Chambers kardab Ida-Euroopat - Investment topic - Forum - LHV financial portal

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Chambers kardab Ida-Euroopat

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  • Head töökohad võivad USA-st minna Ida-Euroopasse.

    Q: Are you optimistic about education, that we're going to get there?
    A: Not without fundamental change. On education, I'm pretty radical. I believe that any child ought to have a choice, and parents ought to have a choice regardless of income, that competition raises all boats, that we've got to get away from social promotion. We've got to pay our teachers more. We've got to get the class size down.

    This is where I think business, and candidly, the press has to take a more active role. When you graduate in California with a high-school degree, that doesn't mean you can read. That's a frightening thought. So what you're going to see is, jobs go where that educated workforce is And that isn't [a fight] between New York or North Carolina or California. It's between the U.S. and China and Eastern Europe.


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