Börsipäev 26. märts - Investeerimine - Foorum - LHV finantsportaal

LHV finantsportaal

Foorum Investeerimine

Börsipäev 26. märts

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  • Briefing.com jätkuvalt turu osas positiivne nii keskmises kui pikemas perspektiivis. Kuigi tunnistab väikese korrektsiooni vajalikkust, et tõus jätkuda saaks.


    Tiffany&Co (TIF) tõestas end taas, teatades päris tublid tulemused nii USA kui rahvusvahelistel turgudel. Siiski marginaalid võrreldes läinud aasta ja kvartaliga olid madalamad. Üldiseltvõib ka prognoose pidada korralikeks, kuid hinnatase peegeldab endas juba suurt osa positiivsust. Tiffany & Co beats reports Q4 (Jan) earnings of $1.07 per share, excluding non-recurring items, $0.02 better than the Reuters Estimates consensus of $1.05; revenues rose 14.9% year/year to $986.4 mln vs the $978.3 mln consensus. Co issues upside guidance for FY08, sees FY08 revs growth of 11-12% which equates to $2.94-2.97 bln vs. $2.91 bln consensus.

    Deutsche Bank downgrades Tesoro (TSO 100.84) to Sell from Hold and maintains their $85 tgt, based on valuation and the rolling crack spread environment.

    Deutsche Bank downgrades Sunoco (SUN 71.16) to Hold from Buy and maintains their $72 tgt, based on valuation

    Bear Stearns downgrades Tesoro Petroleum (TSO 100.84) to Peer Perform from Outperform

    Goldman upgrades Dell (DELL 22.83) to Buy from Neutral based on possible buybacks, and growth steps

    ThinkEquity says they're becoming increasingly concerned about Anadigics (ANAD 4.69) stretched valuation as they have recently heard that ANAD has begun to lose share with its Asian customers. However, their recent WLAN checks give them confidence that ANAD should be able to meet or beat near-term expectations due to better product mix. While they expect a strong 1H performance driven by Broadband sales and product mix, they are lowering their 2H and 2008 outlook due to recent Wireless design losses. 

  • Nafta täna hommikul taas plussis. Pinged seoses Iraaniga on üha enam suurenemas ning Ningeerias on valimised Aprillis, mille eel võib näha korralikku vägivalla lainet.

    Ülespoole avanevad:

    Gapping up on strong earnings/guidance: NVTL (will likely trade up following guidance when it resumes trading at 9:00 ET; no indication yet -- up in sympathy SWIR +4.2%)... M&A: BSTE +51.5% (to be acquired by Beckman for $85/share), TRB +4.8% (Zell's bid for Tribune said to be favored - LA Times)... Other news: ALXA +49.1% (AZ-004 Phase IIa trial meets primary endpoint in treating schizophrenic patients with acute agitation), OSIR +28.5% (announced yesterday positive results in stem cell trial to treat heart disease; up in sympathy on light volume STEM +5.4%, ASTM +4.4%, GERN +3.3%, VIAC +2.1%), IDEV +8.0% (reports that interim review of NEBIDO Phase III data indicates trial is likely to meet primary endpoints), BQI +7.5% (momentum), ISIS +7.1% (announced yesterday new data presented at ACC show ISIS-301012 monotherapy reduces apoB to undetectable levels, reduces LDL-C 70%), GROW +6.6% (announces Friday afternoon that U.S. Global Investors Resources and Gold Funds win 2007 Lipper Fund awards), MEND +6.4%, ALU +5.4% (Verizon Wireless awards ALU an expected $6 bln contract for ongoing network expansion), EPL +4.7% (commences $23/share self-tender offer for 8.7 mln shares), HOKU +4.2% (momentum), DNDN +4.0% (momentum), PDLI +3.5% (upgraded to Overweight at Prudential), BRCD +3.6% (positive comments by Cramer), ABT +3.5% (announces positive six-month results from stent trial; also positive analyst comments).

    Allapoole avanevad:

    Gapping down on weak earnings/guidance: GVHR -6.4%, AGR -3.8% (merger partner LSI -2.6% also down in sympathy)... Other news: PGIC -12.4% (discloses co to report trading irregularities), BEC -8.7% (acquires Biosite for a 53% premium; also downgraded to Mkt Perform at Piper), CVTX -6.7% (downgraded to Sell at Deutsche), HNAB -6.2% (further weakness following Friday's plunge), SNCR -3.7% (downgraded to Accumulate at ThinkEquity), TELN -2.6% (downgraded overseas), BSX -2.6% (Heart stents failed 'Courage' test - WSJ; also downgraded to Mkt Perform at BMO), LEND -2.3% (Morgan Stanley auctioning $2.48 bln of mortgages from NEWC.PK - New York Post), PKX -2.0% (Nippon Steel has "no concrete plans" to raise PKX stake; also PKX says it's plan for developing coal in Heilongjiang, China delayed).
  • Täna lugemiseks ühtteist Cody Willardi sulest. Geopoliitilised pinged on jah tõepoolest taas esile kerkimas. Pole võimatu, et vahepeal kadunud ca $20 riskipreemia naftahinnale on taastumas. $63 peal on kindlasti osa neist pingetest juba ka arvesse võetud.

    Why Geopolitics Matter Again

    By Cody Willard
    RealMoney.com Contributor
    3/26/2007 9:29 AM EDT
    Click here for more stories by Cody Willard

    It's time to move geopolitics back up on the "what matters" list.

    For most of the past year or so, the market mostly looked past the geopolitical headlines, even as Iraq became mired in sectarian civil war (let's call it what it is). Perhaps in the cold but realistic way in which the market discounts reality, the steady, consistent violence in Iraq and much of Africa, such as Darfur, was mostly discounted, if not the aftermath, too.

    But in light of news that Iran has captured and is considering charging British Navy personnel with illegally entering its waters, the potential for world-changing geopolitical developments has escalated. Iran is flush with cash and confidence, and its saber-rattling just became a bit more as the country steps up and challenges Britain and the West with this capture. Israel hasn't been much in the market headlines lately, either, but the pressure on Israel builds with this development, too.

    The market is back to trying to be in outright bull mode, overcoming housing's developing meltdown and the pressure that the lower-income bracket is starting to feel as a result of the contraction of its available capital. As the dislocations in the world's financial markets have ebbed in recent days, some of the reflexive ramifications of that capital contraction rolling to other sectors have also ebbed.
  • Home Sales 848K vs 995K consensus ehk siis päris tublisti alla ootuste. Turule mõjus see päris raskelt eriti peale viimast statistikat, mis näitas natuke teistsugust pilti.
  • LHV Pro investeerimisidee Cryptologic (CRYP) täna hommikul positiivsete uudistega väljas. Kuigi suur mõju käibenumbritele on teiste lepingute ja faktorite teha, on ka tänasest uudisest hea näha, et jätkuvalt soovivad erinevad ettevõtted Cryptologic'uga koostööd teha. Nagu oleme ka varem öelnud - ettevõtte nimi on rääkimas enda eest, mis aitab kliente kinni hoida ja uusi juurde meelitada.

    Co announces the extension of its exclusive licensing agreement with Marvel Entertainment. CryptoLogic will remain the sole, worldwide developer of Marvel-branded Internet casino games through 2010.
  • Tänane nõrk uute elamute müügistatistika on nö. enne lepingute tühistamiseid, mis enamuste avalikult kaubeldavata majadeehitajate puhul on jäänud ca 20% tasemele. New home sales on kalkuleeritud lepingu sõlmimisel, kuid existing home sales koostatakse kui müük on reaalselt toimunud.

    Kokkuvõttes võib veebruarikuine statistika olla nõrgem kui täna paistis. Arvestades, et inventory-to-sales määr on alates 1991. aasta jaanuarist kõrgeim ning tõusnud võrreldes jaanuariga ka praegu, võib lisapakkumine olla päris halvav.

    Kui siia juurde arvestada veel (sub-prime) ”hapuks läinud” võlgade katteks nõuded, mis võivad tekitada samuti lisapakkumist turule, saab kinnisvaraturu situatsioon veelgi halveneda. Lisaks mõjutab see tööhõivet, tarbijakulutusi ning tarbijausaldust.
  • Kui võimalik, siis palun lisada EMU inv.kontol kaubeldavate väärtpaberite hulka.

  • Kellele päikeseenergia ettevõttted võiksid huvi pakkuda, siis Bofa on täna omalt poolt alustamas mitme selle valdkonna ettevõtte katmisega:

    Banc of America initiates coverage of solar stocks; firm initiates SPWR with a Buy and $57 tgt, FSLR with a Buy and $72 tgt, STP with a Neutral and $38 tgt, ENER with a Neutral and $35 tgt and ESLR with a Sell and $8 tgt.

Teemade nimekirja


Et pakkuda sulle parimat kasutajakogemust, kasutame LHV veebilehel küpsiseid. Valides "Nõustun", annad nõusoleku kõikide küpsiste kasutamiseks. Tutvu küpsiste kasutamise põhimõtetega.
