I along PATRICK BUCHANAN- USA LIBERTERIAN PARTY yks juhtfiguuridest ( PAT BUCHANAN). Partei issues on nyiteks: Miks politsei teeb mulle trahvi kinnitamata auto turvavyy eest. See peaks olema mu enda otsustada kas ma kinnitan turvavyy vyi mitte. Lisaks veel pooldavad nad narkootikumide legaliseerimist jne. Yhesynaga arvavad nemad, et valitsus regullerib ja otsustab liiga palju ning yhesynaga vytab inimestelt yra nende konstitutsiooni jyrgset vabadust. kyllaltki sarnane 70 hipiliikumisele kus olid lilleneiud ning lillepoisid ja hysti palju illegaalset narkotsi. Mina isiklikult niimoodi ei arva!

    Ma ei kasuta enam syna RIIK vaid kasutan syna valitsus ei RAHVAESINDAJAD kes on rahva poolt valitud peab looma rahvale ei OMA RIIGI INIMESTELE kyige parema materiaalse ja sotsiaalse heaolu. Seda on vyimalik teha ainult lybi ausa ning tyusliku regulatsiooni.

    Muidugi on kyige lihtsam alati syydistada teisi nyiteks JUUTE. Tekstist lugesin, et USA ei peaks kunagi ryndama kedagi, kui keegi lahendab oma siseriiklike probleeme. Muidugi tuuakse pyhjuseks, et mu vennad JUUDID kontrollivad USA-d ning yssitavad USA-d Islami kallale. Kuid samas unustab mu armas vend LIBERTERIAN mainimata selle, et EXCON MOBIL tegi riikliku kokkuleppe Sudaani valitsusega, et nyiteks ehitab lybi riigi gaasi vyi nafta toru millest osa kasumist saab ka SUdaan muidugi USA kandis kyik kulud. Nyyd tuleb vylja kusagilt mingi myssaja kes arvab et kyik yrid peavad kuuluma riigile ning arvestades ka riikliku halba majanduslikku ning sotsiaalset olukorda saab endale ka hulgaliselt toetajaid. Niisiis seisab EXCON olukorra ees kus on vyimalus kaotada yks foreign earned income, mis pole loomulikult vyike summa. seega oled sa sunnitud syjaliselt pooldama koalitsiooni niinimetatud Ameerika inimeste heaolu nimel. See on lihtsalt yks nyide.

    500 000 last suri Iraagis tynu sanktsioonidele. Sanktsioonid lyksid kahjuks igakorraga suuremaks kui Hussein saatis tagasi UN vaatlejad kes pidid kontrollima Iraagi varjatud syjategevust niinimetatud bio ja nuclear osas. Lisaks ei maini ka vend DUKE Kuweidi lapsi kes surid Iraagi okupatsiooni tagajyrjel. Nii tema kui ka ta myttekaaslaste arvates pole kindlasti Kuweidi lapse elu nii kallis kui Iraagi lapse elu.

    Nyyd kui oletame, et ISRAEL kaob ning Palestiinlased saavad tyelikeks peremeesteks. Kas sellega on, siis kristliku ja islami probleemid tyelikult lahendatud? Kas peale seda saavad meist vennad ja yed? Arvan et mitte, sest, siis leitakse uus objekt mille kallal kiskuda ning jagada. ISRAEL on praegu see kes vytab suurema lyygi omapeale. See ei ole naljaasi olla keset vaenlasi. Samas on ju seal samuti mu vennad natural born ISRAELIS kes on syndinud ning yleskasvanud seal ning see on ju nende isamaa. Vyrdlen oma EESTI vendi ja ydesi oma JUUDI vendade ja ydedega. Eks ole ju ka meie peal tallatud sajandeid nii lyyne kui ida poolt
    ning see ju peaks selle arusaamise palju lihtsamaks tegema muidugi on yksasi kui sa tahad arusaada.

    Seega yrge vytke seda kirja tysiselt. Minuarvates on see kirjutatud ilukirjanduslikus vormis ebakompetentsete inimestepoolt. need inimesed nyevad ainult oma jalge ette ning mitte kaugemale vyi eitaha nad, siis kaugemale nyha.
  • hito, ma lugesin selle artikli läbi.

    ja minu arust on see bla bla bla...

    kui Iisrael ja juudid on nii vöimsad, kui räägitakse, miks nad lasevad siis ennast tappa
    karjakaupa??? nt. autopommid, enesetapjad... pommitagu kogu vaenlaste maa tuhaks
    ja juutide vöimu all olev meedia serveeriks asja kaitsesöjana.

    esimese asjana tuleb kohe meelde Matrix.
    tea, kuna teine osa välja tuleb???

    Mr. Duke tahab ilmselt, et USA taandareneks olukorda, mis oli enne esimest maailmasöda.
  • Masendav. Täiesti masendav, kuidas ühe rahva soov omada oma riiki ühel protsendil Araabia territooriumist tekitab sellist viha. Juute on alates Jeruusalemma II templi hävitamisest 1. saj ainult taga kiusatud ja selle "intellektuaalse" antisemiidi avaldus suunab inimesi enam-vähem sarnases suunas, kuhu natside softcore-propaganda enne tõsisemate meetmete rakendamist "juudiprobleemi lahendamiseks."

    Ja miks me usume, et islamimaad valetavad? Juhuslikult sellepärast, et TÕDE kui sellise definitsioon on sealmail meie omadest "natuke" erinev. Õigete eesmärkide nimel ei ole (vaenlasele) valetamine sugugi mitte pahategu. Vaenlased on aga kõik, kes ei ole islamiusulised.

  • Paneme end hetkeks mõne tavakodaniku olukorda, kes ei pääse ligi "erapooletule" cnn või bbc poolt edastatud informatsioonile vaid kelle arvamusi mõjutavad teised sama "erapooletud" allikad (mullad, imaamid) . Tulemus : tavalisest Inimesest saab meie silmis "terroristide liitlane", kelle mahalöömine on üllas ja jumalale meelepärane tegu - It could happen to U.

    tagasi vaadates ei tee usa midagi ilmaasjata - remember it (nagu ütles Charles I Athosele) . Alates ww2-st on usa igast sõjalisest operatsioonist lõiganud otsest pikemas perspektiivis avalduvat kasu. eesmärk pühendab abinõu so. lipukiri.
  • hito, sa siin räägid Liibüa pommitamisest? Kas mitte Liibüa riikliku
    luureteenistuse ametnikku ei mõistetud Lockerbie lennukatastroofis
    kohtus süüdi? Või olid kohtunikud ainult etturid sionistlikus vandenõus?
  • kysimus on ikka selles et ei araablased ega usa ega juudid pole pailapsed.
    koik nad on yhed masuurikad. kysimus on selles millist ajupesu meile tehakse.
    et me ilma m6tlemata kohe k6ik muslmeid tembeldame terroristideks ja oleme n6us
    et araabiamaades v6ib tsiviilelanikkonda havotada ja usas ei tohi..
  • Okay, riq - basically nõus...aga ainult basically. Kas vabadussõja ajal olid masuurikad nii eestlased kui (nõukogude) venelased? Kas talvesõja ajal olid masuurikad nii soomlased kui jällegi (nõukogude) venelased? Suht raske on aru saada, mis küll ometi on ka tsiviliseeritud maailmal Iisraeli vastu, kui too üritab kokku 22 vaenuliku araabiariigiga "toime tulla."
  • Masuuriklus Talvesõjas ja Vabadussõjas sõltub nähtavasti sellest, millise osapoole poolt asja vaadata.
    Samuti peab kirjutanu kergelt demagoogiliseks Vabadussõja sissetoomist arutelus, kuna suurem osa foorumis osajalejatest ei pea või/ega ei saa patriootlikest või muudest seisukohtadest lähtudes antud kysimusse erapooletult suhtuda.
    Märkus. Ylalkirjutatu ei pretendeeri olema absoluutne tõde ja võib olla subjektiivne ning ekslik.

  • Ameerikas on herr duke tuntud kui white supremist ehk teisisõnu nats. Seega ei maksa tema juutide alaseid seisukohavõtta üleliia tõsiselt võtta, kuigi eks seal oma tõetera kindlasti on.
  • David Duke is a former leader of the Ku Klux Klan, a white supremist - basically, a NAZI. If anyonw wants to believe anything a nut like that writes, go right ahead.
    - friend of mktwtchr
  • Kuulge mõni võiks ju selgitada, miks juut ja palestiinlane ei saa koos ühel maalapil elatud. Erinevad kultuurid? Huvitav, isegi kaks iirlast ei saa P-Iirimaal kuigi hästi omavahel hakkama. Eestlased ja venelased on siiamaani ilma terrori ja sõjata siin koos elanud (viimased 10 aastat). Mida need palestiinlased juutidelt nõuavad? Kakskeelsust? No üks asi on muidugi vaidlusaluse territooriumi jagamine, aga meil on ju samuti Venega vaidlusalune territoorium. Miks araablased tahavad juudi uusasukaid ära ajada? Kellele need uusasukad maksavad makse? Kes harisid neid põlde enne uusasukaid? Kas üks pool on teiese poole inimesi oma kodudest välja ajanud ja tema vara ja põllumaa omale võtnud?
    JOKKERJOSSI vastust ma aiman, aga mida on palestiinlastel enda kaitseks öelda?
  • Härrased,

    Asi on ikka tiba ülekäte jälle läinud. Kes on nats, originaalis siis NAZI? Nats on NSDAP (Natsionaalsotsialistlik Saksa Töölispartei, saksa k., hetkel ametlikult keelustatud) liige, muid üldtunnustatud definitsioone olemas ei ole.

    Vaevalt David Duke ikka nats on, Ameerikas pole natsiparteid kunagi olnudki, see loodi Weimari vabariigi päevil ja suleti Nürnbergi protsessil. Mis ei takista Duke'l muidugi tõde välja ütlemast, kuid nats ta ei ole!
  • duke pole nats, kui natsi defineerida parteilise kuuluvuse järgi, siis küll ;). kui vaadata maailmavaadet, siis küll.
  • Luuser, kuule... ega ei saa jah suhtuda erapooletult. Olen eestlane, kuskil ajusopis on jupp kollektiivsest mälust, mis näitab seda, kuidas suured on aastasadu eestlasi ahistanud - seetõttu kaldubki sümpaatia kangesti juutide poolele, ebavõrdses võitluses "väikese aga tubli" poolele.
  • Juudi Ühendriikide sõbrad - teie pime usk US-riiki ei nakata ega ole ka usutav. Üheltpoolt on CIA, FBI jne. kõikvõimsad ja valdavad infot. Teisalt saab selline ülihästi planeeritud ja koordineeritud terroriakt siiski teoks. Howcome? N.ö. ortodokssed vandenõu teoreetikud süüdistavad US valitsust asja organiseerimises, kuid kas on täiesti uskumatu, et sel lihtsalt lasti juhtuda? Teati, kuid ei takistatud...

    22.06.1941 ei saanud olla N.L.ile üllatus, 01.12.1941 ei saanud olla ka USA-le üllatus - mõlema sündmuse mõju rahva võitlusvaimu lõkkele puhumiseks on raske alahinnata. Muide alati on huvigruppe, kes on huvitatud sõjast, sest neile sõda=raha.

    Sieg Heil
  • siin hea artikkel tänasest turust

    A Warren Buffett market
    October 8, 2001: 8:35 p.m. ET

    The next recovery should be almost ideal for Buffett's Berkshire Hathaway.
    By Michael Sivy

    Defense industry gets a boost

    NEW YORK (CNNmoney) - Achetez aux canons, vendez aux clairons -- Buy on the cannons, sell on the trumpets.

    The old saying that investors should buy on the sound of cannon fire, often attributed to one of the Rothschilds, is actually a statement about risk, not about war. The real meaning is that investors undervalue stocks in times of danger and overvalue them in the celebration that follows victory. But it's also true that unless a military conflict turns into a complete fiasco, it's usually good for the stock market.

    I'm certainly not going to try to predict the outcome of "America's New War," as CNN calls it. But the key elements are in place for a strong market rally starting sometime in the next few months. The Sept. 11th attacks pushed the economy into recession, caused multibillion-dollar losses for some industries and created a climate of enormous uncertainty. But all that is now fully reflected in today's deeply depressed stock prices.

    The Federal Reserve's interest-rate cuts and the federal government's spending on rebuilding and defense will almost certainly stimulate the economy. And even partial progress in dismantling the terrorist network will greatly boost investor confidence, as long as there are no further major attacks.

    Times change

    The war on terrorism is different, however, from any previous war this country has fought. And the current bear market is like no other bear market. So before you start adding stocks to your portfolio, it's worth thinking about the precise ways that the stock market is likely to change over the next year or two.

    For starters, I wouldn't necessarily start loading up on defense stocks, many of which have climbed to 52-week highs since Sept. 11. The long-term outlook for the industry is good, because defense spending is slated to rise -- but that was also true before the recent runup. If you want to buy these stocks, wait until they're not the focus of attention.

    I think big, world-class tech stocks will rebound strongly once an economic recovery actually begins. But the market over the next 10 years won't be the same as that of the past decade. Non-tech growth stocks, like the ones superstar investor Warren Buffett owns, are likely to perform much better than they have over the past few years.

    Berkshire Hathaway, Buffett's holding company, has all the qualities needed to prosper in this environment. Berkshire is an unusual entity, consisting of operating companies, large equity stakes in big-cap stocks and enormous holdings in bonds. Each of these three elements has to be considered separately.

    What all of Berkshire's assets have in common is a minimal exposure to high technology. The operating companies include candy manufacturing, retailing and jewelry, but the most important are property and casualty insurers, particularly the reinsurer General Re.

    Berkshire's insurance divisions will suffer a one-time loss of $2.2 billion from the attacks' damage. But the long-term effect of Sept. 11th will be to boost business for major reinsurers, companies that insure individual insurance companies that need to lay off some of their risk.

    Buffett's holdings

    Berkshire's stock portfolio is loaded up with financial and consumer products companies, including American Express, Coca-Cola, Gillette and Wells Fargo. Those are exactly the sorts of stocks likely to prosper in an economic recovery marked by low short-term interest rates. Buffett always said his investment style doesn't work very well in a tech-driven market, and Berkshire Hathaway's sales price is still below its 1998 high.

    Now, however, it looks as though we're moving into a Warren Buffett market, where Berkshire could recover its historical growth rate of more than 20 percent a year. And in addition to high core growth and diversification, Buffett has another strength -- liquidity: Berkshire's balance sheet includes more than $38 billion in bonds and cash.

    Buffett doesn't believe in splitting Berkshire (BRK.B: up $15.00 to $2415.00, Research, Estimates) stock, so a single share currently trades at $72,500. Fortunately, class B shares, equal to one-thirtieth of a regular share, go for a more reasonable $2,415.

    Valuing Berkshire has always been extremely difficult because of the company's extensive stock and bond holdings. Those investments, however, are worth more than $40,000 per share. After allowing for other liquid assets, Berkshire's operating businesses are going for less than $30,000 per share. Excluding third-quarter insurance losses, Berkshire will have operating earnings of more than $1,000 a share this year and is projected to top $1,700 next year.

    At the current price, Berkshire is trading at less than 20 times next year's projected operating earnings. A company with Berkshire's growth record could easily justify an operating P/E as high as 30.

    So after deducting the value of Berkshire's stocks and bonds, the operating businesses are at least mildly undervalued. Moreover, a broad market recovery will substantially boost the value of Berkshire's investing holdings, giving investors a chance for a double play.
  • Sieg heil? No selle peale: käi vittu, kuradi nats. Kas siia on ka jõudnud mingid ajukääbikutest kandilised skinnid?
  • ma mõtlesin, et see on investeerimisportaal...
  • oieimaivõi - andke andeks aga see oleks ikka võind lühem olla, või kudagi kokkuvõte kuskil ja siis teemaarendus eraldi või mina ei tia - see meenutab kangesti surnuks rääkimist, et vaadake kui palju ma suudan seletada, mis kandipialt vaadates sa ikka kaamel oled, et ära arvagi, et sa nüüd kaamel pole ja kui veel tõestama üritad hakata et vaadake ma ikkagi pole kaamel, siis salgad maha järelikult jne jne.... oieiseeonikka hull lugu küll - konspiratsioon möllab - tegelt on kõige taga USA poliitilistesse ringkondadesse infiltreerunud tulnukad planeedilt Zorlak ja nüüd üritavad lihtsalt Maa pialt kõik elava hävitada, et saaks Maa tuuma siit välja vedada, kuna see on hea põlluväetis seal kus nad elavad...................

    jah, iga riik passigu oma ette ja ärgu toppigu oma nina piiridest väljapoole - teeme sellise kena killustatud maailma ja siis on kõik happy ja milosevicid võivad oma piirkonnas valimatult horvaate tappa ja üleüldse oleks pidanud Hitleril ka laskma Saksamaal kõike teha, siis oleks nüüd kõik hästi...... Mudugi on USA käkki ka keerand, a no tegijal juhtub peaks siinkohal ütlema....

    Ja ikkagi polnud WTC ründamise põhjus mingi hämar USA välispoliitika jm selline crap, vaid terroristide olemus ja fanaatilisus - McDonalds paha, globaalne majandus paha, USA paha, saadame lennuki majadesse tsiviilelanikke lammutama............
  • t6de s6ltub ajahorisondist. kui v6tta 1 päev siis kindlasti ka eesti vabadusv6itlejad olid syydi et tapsid metsikult venelasi. kui v6tta 11 september siis olid terroristid syydi.

    kui v6tta aastakymme, siis naeme et terroristidel oli pohjus usa vagivalla parast.
    kui v6tta aastat 50 siis naeme et asi on veel keerulisem, koos israeli jms.

    k6ige lihtsam on vaadelda t6de kui tegevust, mis viiks rahuni.
    mis siis viiks rahuni?

    kui usa lopetaks oma aktsioonid ja palestiina israel saavutaks rahu.
    see on ainus t6de. ma olen vagivalla vastu ja silmakirjalikkuse kah.
    nazi=israel=terroristid=usa=vägivald. point!
  • riq! Kuhu jäi palestiina=terroristid=islam?
  • mcdonalds=fatty food=big butts=ugly women=less babies=more muslims So what's the point?
    --friend of mtkw...
  • Shalom Fit, oled Sa vast salliv tegelane ;-) aga eks pime usk ja vihkamine käivad käsikäes...
  • McDonald'si suhtes turuvahiga nõus.
  • Umm...ma pean olema salliv tüübi suhtes, kes haibib yhte ajaloo suurimat sallimatut massimõrvarit hüüdega "sieg heil"? Sorry, i am not. Minu meelest on taoline jutt haige:(

  • to: priit1303

    Oluline täpsustus, Miloševich ei saanud sugugi rohkem horvaate tappa kui horvaadid tema sõjamehi, palun meenuta veidi Balkani lähiajalugu ja siis sa näed, et lääneriigid vaatasid käed taskus pealt, kui toimus Sloveenia ja Horvaatia vabadusvõitlus Jugoslaaviast eraldumise nimel.

    Ära aja segamini Kosovo ja Bosnia muhameedlastega toimunuga!
  • Vend GURMANKA! Minu arvamuse kohaselt sa oled haritud ja vanust peakski sul juba piisavalt olema, siis kysin ma miks sa kyitud nii nagu sul kumbagit tegelikult poleks? Pead muutma oma taktikat, sest praegusega sa ei suuda midagi tyestada.

    Minu arusaamist myyda kahtlustad sa praegu USA valitsust terrorismi akti organiseerimises! Kas sa tyesti mytled, et sellise syja organiseerimiseks oleks pidanud niipalju ohverdama? Milleks? tegelikult oleks ju piisanud palju vyhemastki. Samas, mis on sinu idee peatada terroriste terroristlike aktsioonide sooritamisel? Kuidas sa mytled neid aktsioone yrahoida? Sa vyid yrahoida yhe, 2,3 kuid 4 vyib ju ikkagi ynnestuda! vahetpole kas tegemist on CIA, vyi Vene luurega. Keegi pole ju Jumal!

    Vend FIT-ile kui ka mulle samuti ka teistele kaasmytlejatele ytled sa: Pime usk ja vihkamine kyivad kysikyes. Minu arvates iseloomustab kahjuks sind mu vend GURMANKA sinupoolt nimetatud viimane lause kyige paremini. Why can't you accept, et terrorismiga sa teed asja ainult hullemaks. Vyhe sellest, et Hitler hyvitas yra yle poole Saksa rahvast ning lisaks peaaegu hyvitas ka Saksamaa peavad siiamaale veel uued sakslased maksma valuraha kannatada saanud vendadele JUUTIDELE ja nende peredele ning tollases saksa armees teeninud syjavyelastele. Ma ei tea kahjuks kui kaua veel. Kui suureks sina selle maksukoorma oleksid nyus suurendama nende ylgadel oma sieg heil hyydega? Vyibolla on teil mu vennad GURMANKA, MKTWTCHR, RIQ ykskyik kuid inimesed pole ju lollid ning kyik tahavad omale paremat elu. Seda on kahjuks ainult vyimalik saavutada pidades lugu inimestest. Vend MKTWTCHR! EESTIS on kyll ilusad valgeverega naised kuid selliseid omapyraselt ilusaid segatud verega naisi vaevalt kusagil maailmas nyeb kui USA-s! Indialase ja Filipiinlase jyreltulija nyiteks. Unvelivable! Jutt USA paksudest naistest on liiga yldistav.

    Vend FIT is straight! Tynan kyiki oma vendi ja ydesi kes on aidanud ja aitavad lahendada rahvuslikke, rassilisi ja religiosseid probleeme.Vend GURMANKA ja su myyttekaaslased! Kuigi mulle on paljud sinu antisemiitlikud, neonatslikud ja USA vastased mytted tyesti vastukyivad peame me ikkagi lugupidamisest yksteise vastu yksteist yrakuulama ning suud puhtaks ryykima ning vastavalt sellele omad jyreldused tegema. Nii on see demokraatlikus yhiskonnas kombeks.
    Ma ei vihka sind mu vend GURMANKA! Oled endiselt mu vend ja mu ylg on alati toetamas sind kui sul seda peaks vaja minema. Ah jaa! syda = raha -on liiga yldistav. syda+yiglus+tekitatud kahju........=uued tyykohad+ demokraatlik valitsus+raha+............ ei nii on parem:
    syda(yiglus+tekitatud kahju........)=raha(uued tyykohad+ demokraatlik valitsus+..........)
  • Läheneme tõele nüüd natuke teise küle pealt. Kunagi ütles keegi (Poirot või Nero Wolfe - täpselt ei mäleta kes) järgmist: süüdlast tuleb otsida nende hulgast , kes asjast kasu saavad. Praegusel hetkel ma ei taju , milles oli Talebani point.
    Kasu saavad küll oposistsiooniline põhjaliit, kaudselt ka hiina, venemaa.
  • Pragmaatiline tõde on Sul, steinway, küll täpselt ära tabatud. Suurim võitja kogu kampaaniast (sõjast, terrorist või millest iganes - vaatasin hommikul intervjuud USA kaitseministriga, kes hoolega viilis kõrvale vastusest, mis siis tegelikult toimub) on ikkagi põhjaallianss, kes saab lõpuks võimu Afganistanis. Teenitult, sest nad on ainsad, kes suudavad seal võita ka maismaasõja. Tõsi, USA pommide ja Vene automaatide abil, kuid Kabuli sisse marsivad ikkagi nemad, mitte jänkid ega britid. Nende jaoks jääb turunduskampaania...
  • Ma usun, et terrorirünnakud korraldas ikkagi Osama bin Laden, sest temal oli lootus saada sellest otsest kasu. Tema eesmärgiks võis olla korraldada niivõrd vägivaldne terroriakt (mis ka õnnestus), et USA läheb totaalselt endast välja ja hakkab islamimaid (või vähemalt Afganistani) lauspommitama, tuues kaasa palju inimohvreid (mis ei õnnestunud). See oleks oluliselt suurendanud USA-vastasust ja islami fundamentalismi levikut islamimaades. Oleks ilmselt kasvanud praegusega võrreldes ka islamimaade rahva vastuseis sealsetele korrumpeerunud, läänestunud ja paljuski USA-meelsetele valitsejatele.

    See omakorda oleks aidanud saavutada bin Ladeni lõpp-eesmärki - lüüa USA ja juudid islamimaalimast välja ning ühendada vähemalt araabiamaad (aga ehk ka kõik islamiriigid) ühtseks riigiks, mida juhitakse täielikult islamiseaduste kohaselt (täpselt niimoodi, nagu valitseb(või valitses?) Taleban Afganistaanis).

    USA üritab koos pommidega toidupakke Afganistani kukutades ja pidevalt rõhutades, et nad ei sõdi islami vaid terroristide vastu, seda bin Ladeni plaani nurja ajada. Kes lõpuks peale jääb, on väga raske öelda.
  • Lisan veel: bin Laden lootis tõmmata Afganistani ka USA maaväed. Bin Laden teab täpselt, kui väga USA kardab oma sõdurite surma. On väga hästi teada, kuidas USA tõmbass väed välja (islamistlikust riigist) Somaaliast, peale seda kui al-Qaeda poolt väljaõpetatud terroristid tapsid 18 USA sõdurit. Teise juhtumina meenub 1983. aastast Beirut, kus vist enesetapjast pommitaja tappis üle 200 USA sõjaväelase, mispeale jällegi USA väed riigist välja viis.
  • Andres,
    Sinu poolt esitatu on siiski vaid üks, kuigi suhteliselt tõenäoline versioon sündmuste kulust. Siiski ei usu ma, et Taliban alahindas põhjaliidu osatähtsust enda hävitajana. Miskipärast arvan, et kusagil on veel mingi osa tõde, mida me keegi veel ei tea...
  • See jutt (ehkki tendentslik ning kasuaalsed seosed paigast ära) viib mõtted siiski sellele, et miskit enamat on mäda kui "McDonaldsi vihkamine". On raske endale ette kuutada inimest, kes on suuteline juhtima Boing 767-t, lendamas punane tuluke silmis vastu majaseina korrates sealjuures "I hate McDonalds, I hate global economy, I hate human rights".

    Ärgu tuldagu mulle selgitama, et need inimesed on "mentally impaired". Ajukääbikud ei saa arstitõendit selleks, et väikelennukigagi lendama õppida. Boingust rääkimata. Seal piloodiistmel pidid istuma inimesed, kellel oli Väga tugev motivatsioon.

    Samas ei saa ka tõsiselt võtta artiklied, kus kohe alguses tullakse seletama, et "sa oled ikka loll küll kui sa usud, et .... Mõtle oma peaga järgmist:..."
    Ja siis ilmuvad kohe nn. oma peaga mõtlejad, kes kuulutavad, et kõikides maailma pattudes on süüdi . Et kogu Ameerika valitsus on suure vandenõu ohver. Ja et Bushiga manipuleeritakse (see on ka ainuke asi, mis selles vandenõuteoorias tõsi on aga seda ei tee mitte ainult juudid vaid kogu see rivi).

    Üks, mis selles loos tõsi on, on see, et vägivald põhjustab vägivalda. See on niisama vältimatu kui gravitatsiooniseadus. Seega on tegu loodusseadusega, mille mittekehtimist loodekase iga uue konflikti puhul. Stiilis: "küll need afgaanid aru saavad, et meie oleme head ja Taliban paha". Nonsenss. Ma ei tea, kuidas selliseid konflikte lahendada. Selle jaoks on teised inimesed. Kes on näidanud sellistel puhkudel üles küündimatust, mis on viinud laiamõõtmeliste vägivallakasutamisteni (Iraak, kogu see Jugoslaavi jama ja nüüd siis terroristid, varasemast ajaloost rääkimata). Tegeletakse tagajärgede, mitte põhjustega. Ollakse reaktiivsed, mitte proaktiivsed.

    Kui mõni pole minu varasematest sõnavõttudest erinevates foorumites veel päriselt aru saanud, siis ma kordan. Kuna vägivald põhjustab vägivalda, siis on vägivald tõepoolest "asjatundmatule viimane väljapääs". Ja mitte selle pärast, et Asumlastel või Ameeriklastel oli mingi konkreetne eelis, vaid selle pärast, et suutmata vägivalda eos ära hoida põhjustatakse järjest suurenev vägivalla eskalatsioon, mis tänapäeva kitsas maailmas kulmineerub paratamatult suure kataklüsmiga (nagu olid kaks viimast maailmasõda). See kas see põhjustab mingite riikide või religioonide kadumist on juba täiesti teisejärguline küsimus. Ja me oleme kõik selle suure protsessi mutrikesed iga kord kui me kirjutame: "Vihkan rahvusvahelist sionismi. Vihkan, araablasi, neegrid, venelasi, indiaanlasi, räpaseid hindusi ja türgi taskuvargaid. Vihkan narkareid ja politseinike ja sõjaväelasi ja pätte ja joodikuid ja metanoolipruulijaid ja investoreid ja vaeseid ja ...."

    Thank You For Your Intention
  • Eelmise kommentis oli lõigus: "Ja siis ilmuvad kohe nn. oma peaga mõtlejad, kes kuulutavad, et kõikides maailma pattudes on süüdi" ka järg. Ehk siis loe seda kui:

    "Ja siis ilmuvad kohe nn. oma peaga mõtlejad, kes kuulutavad, et kõikides maailma pattudes on süüdi (juudid, türklased, moslemid, venelased, hiinlased, neegrid, vabamüürlased, saientoloogid... - You choose). "

    Kasutasin kogemata valesid märke.

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