Börsipäev 22. juuli
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Pärast üheksa päeva väldanud tõusu võeti Euroopa aktsiaturgudel eile kasumit, mis viis Stoxx 600 indeksi protsendi jagu madalamale. Ka Ühendriikides lõpetasid indeksid punases, sattudes IBMi ja United Technologiesi majandustulemuste tõttu surve alla. Viimase kahe aktsia langused moodustasid 2/3 Dow Jones Indeksi -1,0% kukkumisest. S&P 500 ja Nasdaq lõpetasid väiksemate kriimustustega (-0,4% ja -0,2%).
Standard & Poor’s otsustas tõsta Kreeka krediidireitingu CCC- pealt CCC+ peale ning muuta väljavaade negatiivsest stabiilseks. Reitinguagentuuri sõnul tingis selle valitsuse paranenud likviidsuspositsioon tänu lühiajalisele laenule ning kreeditoride valmisolekule jagada ESMi kaudu täiendavaid ressursse järgmiseks kolmeks aastaks, mistõttu pole riigi maksejõuetus järgmise 6-12 kuu jooksul enam paratamatu. S&P 500 prognoosib tänavu Kreeka majanduse -3% langust.
Tänane makrouudiste valik on mõnevõrra rikkalikum, kui Euroopas jälgitakse Prantsusmaa töötleva tööstuse ettevõtete juulikuu kindlustunde indeksit, Itaalia tööstustoodangut ning jaemüüki ja Inglise keskpanga juuli istungi protokolli, mis avab nõukogu liikmete arutelu majanduse ja intressimäära väljavaate teemadel. Ühendriikides selgub juunikuu olemasolevate majade müük. Kreeka valitsus võtab hääletusele täiendavad reformid, mida läheb vaja selleks, et vajalikke vahendeid kindlustada ning Euroopa Keskpanga nõukogu asub diskuteerima Kreeka pankade likviidsusabi suurendamist.
Euroopa ettevõtetest avaldavad oma majandustulemused ARM Holdings, Danske Bank, EasyJet, Iberdrola, Investment AB, Kesko, Land Securities, Telenor. Ühendriikides raporteerivad teiste seas Abott Labs, AutoNation, Boeing, Coca-Cola, EMC, Thermo Fisher, Whirlpool, American Express, Las Vegas Sands, Qualcomm.
09.45 Prantsusmaa töötleva tööstuse ettevõtete kindlustunde indeks (juuli)
11.00 Itaalia tööstustoodang ja tehaste tellimused (mai)
11.30 Inglise keskpanga juuli istungi protokoll
12.00 Itaalia jaemüük (mai)
12.00 Eurotsooni valitsuste võlakoormad (esimene kvartal)
17.00 USA olemasolevate majade müük (juuni)
S&P 500 indeksi futuur kaupleb hetkel -0,4% punases, Nasdaq on vajunud Apple’i oodatust pehmema iPhone’i müügi ja jooksva kvartali konsensusest nõrgema müügitulu prognoosi tõttu -1,3% punasesse. -
Valik Euroopa ettevõtete tulemusi:
Danske Sees 2015 Net Above DK16B Vs Previous DKK14b Outlook
• 2Q NII DKK5.52b vs est. DKK5.49b
• 2Q writeback of DKK219m
• 2Q net fee income DKK 3.09b vs est. DKK2.93b
• 2Q total income DK11b vs est. DKK10.9b
• 2Q core pretax DK5.87b vs est. DKK5.03b
• 2Q net DKK4.47b vs est. DKK3.8b
• Raises net profit forecast to above DKK16b vs previous outlook for above DKK14b
SSAB 2Q Oper. Profit Ex-Items Misses Est.; Sales In Line
• SSAB 2Q op. profit excluding items affecting comparability SEK301m vs est. SEK526m (range SEK338m-SEK781m).
• 2Q sales SEK15.3b vs est. SEK15.4b
• Saw continued destocking at distributors in North America during quarter, which resulted in heavy pressure on prices
• Says work on achieving synergies from Rautaruukki acquisition is progressing according to plan
• Says Swedish mills’ production difficulties impacted 2Q shipments negatively; sees return to normal deliveries in 3Q
Tieto 2Q Ebit Ex-Items Profit Beats Est.; Outlook Unchanged
• Tieto 2Q operating profit excl. one-off items EU30.1m vs est. EU27.6m.
• 2Q net sales EU364m vs est. EU368m
• 2Q order intake (Total Contract Value) EU340m vs EU398m y/y
• Keeps guidance, sees 2015 Ebit ex-items increasing vs 2014
Telenor 2Q Sales Match, Profit Misses Ests.; Keeps FY Outlook
• Telenor 2Q sales NOK30.2b vs est. NOK30.2b.
• 2Q Ebitda before other income, expenses NOK10.6b vs est. NOK10.8b
• 2Q Ebit NOK6.3b vs est. NOK6.7b
• 2Q net income NOK3.64b vs est. NOK3.89b
• Kees FY guidance, sees organic revenue growth at 5-7%, Ebitda margin of 34-36%
Kesko 2Q Oper. Profit Ex-Items Misses Est.; Sales Slightly Below
• Kesko 2Q oper. profit excluding non-recurring items EU76.4m vs est. EU79.0m (4 ests).
• 2Q net sales EU2.23b vs est. EU2.24b
• Keeps outlook: Sees net sales for next 12 months lower than level of preceding 12 months; oper. profit excl. non-recurring items exceeding level of preceding 12 months
ARM 2Q Sales Miss, Sees ‘Robust Pipeline’ for 2H Licensing
•Says available industry data for 2Q, shipment period for 3Q royalties, points to “small sequential increase” in industry rev.
• Says royalty rev. can grow faster than overall industry due to increasing royalty per chip in mobile devices, share gains beyond mobile
•Sees USD rev. for 2015 in line with mkt expectations
•2Q net sales GBP228.5m vs est. GBP234.8m.
•2Q pretax profit GBP123.9m vs est. GBP124.5m
•2Q adj. EPS 7.28p vs est. 7.3p
•Processor royalty rev. up 3% to $129.5m
•Processor licensing rev. up 31% to $158.9m
•Proposes interim div. of xp vs BDVD est. increase to 3.5p -
Prantsusmaa töötleva tööstuse ettevõtete kindlustunde indeks paranes juulis oodatud ühe punkti asemel kaks punkti 102 punkti peale.
Itaalia tööstustoodangu müügi YoY kasv kiirenes mais -0,2% pealt 2,4% peale, kuid tellimuste -0,5% YoY langus oli selgelt nõrgem kui analüütikute prognoositud +5,5%.
Inglise keskpanga protokoll näitab, et intressimäära 0,5% peale jätmise kasuks hääletasid kõik üheksa nõukogu liiget, kuid mitmed avaldasid seejuures mured inflatsiooni võimaliku kiirenemise pärast, millest tulenevalt võib arvata, et järgnevatel istungitel võib vastuhääletajate arv hakata kasvama.
Kreeka kriisi tõttu suurendasid paljud investorid oma sularaha positsiooni, mis on ajalooliselt andnud nõnda kõrge taseme juures ostusignaali Stocks may be at all-time highs but BAML says they're screaming 'buy!'
Boeing avaldas oodatust paremad numbrid, korrigeerib 2015. EPSi ootust KC-46 lennukiga seotud ühekordse kulu tõttu
Boeing prelim $1.62 vs $1.38 Capital IQ Consensus Estimate; revs $24.54 bln vs $24.27 bln Capital IQ Consensus Estimate
Boeing sees FY15 $7.70-7.90 from $8.20-8.40 vs $7.90 Capital IQ Consensus Estimate; reeaffirms revs $94.5-96.5 bln vs $94.85 bln Capital IQ Consensus Estimate
Coca-Cola raporteeris samuti oodatust paremad numbrid
Coca-Cola prelim $0.63 vs $0.60 Capital IQ Consensus Estimate; revs $12.16 bln vs $12.09 bln Capital IQ Consensus Estimate -
Gapping up
In reaction to strong earnings/guidance: ISRG +12.3%, TMO +7%, CX +4.5%, CHKP +4.4%, WHR +4.4%, HAWK +4.3%, ITW +4.2%, NUAN +4.1%, PKG +3.7%, VASC +2.8%, MANH +2.2%, CMG +2.1%, OC +1.9%, IBKR +1.2%, BABY +1.2%, BABY +1.2%, ACE +1.1%, KO +0.9%, NYLD +0.8%
M&A news: THOR +8.7% (to be acquired by St. Jude Medical (STJ) for $63.50 per share), GNW +2.9% (in negotiations with AXA (AXAHY) after receiving an irrevocable offer to purchase its lifestyle protection insurance business), DTV +0.8% (WSJ reporting FCC expected to approve T / DTV deal)
Other news: BLDP +4.6% (will provide a 1 MW ClearGen fuel cell distributed generation system for Hydrogène de France, to be deployed at an AkzoNobel (AKZOY) sodium chlorate chemical plant), PRKR +3.5% (Parkervision and RFMW sign worldwide distribution agreement for ParkerVision products and services ), STAY +3.5% (appoints Gerardo Lopez as CEO, effective August 24, 2015), ADK +3.1% (discloses entry into separate At Market Issuance Sales Agreements to sell up to 800k shares of its 10.875% Series A Cumulative Redeemable Preferred Stock), GLNG +2% (executed agreements for conversion of the 126,000 m(3) LNG carrier Gandria to a Golar floating liquefaction facility), INFY +1.3% (cont strength)
Analyst comments: XOM +0.5% (added to Conviction Buy List at Goldman)
Gapping down
In reaction to disappointing earnings/guidance: SCL -10%, ANGI -9.6%, ANGI -9.6%, ILMN -9.1%, LLTC -7.5%, EXPO -7.1%, AAPL -6.8%, TUP -6%, ARMH -4.8%, BEAV -4.1%, MSFT -3.6%, YHOO -2.3%, STJ -2.3%, PII -1.9%, EMC -1.5%, ABT -1%
M&A news: T -0.5%
Select metals/mining stocks trading lower: HL -3.6%, MT -3.1%, RIO -2.5%, GOLD -1.8%
Select oil/gas related names showing early weakness: SDRL -2.2%, RDS.A -1.8%, STO -1.5%, CHK -1.5%, TOT -1.4%
Other news: XOMA -68.2% (announces Phase 3 EYEGUARD-B Study did not meet the primary endpoint of time to first acute ocular exacerbation), IDI -18.8% (40%+ decline yesterday on cautious blog comments), ARRY -15.2% (AstraZeneca provides update on Selumetinib in uveal melanoma; did not meet its primary endpoint of progression free survival), VDSI -9.3% ( discloses it recently become aware that certain of its products which were sold by a VASCO European subsidiary to a third-party distributor may have been resold by the distributor to parties in Iran; sales may be in violation of U.S. economic sanctions), NVGN -8.7% (announces the resignation of CEO Dr Graham Kelly), RDUS -8.5% ( discloses that the FDA denied its re-request for breakthrough therapy designation for abaloparatide-SC, including the 18-month top-line results of its ACTIVE trial; announces a registered public offering of up to $250 million of its common stock), SWKS -5.9% (following AAPL results), EXEL -5.8% ( to offer 20 mln shares of its common stock ), CRUS -5.7% (in symp with AAPL), FXCM -5.4% (Board approved a 1-for-10 reverse split), FCSC -2.1% (commenced a public offering of common stock; size and price not disclosed), RGLS -4.9% (still checking), NXPI -4.8% (following AAPL results), BIIB -4.4% (disappointing Phase 1b data for 6 mg dose of aducanumab), AVGO -4.1% (following AAPL results), BHP -3.7% (reports FY15 gold production), STM -3.1% (in symp with AAPL), INVN -2.9% (following AAPL results), FIT -2.7% (cont vol post IPO), TSLA -1.8% (trading lower with the mkt), LLY -1.8% (announces results regarding solanezumab, that indicated the preservation of treatment effect in patients with mild Alzheimer's disease who received the drug early), FCSC -1.7% (commences a public offering of common stock), FB -1.6% (trading lower with the mkt), TWTR -1.2% (trading lower with the mkt), MU -1.1% (in symp with AAPL), DVAX -1% ( announces a public offering of common stock)
Analyst comments: BTU -5.8% (downgraded to Neutral from Overweight at JP Morgan), SD -3.8% (assumed with an Underperform at Credit Suisse), STM -3.1% (downgraded to Neutral at Citigroup), ALV -1.9% (downgraded to Neutral from Buy at BofA/Merrill ), AINV -1.7% (downgraded to Equal Weight from Overweight at Barclays ), CHK -1.5% (downgraded to Neutral from Outperform at Credit Suisse), EBAY -1% (downgraded to Mkt Perform from Outperform at Raymond James)
Briefing.com -
Caterpillari masinate kolme kuu keskmise müügi langus kiirenes juunis -14%ni võrreldes -12%ga mais
USA olemasolevate majade müük kõrgeim alates 2007.a
US Existing Home Sales Jun: 5.49M (est 5.40M; rev prev 5.32M)
Existing Home Sales (MoM) Jun: 3.20% (est 0.90%; rev prev 4.50%)