Baltic Markets - News - LHV financial portal

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News Baltic Markets

Headline Date
OAM: Data on OMX Baltic Benchmark Fund issued shares as of December 19, 2013 12/20/2013, 9:09 AM
PRF: PRF: Rootsi Põllumajandusameti ettemaks 12/20/2013, 9:00 AM
VLB: Regarding registration of issues of non-equities 12/20/2013, 8:43 AM
VLB: Regarding registration of issues of non-equities 12/20/2013, 8:43 AM
OLF: "Olainfarm" Plans Its 2013 Profit to be at 8.8 Million Lats 12/19/2013, 5:25 PM
SNG: Convocation of the extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders 12/19/2013, 4:48 PM
LOK: JSC "Daugavpils Lokomotīvju Remonta Rūpnīca" Announcement 12/19/2013, 4:43 PM
LJM: Latvijas Juras medicinas centrs JSC: Data of publication of financial reports in the year 2014 12/19/2013, 4:13 PM
PRF: PRF: Muudatused AS-i Premia Foods Rootsi tütarühingu juhatuses 12/19/2013, 4:00 PM
PRF: Muudatused AS-i Premia Foods Rootsi tütarühingu juhatuses 12/19/2013, 4:00 PM
MRK: Investorkalender 2014 12/19/2013, 2:48 PM
FIN: Data on Finasta Asset Management UAB issued investment funds units as of December 18, 2013 12/19/2013, 12:55 PM
GRD: The Financial Calendar of JSC "Grindeks" for the year of 2014 12/19/2013, 12:00 PM
PRX: AS Reverta Financial Calendar for 2014 12/19/2013, 11:55 AM
KCM: Information on financial calendar for 2014 12/19/2013, 10:45 AM
BRV: JSC Brivais Vilnis expected results Y2013 12/19/2013, 9:56 AM
LGD: Regarding the decision of the Director of the Supervision Service of The Bank of Lithuania 12/19/2013, 9:46 AM
OAM: Data on OMX Baltic Benchmark Fund issued shares as of December 18, 2013 12/19/2013, 9:05 AM
BTE: Information about approaching of the "Telekom Baltija" ("Triatel") by one of the major telecommunications group for possible acquisition talks 12/19/2013, 8:46 AM
APG: Notification on Apranga APB manager's related party transaction 12/18/2013, 5:30 PM


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