Börsipäev 16. jaanuar - Investeerimine - Foorum - LHV finantsportaal

LHV finantsportaal

Foorum Investeerimine

Börsipäev 16. jaanuar

Kommentaari jätmiseks loo konto või logi sisse

  • Baltic Morning News


    PKN gets 5.1% of Mazeikiu. Yesterday was the last day of PKN Orlen's mandatory tender offer period for Mazeikiu Nafta's shareholders. According to BNS, PKN got 5.06% of Mazeikiu Nafta's shares through the tender offer - i.e. they have a total of 89.4% of Mazeikiu. The remaining 10% is held by Lithuanian government (+0.6% by minor shareholders who decided not to sell through the tender offer). Given that PKN owns more than 99% of Mazeikiu in concert with Lithuanian government, they now have the right to require that all the remaining shareholders sell their shares.

    Tallink (Neutral) December passenger figures. Estonian shipping company Tallink transported 523,103 passengers in Dec/06, up 123.3% yoy. Like-for-like passenger numbers increased 4.6% on Estonia-Finland route and 20.4% on Estonia-Sweden route. The strength on Estonia-Sweden route can largely be attributed to fleet reorganization (Regina Baltica was replaced with larger Romantika). Yesterday, Tallink's share price reached the IPO level for the first time since listing in Dec/05.

    Selver to open a store and a kitchen. The supermarket operator A-Selver, a full subsidiary of Tallinna Kaubamaja, signed a pre-agreement lease contract with a real estate developer for operating a supermarket in a new shopping centre in Mustamäe Rd, Tallinn. The total lease area is 3900 square meters, whereof Selver will use 2100 square meters, and rest will be sublet. The supermarket is scheduled to be opened in spring 2008. Another news about the company was that it concluded a contract regarding a construction of Selver Kitchen in Tallinn, which will have total area of 4200 square meters, and which will be opened in August 2007.

    Russia threatening Estonia with sanctions. According to BBN, lawmakers at the State Duma lower house of the Russian parliament do not rule out sanctions against Estonia. The main issue is still related to the monuments to Soviet soldiers. Konstantin Kosachyov, head of the house committee on international affairs, said that this week the Duma will consider a draft statement in connection with the approval, by the Estonian parliament, of the bill which sanctions the pulldown of monuments to Soviet soldiers. Although this is only a threat at this point, the companies with exposure to this risk are Norma (Neutral) and Baltika (Neutral).

    R&D growth high, base low. According to Eurostat, annual expenditure on R&D grew by 18% in Latvia over the period of 2001 to 2005, steepest in EU. Latvia was followed by Estonia (17%), Cyprus (15%) and Lithuania (11%). In addition to rapid economic development, the high growth should also be attributed to relatively low base. For example, R&D intensity (expenditure as a percentage of GDP) in the EU27 was 1.88% in 2001, while it was just 0.71%, 0.40% and 0.67% in Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania, respectively. In 2005, the figures for EU27, Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania were 1.84%, 0.94%, 0.57% and 0.76%, respectively.

  • PW Eagle Shareholders to Receive $33.50 Per Share in Cash

    Combination of North American Plastic Pipe Manufacturers Expected to
    Offer Complementary Product Offerings and Expanded Geographic Reach

    LIVINGSTON, N.J. and EUGENE, Ore., Jan. 15, 2007 (PRIME NEWSWIRE) -- J-M Manufacturing Company, Inc. and PW Eagle, Inc. (NASDAQ:PWEI - News), manufacturers of plastic pipe, fittings and tubing products, today announced that they have signed a definitive merger agreement under which J-M Manufacturing will acquire all of the outstanding common shares of PW Eagle for $33.50 per share in cash. The transaction represents an implied total equity value of approximately $400 million.

  • täna on põnevust kuhjaga:
    Netflix To Stream Live Movies For Free
  • Ja meie eilne arutelu PWEI teemal sai kiire lõpu ja müügi ajaga seotud 'must auk' täidetud. Kuna positsioon loodeti esialgselt ikkagi aasta lõpus maha müüa, tundub, et saime nüüd jälile ka põhjusele, miks seda ei tehtud. Nimelt ei saadud sobivat hinda ja tegelikult loodeti alguses sellestki pisut enam saada. Ja kuigi kahel viimasel päeval ostnute jaoks on see tore hind, ootas Pirate enamat - viimase kuu-kahe ostud on ju tehtud $34 alt ehk pisut mindi üle pakkumishinna.

    Caxtoni müügid tunduvad nüüd päris mõtekad. Viimased müügitehingud jaanuaris tehti aktsiaga üle $34 ning strateegilise osaluse hoidmiseks osteti odavaid 10-sendilisi jaanuare calle.

    PW Eagle said its largest shareholder, Pirate Capital LLC, has agreed to vote in favor of the transaction. The deal is expected to close during the second quarter of 2007.
  • täna on hea päev NFLX sõpradele
    kuigi turg ei ole veel 100% küps sellisele teenusele ning DVD rentimine ei kao veel pikka aega kuhugi,
    on oluline minu arust see, et skeptikutelt on ära võetud üks olulisemaid vastuargumente
    NFLX on esimene, kes sellise teenusega välja tuli ning on täna oma "pioneeri" staatuse järjekordselt välja teeninud
  • Motive (MOTV) Expands Presence in the Baltics with Estonian Telecom
    TALLINN, Estonia & AUSTIN, Texas--(BUSINESS WIRE)--January 16, 2007--
    Serving a population with one of the highest broadband penetrations
    per-capita, Elion, the largest telecommunications provider in Estonia, has
    aggressive plans to deliver next-generation services to subscribers. To
    accomplish its goals, the company has deployed software from Motive, Inc., a
    leading provider of broadband management software, to ease the rollout and
    ongoing support of new service offerings for Elion's residential and
    business customers.

    Estonia has established itself as a world-class technology leader through
    its commitment to access for its citizens. In 1999, Estonia completed an
    initiative to connect every school in the country to the Internet, and in
    2000, the government passed a proposal to guarantee Internet access to each
    of its citizens. Since then, a consortium of government and private
    companies launched a project which has since trained more than 100,000
    citizens to use the Internet. In this 'highly connected' environment, Elion
    is well positioned to take advantage of next-generation services beyond
    high-speed access.

    Initially, Elion is using Motive's High-Speed Data Solution, branded
    Internet Helper, to provide streamlined and automated installation and
    customer support for its high-speed data services. Deployed in Estonian,
    English and Russian, the Motive technology will help the company reduce
    operational costs by providing seamless installation and self-support
    capabilities for subscribers and sophisticated diagnostic information for
    customer service representatives. Looking ahead, Motive's technology will
    also be used to support Elion's recently launched IPTV service.

    "Elion has always focused on combining a superior customer experience with
    innovative products and solutions," said Ingvar Kupinski, head of private
    customer services for Elion. "After a thorough competitive analysis, we
    selected Motive software to help us gain operational efficiencies in our
    business while improving customer service levels and retention. Going
    forward, Motive's unique built-in management technology will give us a
    critical advantage in delivering next generation services that provide a
    simple and rewarding user-experience."

    Prior to Motive, Elion provided support services through the manual process
    of a telephone help desk, resulting in lengthy calls and potentially
    frustrated customers. With Motive, Elion is able to automate its support
    processes and significantly increase the speed with which service issues are

    "Motive software has helped activate and support millions of broadband
    subscribers worldwide," said Bruno Teuber, vice president of EMEA and APAC
    and worldwide channels for Motive. "This experience, gained through many
    successful deployments of HDM, enables us to help Elion build best practices
    for success in rolling out new broadband offerings that fulfill their goals
    for growth and quality of service."
  • Tänane Insight to Wall Street ehk City Plaza Aimdused:
    Turvatarkvaratootja Symantec (SYMC) andis täna hommikul kasumihoiatuse, tõmmates alla nii Q3 (detsember) kui ka Q4 (märts) prognoose. Eriti just märtsi kvartali numbrid jäävad tugevalt alla analüütikute ootustele. Ettevõte süüdistas oodatud nõrgemates tulemustes oodatust kehvemat situatsiooni andmekeskuste majandamise (data center management). Samas löögi pehmendamiseks räägib ettevõte, et osa puuduolevast käibest on tingitud uutest lepingutest, mida küll Q3 ja Q4 käibesse kirja ei lähe, kuid mida arvestatakse deferred revenuena. Ka numbrid toetavad juhtkonna sõnu, sest deferred revenue prognoose hoopiski tõsteti.
    Kuigi ettevõte ise sellest ei räägi, oli nõrkust näha ka consumer sektoris. Nimelt näitasid juba neljapäeval välja tulnud NPD andmed detsembri jaemüügi kohta nõrkust, põhjustades neljapäeval ja reedel toimunud sell-offi.

    Et sellise hoiatuse peale ka konkurentide aktsiad pihta saavad, pole ilmselt kuigi suur üllatus ja jääb üle vaid kukkumise ulatuse ennustamine. Küll aga on üks teine firma, millel on üsna suur osa (ca 30%) Symanteciga seotud. Mis firma see on ja kas on võimalik siit treid leida? Kas uudisele järgnenud konverentsil võis kuulda midagi, mis räägib veidi otsese negatiivse seose vastu?
  • Symanteci uudis: SELL Digital River (DRIV)
  • Jah, DRIV oli see, millest juttu. Liiga mugavalt ei tasu lühikeste positsioonidega end siiski selles aktsias tunda. SYMC rääkis callil, et consumer on OK ja müügis nihe elektrooniliste kanalite suunas, mis on just positiivne DRIV'ile. Sama lugu ka MFE shortidega, põhiliselt paistab tegemist olevat siiski data center mgmt nõrkusega, millega MFE ei tegele.
  • Ja lähme lahendusest edasi lahenduskäigu juurde;)
    Kuidas keegi leidis selle seose?
  • 2 päringut:
    1) Google: symantec "largest clients" => 1. tulemus ("Symantec will become one of Digital River's largest clients")
    2) Google: symantec "digital river" => 1. tulemus ("It seems the security-software giant's products account for 45% of the sales of online retailer Digital River")
  • Jah. Konkurente on lihtne leida, aga see. Pole aimugi mismoodi sa selle välja õngitsesid?
  • Tuleb välja, et Symanteci downloaditakse Digital riveri kaudu.
    The install count is used by Digital River, which is the company that maintains
    the page for downloading Symantec software.
  • Measuring the Market's Great Expectations

    By Rev Shark
    RealMoney.com Contributor
    1/16/2007 8:08 AM EST
    Click here for more stories by Rev Shark

    "A great obstacle to happiness is to expect too much happiness."

    -- Fontenelle

    Earnings season starts in earnest this week. Intel reports tonight and will be extremely important in setting the overall tone. If it doesn't excite the market the likelihood is that some caution may inch into what has been a very optimistic and buoyant atmosphere. AAPL reports on Wednesday night and it will also have a major effect on the market mood. We also hear from the likes of LRCX, MER, MOT and GE this week.

    Earnings season is primarily a story of expectations. The actual numbers are only important in how they measure up with market expectations. If the market is expecting very good news we'll have some trouble moving up unless we get exceptional news.

    Measuring expectations is not an easy game, and analyst estimates are only one measure of expectations. Because of the propensity of many companies to "manage earnings," the market is often looking for numbers that are higher than the published estimates. Every earnings season we see situations where the numbers that are reported are better than estimates but the stock sells off anyway, and I'm sure we'll see some cases of that again.

    One thing we have to be particularly attuned to is how things have traded prior to a report. If the stock or the market has moved up sharply, it would indicate that many are looking for good news and trying to get in front of it. The more that occurs the higher the expectations will be, and the greater the chances of a sell-the-news reaction once the news hits.

    Last week the indices were struggling until news of the Apple iPhone hit. That really got things running and by the end of the week we had a technical breakout and an extended market. That puts some pressure on Intel and Apple this week to do better than expected and the market is likely to be a bit skittish about that.

    Regardless of what the overall market may do during earnings season, we will have some very good trading opportunities in individual stocks. There are always a few new emerging leaders that produce exceptional reports as well as some with promise that disappoint.

    Ülespoole avanejad:

    SWRG +49% (to be acquired by LNY), TISA +14% (announces deal with Office Depot), MRVC +15% (Cramer bullish on Mad Money), MLS +13% (receives takeover offer), PWEI +11% (to be acquired by JM Mfg), HIHO +9% (expands customer base into US market), YMI +8.5% (positive clinical data), DNDN +7.6% (gets FDA priority review), NFLX +6.6% (co says it will offer online service), HNAB +6.3% (gets orphan status from FDA), SPIR +5.9% (announces contract), FRX +3.7% (reports DecQ, beats by $0.12), AMTD +4% (reports DecQ), SIRI +3.4% (JP Morgan upgrade), ERIC +2.9% (announces contract win), GSK +2%, NOK +1.4% (Goldman upgrade), XMSR +1.2% (JP Morgan upgrade), AAPL +1.1% (positive Amtech comments)... Under $3: VRA+33% (announces publication of study where hen eggs attack cancer), NTII +7% (receives milestone payment).

    Allapoole avanejad:

    INWK -13% (mentioned negatively in Barron's), NWACQ.PK -9.3% (seeks extension for bankruptcy plan), SYMC -7.2% (guides lower), GVGC -6.5%, EPEX -5.9% (announces stock offering), GAV -4.1%, TS -3.6% (profit taking after big move last week), FCX -3.1% (reports Q4), GFI -2.9%, RTP -2.6% (in sympathy with FCX), LMS -2.5% (guides lower), CSCO -1.3% (downgrades from BofA and Pru).
  • nextphase'il õigus (consumer, elektroonilised kanalid), praeguseks on DRIV eelturu miinusest ilusti plussi jõudnud.
  • Tänud. Paistab, et Börsipäeva algused tõotavad tulla viktoriini laadi. Kuid niimoodi jäävad asjad hästi meelde.
    Küsimus nextphase ja teistele. Milline on see kondikava, et tuupida pähe firmade omavahelisi seoseid. Luuletustega on riimid. Füüsikas on valem ja definitsioon omavahel seotud. Kui üks on peas, siis tuleb ka teine.
    Kas võtate mingis sektoris suurema firma ette ja alustate näiteks konkurentidega ja sealt edasi klientidega jne.
  • Nonii DRIV klassikaline näide, et võid seoseid teada, rahateenimist see alati ei garanteeri. Keegi siit DRIV rallit ennustas? Tundub et mitte, kui just Igor Mangi stiilis juttu selleks pidada. Või shortis kella 8.53 paiku keegi 51.50 ja pani kinni...hmm mis see low oligi, 50.91 ?:)))
  • stocker, pigem käib sympathy play selliselt, et võtad alustuseks ÜHE sektori ja tuubid KÕIK firmad pähe.
    Konkurendid, kliendid, tooted ja nende tähtsus kõikide osapoolte jaoks. Siis sead ennast valmis uudisteks, et need ei tuleks üllatusena vaid saaks nende seast kauplemisvõimalused kiiresti välja filtreerida. Kui uudise põhjal hakata sümpaatiaid otsima, on see enamasti kaotatud mäng.
  • Sulgesime Pro all investeerimisidee Greatbatch (GB). Hindame olukorda uuesti peale ettevõtte tulemusi, praegu on aktsia meie arvates suhteliselt õiglasel hinnatasemel.
  • Üldiselt ,ärge eriti LHV lehel turgu kommenteerige kuna kodanik Kalle Mihkels arvas saates "Aeg Luubis", et netis kommenteerijad kusivad öösel püksi:D
    "Need tüüpilised kommentaatorid on sellised pikkade rasvaste juustega poisid, kel pole oma tüdrukut ja kes öösel märgavad voodit."

  • abesiki, võtsid ikkagi peale sellist kommentaari südame rindu ja julgesid kommenteerida? ;D
  • Skype loojad teatasid täna uue interneti TV tasuta teenuse pakkuja turule toomisest:

    Beeta versioon on üleval: www.joost.com

    Kas teade (ajastus) võib olla seotud NFLX-i tänase teatega?

Teemade nimekirja


Et pakkuda sulle parimat kasutajakogemust, kasutame LHV veebilehel küpsiseid. Valides "Nõustun", annad nõusoleku kõikide küpsiste kasutamiseks. Tutvu küpsiste kasutamise põhimõtetega.
