Börsipäev 30. märts
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Kui Aasia turud lõpetasid korralikus miinuses ning ka Euroopa näitav veenvat punast, on USA futuurid juba üle 2% miinuses.
General Motors (GM), mille kohta USA valitsus vihjas, et autotootja saaks kõige tugevamana jätkata, tehes läbi strukturaalse pankroti, on eelturul 17% miinuses. Kell on siiski veel vähe ning spread on eelturul üle 3%. -
Finantssektor on samuti üsna rahutu, C ja BAC vastavalt -9% ja -11%. FAS on -10% ja FAZ +15% (taas mängivad spreadid rolli).
Natuke häiriv video, aga selle eest üsna selge mõttega: Buy garbage!
Välja tuuakse kaks aktsiat, mis kauplevad alla cashi. Heelys (HLYS) on meiegi foorumites laia kõlapinda leidnud ettevõte, mis tegeleb ratastega tossude tootmisega. Aga nagu videos öeldakse teise ettevõtte kohta, et keda see huvitab, kui ettevõttel on $63 miljonit raha, turuväärtus on $40 miljonit ning rahapõletamise kiirus $10 miljonit aastas.
Teiseks ettevõtteks on Linktone (LTON), mis tegeleb mobiiltelefonide meelelahutuse müügiga.
Enne, kui pea ees ostma tormate, võiks need numbrid siiski ise üle vaadata. Ja ka siis veel kolm korda mõelda. Rämps ikkagi.
Ja veelkord väike meeldetuletus, et tänasest on USA turud avatud taas traditsioonilsel kellaajal ehk siis 16.30-23.00.
http://www.theatlantic.com/images/issues/200905/johnson-chart.gif -
Lithuania to cut 2009 GDP forecast to -10.4 pct.
Eesti SKP-prognoos sellel nädalal siis. -
George Soros says Britain may have to seek IMF rescue - Times of London
Times of London reports Britain may have to go to the IMF for a huge financial bailout, the influential investor George Soros warned. He told The Times that Britain was particularly vulnerable to the economic crisis. Mr Soros -- speaking days after an auction of government bonds failed for the first time in 14 years, ringing alarm bells about Britain's ability to fund its growing debts -- said that Gordon Brown might have to go begging for billions of pounds in international aid. He also warned that next week's G20 summit in London was the last chance to avert a full-scale depression that could prove worse than that in the 1930s. "You have a problem that the banking system is bigger than the economy . . . so for Britain to absorb it alone would really pile up the debt," he said. Asked about the chances of Britain having to seek help from the International Monetary Fund, he said that if the banking system continued to collapse, it was "a possibility". At this stage, he added, it was "not a likelihood".
see lõhnab päris halvasti ..ehk SPY short? -
Kui Soros Suurbritannia koha pealt negatiivselt sõna võtab, jääb vist Toweri kell ka seisma. :) Hea, et ma britt ei ole. Ei tea, kui suured siis seekordsed panused on.
See Sorose uudis tuli umbes 10 tundi ehk 15 S&P punkti tagasi
tähtis on ka see, millal suurem osa kodanikke seda loeb. see mis oli weekendil on tihtilugu uus turu alguses.
aga millal Soros positsiooni võttis? vana kavalpea üritab turgu oma kasuks rääkida? :)
aga loomulikult on asjadele parem pihta saada 10 tundi varem kui hiljem
Soros on nagu Indrek Zelinski pool elu apsaidis.
Zelinski upside`s? :) pigem ikka offside`s (=suluseis)
Sorose kohta muidugi ei tea
apsaid = upside = ülaosa -
Saksamaa DAX -3.56%
Prantsusmaa CAC 40 -2.73%
Inglismaa FTSE 100 -2.43%
Hispaania IBEX 35 -2.99%
Venemaa MICEX -4.80%
Poola WIG -3.01%
Aasia turud:
Jaapani Nikkei 225 -4.53%
Hong Kongi Hang Seng -4.70%
Hiina Shanghai A (kodumaine) -0.70%
Hiina Shanghai B (välismaine) +1.24%
Lõuna-Korea Kosdaq -2.19%
Tai Set 50 -2.97%
India Sensex 30 -4.78%
Here Comes the Test
By Rev Shark
RealMoney.com Contributor
3/30/2009 7:31 AM EDT
A government that is big enough to give you all you want is big enough to take it all away.
-- Barry Goldwater
The market was expecting more friendly terms on the government bailout for automakers, and we are seeing selling across the board that suggests maybe not everyone will be saved. As is so often the case, the news comes right at an important technical juncture and provides a catalyst for the charts to work as they seem to indicate they should.
After rising in "V"-shaped fashion for the last couple of weeks, the major indices have now run into significant technical overhead -- the levels we hit back in November through early February. Folks who bought back then are close to even and able to escape without some of the losses they were sitting on just a month ago. That is what overhead is all about.
This battle with overhead is the point where the market health will really be put to a test. Ideally, from a bullish standpoint, we would consolidate the recent gains and maybe pull back a bit to 790 or so on the S&P 500. If the bulls have conviction, we should see underlying buyers who missed out on the recent move and are willing to accumulate on weakness.
The bearish scenario here is that the newly minted bulls see a pullback and start thinking, "Maybe it really was just a bear-market rally" and start selling to protect the gains they may have racked up in the last couple weeks. The plans to buy a pullback after a strong move always sound good in theory but are a lot harder to actually implement. When a stock is going up, no one can argue with the statement that they should have bought it lower, but when it is going down, that bargain price no longer feels nearly as certain, and we start to wonder how far can things drop.
That lack of confidence that seeps in turns a healthy consolidation into a failed rally. In a bear market, with the constant negative news flow, confidence is very fragile and disappointment sets in quickly. When folks have gains, they take them, and others who minimize their losses are just happy to escape.
So the big question this morning is whether the weakness on Friday and the substantial softness this morning is going to attract value hunters or just scare away the folks who were starting to believe that maybe a good rally was likely to continue after a little rest.
All we can do is monitor the action and see if support levels hold. As I've been writing lately, the bulls have not been tested yet. So now they get to show us how confident they really are by showing up and taking advantage of lower prices.
Obviously the market isn't very happy with the proposed auto bailout this morning, which does not rule out bankruptcy and forces the resignation of the CEO of GM (GM). These terms are a lot tougher than expected and raise the specter that management of companies receiving government help may not be treated too kindly. That thinking is affecting banks this morning as well as the automakers and giving us indications of a very rough open.
Oil and gold are down and it is red across the board, but we have had a tendency to bounce back from these gap-down opens, so I'll be looking for at least a minor bounce attempt. However, the more important question is whether we can find some support without rolling over and picking up downward momentum. -
GE alla 10 raha see pole mitte hää märk. Nii et peale kukkumise täna muud küll ei toimu.
Harley tahtis ilmselt öelda nagu vanad eestlased ikka ütlesid "ahvsaitis".
tunnistan viga.
starost ne radost :)) -
junost ne umnost
Homme hommikul GIGM ja LEN tulemustega