Baltic Markets - News - LHV financial portal

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News Baltic Markets

Headline Date
RSE: Suspension of automatic order matching in AS "Latvijas Gāze" shares will take place on July 3, 2015 6/19/2015, 4:38 PM
LJL: PC "Lithuanian shipping company " the resoliution of the extraodinary general meeting of shareholders held on 19.06.2015 6/19/2015, 4:34 PM
INR: Notification on transaction concluded by manager of the company 6/19/2015, 4:18 PM
VLP: Notification on transactions concluded by managers 6/19/2015, 4:13 PM
GRZ: Draft decisions for the annual shareholders meeting 6/19/2015, 4:03 PM
ELEK: On changes in the composition of the Management Board of Latvenergo AS 6/19/2015, 3:48 PM
SMA: Notification on convocation of JSC "Saldus mežrūpniecība" Annual General Meeting of shareholders on 20.07.2015. 6/19/2015, 2:54 PM
SKN: Aktsionäride korralise üldkoosoleku otsused 6/19/2015, 2:11 PM
VSE: Changes to the Baltic Fund Center 6/19/2015, 2:08 PM
FIN: Data on INVL Asset Management UAB issued investment funds units as of June 18, 2015 6/19/2015, 1:54 PM
GZE: Latvijas Gāze, JSC: Draft resolutions of the Regular Meeting of Shareholders 6/19/2015, 1:34 PM
VSE: Primary placement auction of Lithuanian Government securities 6/19/2015, 10:23 AM
RSE: Listing of government debt securities on Nasdaq Baltic Bond list 6/19/2015, 10:18 AM
RSE: Transactions reported by AS "Baltic Telekom" insider 6/19/2015, 10:11 AM
VNF: Companies of the Ventspils nafta Group have improved their performance in the Sustainability Index 6/19/2015, 9:31 AM
TKM: Tallinna Kaubamaja Grupp ASi tütarettevõtete juhatuse ja nõukogu volituste pikendamine 6/19/2015, 9:30 AM
OAM: Data on OMX Baltic Benchmark Fund issued shares as of June 18, 2015 6/19/2015, 8:54 AM
BRV: JSC "Brivais vilnis" decisions of the regular shareholders` meeting 18.06.2015 6/18/2015, 4:01 PM
DKR: Draft decisions of the extraordinary General meeting of the Shareholders of Dvarčionių keramika AB on 10th of July ,2015 6/18/2015, 3:06 PM
DKR: The Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders 6/18/2015, 3:00 PM


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