Börsipäev 13. detsember
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Goldman downgrades Anadarko (APC 47.55) to Neutral from Buy
Prudential raises their Adobe (ADBE 39.97) tgt to $57 from $45, due to the upcoming Creative Suite 3 release in Q2
Prudential downgrades Best Buy (BBY 51.30) to Neutral from Overweight and lowers their tgt to $50 from $55,
following Q307 earnings in which profit margins were well below firm expectations
Prudential downgrades Circuit City (CC 23.58) to Underweight from Neutral and $22 tgt, as they are concerned
that retail pricing in the flat-panel TV business has started to erode
Jefferies downgrades Source Interlink (SORC 8.13) to Hold from Buy and lowers their tgt to $7.00-$8.50 from $12.50, as
they have continually failed to meet Street earnings expectations and given the length of time that has elapsed since the
commencement of a strategic review this past March, it appears unlikely that a buyer for the co will emerge.
AG Edwards downgrades Micron Technology (MU 13.91) to Sell from Hold, saying they believe there is DRAM pricing
risk and remained concerned that the secular growth of the DRAM and NAND memory industry may be limited in the
future, perhaps to below 10%/yr growth
Morgan Keegan initiates Transocean (RIG 80.72) with an Outperform, based on continued demand, a less onerous level of
incremental newbuild supply, and significant barriers to entry given the capital commitment to build and/or acquire assets
Morgan Keegan initiates GlobalSantaFe (GSF 62.86) with an Outperform, based on each of GSF's 14 deepwater rigs and more
than half the jackup fleet that are currently working under term contracts greater than 12 months, providing earnings
visibility and downside protection
Morgan Keegan initiates Parker Drilling (PKD 8.96) with a Market Perform, as they believe the co retains the perception of a
commodity-rig oriented, North American land driller with a legacy of poor capital discipline despite evidence of downside term
coverage, international exposure and a high specification component.
Morgan Keegan initiates Diamond Offshore Drilling (DO 80.60) with an Outperform, based on continued demand for midwater
floaters coupled with fleet enhancements, the expectation of another special dividend in 2007, and extended earnings visibility
BofA initiates OfficeMax (OMX 49.24) with a Buy and $59 tgt, based on continued operating margin expansion from new supply
chain and IT initiatives that will drive cost efficiency across the retail and contract segments providing EPS upside in both '07
and '08 regardless of top line growth -
Retail Sales +1.0% vs +0.2% consensus
Retail Sales ex-auto +1.1% vs +0.3% consensus -
Citigroup Inc is set to tap into a growing base of wealthy U.K. investors after agreeing Wednesday to buy Morgan Stanley's Quilter wealth management business.
The number of U.K. households with more than $3 million in wealth is expected to increase by 276% over the next decade.
MS põhjendas müüki omakorda veel rikkamatele klientidele keskendumise vajadusega.
Citigroup Inc., HSBC Holdings PLC and Standard Chartered PLC said they have received confirmation from the China Banking Regulatory Commission that they will soon be permitted to accept deposits above one million yuan, or about $125,000.
Kuivõrd välispankade peamine siht on jõuakamad kliendid, siis päris oluline liikumine. C ei kavatse lähiajal Pekingist ja Shangaist ilmselt eriti kaugemale minnagi.
Oskab keegi öelda,mis FCX toimub?
Eilne NUE mõju kindlasti. Täna:
... Copper falls 4.15 cents to $3.053 a pound on the COMEX on the heels of inventories on the LME rising 4,600 tons to 171,300 tons (PD, FCX, PCU, CUP). -
Kommenteeriks natukene energiaturul toimuvat.
Segadusi omajagu. Nafta varud vähenesid tänase raporti põhjal sedapuhku 4.29 miljoni barreli jagu, üllatades turuosalisi, kes keskmiselt ootasid 1.3 miljonilist vähenemist. Kütuste varud vähenesid 174 000 barreli võrra vs oodatud 1 miljon barrelit tõusu. Distillaadid vähenesid samuti 445 000 barreli võrra vs oodatud 250 000 barreline vähenemine.
Need numbrid aitasid ka kaasa tänase naftahinna ning mitmete energiaettevõtete plussis lõpetamisele. Hiljem tuli ka EIA-lt kommentaar, et hoolimata kõrgetest varudest, oleks pigem vajalik OPECi poolne toodangu suurendamine, mitte vähendamine 2007. aastal. Hommikul olid aga turul liikumas jutud, et OPEC võib 14. detsembril peetaval kohtumisel siiski tootmismahud muutmata jätta – varem on spekuleeritud, et tootmist võidakse vähendada. Kuigi toornafta varud USAs on viimase 13-aasta kõrgeimatel tasemetel, kardetakse, et tootmise vähendamine keset talve võib kaasa tuua naftahinna järske hinnahüppeid, mis omakorda kahjustaksid maailma majandust.
Pärast nafta varude raportit kommenteeris olukorda ka Friedman Billings, öeldes, et eelkõige sobis see rafineerijatele, kuna just mootorkütuste varud vähenesid jõudsalt. Rafineeritud toodete varud kokku on nüüdseks allpool 3-aasta keskmist. Jätkuvalt ollakse rafineerijate osas 'Overweight’ soovitusega, kus nendepoolne nägemus parimatest ettevõtetest oleksid sel juhul HOC, FTO ja VLO.