Börsipäev 7.juuli - Investeerimine - Foorum - LHV finantsportaal

LHV finantsportaal

Foorum Investeerimine

Börsipäev 7.juuli

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  • Loodan, et minu algatust maha ei võeta:)
    Nagu graafik õieti märkis: TASR Pre-Market 10.30 +0.36 (+ 3.62%)

    Siia ka üks Pro ideedest: DNDN Pre-Market 3.88 -1.55 (- 28.55%)

    Veel: GOOG Pre-Market 284.8000 -6.725 (- 2.31%)
    ELN Pre-Market 6.82 -0.30 (- 4.21%)

    Tuleb huvitav päev, liikujaid ilmselt palju...
  • DNDN languse versioon:

    by: jkjjre
    Long-Term Sentiment: Strong Buy 07/07/05 07:18 am
    Msg: 116616 of 116620

    I went to buy a 1,000 shares at $5.40 where it was on the offer and I sold a 1,000 shares by mistake at $3.88. I hit sell at market by mistake. Too early in the morning.

  • vaevalt et kellegil DNDN-i sellise hinnaga õnnestub osta, pigem avaneme 5,2-5,3 lähedalt, olulist newsi ju pole
  • irw...kust selline info:) Kuskilt Boardist?
    Igatahes, pean vist vabandama - tõesti on vol 1000 shares vaid... Imestasingi, et mis nyyd:) Igatahes sai tüüp vist mõnusalt vastu näppe - äratus missugune!
  • YAHOO boardis

    õnneliku ostja komm on siin:

    Re: My mistake
    by: one_drug_in_trials (48/M) 07/07/05 07:20 am
    Msg: 116617 of 116622

    i was the one who bought them from you, hahaha!

  • 07/07/ <-> 9/11/
    mis nendel numbritel sarnast :/
  • IPIX on nämma:) SYNX kah, aga ei teadnud sellest firmast enne midagi.
  • Kas peaks nendega hoopis lühikeseks minema?
  • Gapping Up: Security stocks and gold

    Security stocks trading higher on London attacks: SYNX +77%, TBUS +48%, IPIX +37%, GEPT +22%, MACE +22%, STKR +19%, RAE +19%, ISON +18%, MAGS +17%, IMX +15%, VISGE +11%, AATK +8%, IDNX +8%, IOTN +6.3%, COGT +5%, DHB +4.4%, TASR +2%..... Gold stocks are higher on the attacks: HMY +3%, BGO +2.2%, GG +2.2%, NEM +2%.... Other News, Under $3: GLGS +27%, SCON +13% (reports prelim Q2 sales), VLGC +10%.

    Gapping Down

    London attacks are sending various sectors lower: Oil & Gas Momentum Stocks (FUEL -7%, MPET -6%, SOSA -4%), Travel (DAL -8%, TZOO -6%, CTRP -2.4%, PCLN -2%, IACI -2%)... Disappointing same store sales/guidance: ACMR -13%, BJ -5%, AEOS -3%.... Other News: IDTI -7% (guides lower), ASTM -6%, SANM -6% (Thomas Weisel downgrade), DNDN -5%, DEO -5% (provides guidance), CTTY -4.7% (profit taking after 34% move yesterday), SOHU -4%, IPII -4% (profit taking after 10% move yesterday), ALVR -4% (profit taking after 8% move yesterday), CSG -3.4%, THQI -3.3%.
  • Rev Shark:

    Ahead of the Open: Caution
    7/7/05 8:35 AM ET

    "He who passively accepts evil is as much involved in it as he who helps to perpetrate it."

    -- Martin Luther King, Jr.

    Like many others I'm in a bit of disarray sorting out the events from London. Obviously, the markets will be down sharply at the open on the news. Overseas markets are trading down big as I write.

    The question for us to contemplate this morning is what happens once we open. I think we will recover fairly quickly. It is not a complete surprise that the terrorists would try again and in many ways this sort of attack simply galvanizes the resolve of those fighting it. It undermines much of the political opposition to aggressive action against the scourge of terrorism and may make future efforts more effective.

    Ultimately I suspect that this event may be beneficial to the market as it will help focus efforts on the battle against terrorism and provide greater certainty that something useful will be done. It is a politically unifying event when innocent people are attacked and the fact that it happened in a country other than the U.S. makes it even more so.

    Oil is down on the news under the assumption that demand for jet fuel and such will diminish. I don't expect that pressure to last for long and I'm looking for oil to stabilize.

    So should we buy this open? I have covered some of my index shorts but I would be very selective with new buys at the open. Look for thinly traded stocks that are down sharply because of a lack of bids. There will be inefficient pricing on news like this in secondary stocks that are being sold simply out of fear.

    This sort of shock to the market is going to create some substantial volatility, so be on your toes. If you aren't an active trader with a short time frame you should be very cautious about trying to play the swings in this market.

    Gary B. Smith:

  • to stocker:

    Idee lühikeseks müügist oli hea, proovisin SYNX-ga
    lüh.müük 1500 shares TOTAL 3284,04
    tagasiost 1500 shares TATAL 2954,79

    Kasum ligikaudu 330 USD ehk umbes 10% 80 minutiga. Rohkem ei riskinud/viitsinud praegu oodata.
  • DNDN liigub küll, aga ikka õiges suunas ehk ülesse.JMP Securities kinnitas oma ostusoovitust ja 12 $ targetit
  • JMP Securities andis DNDNle trading-calli juba eelmisel nädalal, mille ka LHV Pro all välja tõime.

  • Paistab, et PIR raskused ka seljataga. Või vara rõõmustada?
  • turg on ikka väga tugev, terrorist ollakse üle ja turg juba tiba plussis
  • mul on järgmine paranoia - usas on loodud miskid homeland security(riiklikud) fondid finantsturgude stabiliseerimiseks, sellest turu tugevus...

    eks terroristide yks esmärke ongi kõigutada finantsturge...

    teisest küljest kukkumise pehmendamine osutub küllalt kalliks ja mõtetuks, isklikult arvan, et Dow kukub tänu tänasele sündmusele lähiaegadel 10000 kanti.
  • ää pelga Graafik, Dow on paari nädala pärast 10500
  • Alcoa
    Aluminum giant Alcoa Inc. reported after the bell Thursday second-quarter net earnings of $460 million, or 52 cents a share, up 14% from the $404 million, or 46 cents, it earned a year ago.

Teemade nimekirja


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