Börsipäev 20. jaanuar - Investeerimine - Foorum - LHV finantsportaal

LHV finantsportaal

Foorum Investeerimine

Börsipäev 20. jaanuar

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  • Citigroup downgrades Union Pacific (UNP 85.02) to Sell from Hold and raises tgt to $80 from $70

    Goldman Sachs upgrades United Microelectronics (UMC 3.14) to Outperform from In-Line

    JMP downgrades F5 Networks (FFIV $59.51) to Mkt Perform from Outperform saying while F5's Dec quarter results were above expectations and the co issued above consensus March quarter guidance, they believe the co's Dec quarter results indicate that it is facing increased risk

    JP Morgan upgrades Kerr-McGee (KMG 100.57) to Overweight from Neutral

    Jefferies downgrades Pixar (PIXR $58.87) to Underperform from Hold as a result of recent movement in the stock tied to speculation that the co will be bought by Disney

    CSFB downgrades Beazer Homes (BZH 78.69) to Underperform from Neutral

    First Albany says they would be buyers of Multi-Fineline (MFLX 51.29) on any Motorola-related weakness
  • Rev Shark:

    Even When Times Seem Tough, Opportunities Abound
    1/20/2006 8:22 AM EST

    "For a long time it had seemed to me that life was about to begin - real life. But there was always some obstacle in the way. Something to be got through first, some unfinished business, time still to be served, a debt to be paid. Then life would begin. At last it dawned on me that these obstacles were my life."

    -- Alfred D'Souza

    The market has been struggling with the obstacle of poor earnings reports from some of the big-cap leaders. So far we have had less-than-stellar reports from Intel, Yahoo, Apple, Motorola and then this morning from General Electric and Citibank. These reports haven't been horrible but they have not lived up to expectations.

    With so many big-cap "leadership" stocks being uncooperative, the inclination would be to step aside until the smoke clears. Once the market prices in these disappointments, then we can get busy and make some money.

    That sounds like a plan but there is one big problem: We have had some excellent upside action in a variety of stocks even with the unimpressive earnings and if you have been aggressive, especially with some of the small-caps, you have had the opportunity to make some good money.

    The lesson here is a simple one. There are always problems and difficulties and obstacles to deal with in the stock market, and waiting for them to go away won't save us because new ones will pop up to replace them. Our goal should be to incorporate those hurdles into our day and look for ways to deal with them as we strive to make some profits now.

    There will be times the market will be so totally uncooperative that we should stand aside and wait for things to be more clear, but quite often when the obstacles seem high, there is still plenty of good trading to be found.

    Yesterday there was some terrific momentum in a variety of small-cap and technology stocks. If you focused solely on the big earnings reports you would have easily missed that. There is clearly a lot of buying interest out there and because many of the big caps are not compelling, that money is flowing elsewhere.

    I'm definitely encouraged by the aggressive buying I am seeing in certain segments of the market but we can't be too sanguine about the difficulties facing the market. Although the mediocre earnings reports we are seeing aren't killing the whole market, they are not a positive; they will affect sentiment and cause some buyers to stand aside. We also have the rebound in oil prices, difficulties with Iran and the new Bin Laden threats to contend with. This morning Iran states that it is pulling financial assets out of Europe and we'll need to watch how this develops.

    Overnight, European markets did well but are fading now. Japan held on to most of the rebound it saw the day before but it is quiet out there. Oil remains strong and gold is steady.

    Position: No positions in stocks mentioned

  • vanasti nimetati eilset surnud kassi põrkeks, huvitav, et enam seda väljendit kuulda pole kommentaarides!
  • Ühe päevaga seda öelda ei saa. Kui aktsia on pikalt langustrendis ja kukub siis järsult ära ning siis tõuseb kiirelt kuhugi, et uuest alla põrutada, vot see on surnud kass. Pragusel tulemusteajal võib jälle turg sama palju tõusta, kui langeda.
  • ma ei mõelnud konkreetset aktsiat vaid trendi.
    detsembris mõtlesin, et kas kordub aasta see või teine, ehk kas tipp tuleb enne jõule või jaanuari keskel, aga alla jooksevad nad kõik jaanuari lõpuks!
  • ja üldse, kes mäletab, millal qqqq oli 2,5% miinuses?
  • C täna korralikud tulemused, kuid -4% selle peale. Yldse soodsad hinnad täna turul.
  • ja veel, kas keegi mäletab, millal nasdq 100 kukkus üle saja punkti nädalaga, seega tuleb esmasp tugev müük ja teisp põrkab!???
  • Tegemist on ikkagi hüsteeria all kannatava majandusega
  • mis too hüsteeria om? ikka paremad võtavad ja unistajad annavad, mina rohkem viimased 5 aastat unistaja poolel, aga enne seda olin tugev võtja, kui mitte arvestada aasat 97a.-98 algust, nuuks-puuks :(((!
  • K. Lepik (edu kohtus!) jagas kunagi linki kust oleks hea ilma vaadata graafiku pealt. Väga head ja ülevaatlikud graafikud olid. Temperatuurid, tuule suunad jne olid kenasti peal ka Eesti kohta. Kas keegi teab/mäletab seda linki? Ise ei suuda enam foorumist välja peilida.
  • http://www.balticroads.net suht asjalik. Ülemine kastike näitab õhu, alumine maantee temperatuuri.
  • OK, danke! Pole just päris meteoroloogiline kaart, kuid abiks ikka. Äkki kellegil on hea kaart pakkuda USA jaoks (hea energiatarbimise suurenemist ja nafta hinna hinnatõusu oodata suureneva külma korral).
  • BBCst leidsin päris head graafikud. Põhja-Euroopa, Põhja-Ameerika. Kellel midagi paremat on, jagage linki :)

Teemade nimekirja


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