Baltic Markets - News - LHV financial portal

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News Baltic Markets

Headline Date
IVL: Notification on transaction concluded by manager of the company 6/28/2011, 4:06 PM
AS Merko Ehitus aktsionäride üldkoosoleku otsused 6/28/2011, 4:00 PM
MRK: AS Merko Ehitus aktsionäride üldkoosoleku otsused 6/28/2011, 4:00 PM
Decisions adopted in Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders of LESTO AB 6/28/2011, 2:40 PM
LES: Decisions adopted in Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders of LESTO AB 6/28/2011, 2:40 PM
Regarding execution of the loan agreement 6/28/2011, 10:49 AM
AGP: Regarding execution of the loan agreement 6/28/2011, 10:49 AM
AB "ANYKSCIU VYNAS" has sold UAB "VILKMERGES ALUS" shares 6/28/2011, 10:09 AM
ANK: AB "ANYKSCIU VYNAS" has sold UAB "VILKMERGES ALUS" shares 6/28/2011, 10:09 AM
OAM: Data on OMX Baltic Benchmark Fund issued shares as of June 27, 2011 6/28/2011, 9:45 AM
Nõukogu koosoleku otsus aktsiaemissiooni kohta 6/27/2011, 8:25 PM
BLT: Nõukogu koosoleku otsus aktsiaemissiooni kohta 6/27/2011, 8:25 PM
Aktsiate avaliku pakkumise tühistamise teade 6/27/2011, 8:17 PM
BLT: Aktsiate avaliku pakkumise tühistamise teade 6/27/2011, 8:17 PM
ZOV: Darft resolutions for Annual General Meeting of shareholders on 08th of July, 2011 6/27/2011, 5:56 PM
TeliaSonera AB notification on the acquisition of voting rights 6/27/2011, 5:30 PM
TEO: TeliaSonera AB notification on the acquisition of voting rights 6/27/2011, 5:30 PM
ABL: On Amendments in fund prospectuses and fund regulations of open-ended investment funds under the management of ABLV Asset Management, IPAS 6/27/2011, 5:28 PM
Acquisition of voting rights 6/27/2011, 5:11 PM
KBL: Acquisition of voting rights 6/27/2011, 5:11 PM


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